He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1189 Ash vs. Local Ash! (Down)

"Damn it, are you underestimating me... It's up to you, Great Wang Yan!!"

The locals only thought that Xiaozhi was letting water out, and the fighting spirit became high again.

The king Yan with beautiful feathers spreads its wings and rises up, its red face looks very mighty.

And Xiaozhi's actions also made everyone's eyes hot.

The second one, what is it? !

That Dragon Pillar can't hit...so it's a new Legendary Pokémon? !

Or the four king carps? !

Everyone can't wait to strip the body of this trainer named Dakdo and see everything about the latter.

"It's up to you...!"

Xiaozhi didn't play tricks and threw the elf ball high.


There was a melodious and melodious cry, but it was a red and white flying dragon flying high into the sky, hovering over everyone.

The streamlined body is like a small jet.

With a slender neck and a small head like a human girl, she looks extremely cute.

The height of each floor of the battle tower is more than ten meters high, barely able to achieve indoor air combat.

"Here it is, it's Latias!"

"It's really another legendary Pokémon, again!!"

"Latias is so cute...!!"

Latias' appearance, although at the same height as Wang Yan, instantly ignited the entire arena and took away everyone's attention.

As soon as he made a move, they were all legendary Pokémon. Who is this person? !

Except that the Pikachu on the shoulder is a bit lower...but the special form of gray and white is barely considered rare.

Isn't this guy full of legendary Pokémon? !

"Dick! King Yan vs. Latias, the battle begins!"

But the robot referee didn't understand these things. This time, it finally recognized the fighting elf, and issued a battle notification sound.

This also caused the two aerial birds and beasts to start chasing at high speed, hovering in various positions above the battle tower room.

"Da Wangyan, use your wings to flap!!"

But obviously, Da Wang Yan is more aggressive.

The wings were dyed with white light, approached the target again, waved and slapped!

And Ladias kept dodging.

buzz boom...!!

The roaring engine air waves gushing out during flight made it fly extremely fast, and Da Wang Yan couldn't catch up with the target for a while.

"In that case, use Yan Fan!!"

The local Xiaozhi quickly changed his mind


Da Wang Yan swirled in the air, and his speed suddenly doubled.

All the white light on the wings was also transferred to the bird's beak, turning into a sharp beak and rushing away!

"In this case, Latias, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi simply chose to attack from the front.

Latias nodded in understanding, turned around to stop his body, opened the dragon's mouth, and a beam of colorful energy beams shot out from the mouth! !

King Yan didn't back down, and used all his strength to cast Yan Fan, and resolutely charged into the wave of the dragon!

However, it clearly underestimated the strength of the opponent.

The terrible impact of the dragon's wave first tore apart Yan's return trick, and the terrible dragon energy exploded on King Yan's body! !

Boom boom boom! !

In midair, a huge explosion erupted.

In the next second, Da Wang Yan's body also fell vertically from the black smoke, unable to fight on the spot.

"Big Wang Yan!?"

The local Xiaozhi's eyes tightened, but he didn't expect it to be another straightforward battle.

"Although my Latias doesn't like to fight...but she carries a drop of heart, and the power of her moves is not something Yan Fan can resist."

Xiaozhi just reminded him heavily.


As for Ladias, after circling in the air for a week, he landed next to Xiaozhi again, rubbing his head affectionately against the latter's cheek.


"Tsk, I only have the last one left!"

On the other side, the expression of Xiaozhi, a local, kept changing, and in the end there was only an expression of putting all his eggs in one basket.

"Please Pikachu, you must defeat it!!"


This Pikachu had a firm gaze, and immediately jumped onto the field, the electric bag bursting with electricity.

It's not like Xiaozhi's Pikachu. Once encountering a strong enemy that is difficult to contend with, the first reaction is to avoid the battle...

It is must fight!

No matter how strong the opponent is, the local Pikachu will not be timid.

"How to say Pikachu, will you feel ashamed?"

This appearance also made Xiaozhi look at the lazy Pikachu on his shoulder.

Is there a possibility... His Pikachu, Zeng Jin also looks like the opposite?


However, Pikachu is completely dead pig lying there without fear of boiling water, not wanting to move.

It was paralyzed by the black crack, and its body needed a month of recovery.

But it may take another year of mental recovery...

Xiaozhi: "..."

The last battle has officially begun!


"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

When it comes up, it is still the most famous hundred thousand volts, and the strong current turns into a curved electric snake and shoots out.

"Dragon Wave!"

However, the wave of the dragon sprayed out by Latias, under the addition of the water droplets of the heart, directly pushes back one hundred thousand volts, attacking the source.

This made Pikachu dodge hastily, looking at the location where the trick exploded behind him with lingering fear.

Whoosh! !

However, the dragon wave of the second method has already shot again!

"In that case, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu jumped up, turned his body, and the steel tail slammed in the direction of the incoming dragon's wave.


Just after a stalemate for a while, Pikachu wailed, the steel tail was broken, and the whole body was sent flying by the wave of the dragon.

"Damn it, isn't Iron Tail okay?!"

The local Xiaozhi's face was extremely serious, as if this was the final final of life and death... He had completely forgotten that he was at an absolute disadvantage.

At least, kill one!


Seeing Latias circling back and forth in the air, the local Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Pikachu, ride on its body!"

The next moment, when Ladias passed over Pikachu, Pikachu on the ground suddenly disappeared.

The sharp-eyed audience has already seen Pikachu lying on Latias' back.


This made Latias' expression anxious, and he kept twisting his body in mid-air, trying to throw Pikachu out.

"Now, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi, a local, waved his thumb, and the zero-distance position, this is the perfect time to attack!

"Pika, Chu!!"

Pikachu also gritted his teeth, and a strong electric current burst out from his body, hitting Latias completely.


In the lightning, Latias curled up in pain, let out a whine, and was paralyzed.

"Pikachu, continue to use one hundred thousand volts!!"

"Latias, use the light wall!!"

One hundred thousand volts burst out again, and Ladias also opened the light wall in advance.


This time, one hundred thousand volts exploded on Latias again, but the pain was reduced a lot.

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