He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1244 We Are Champions Again!

In the smoke and dust, it took a long time for the collision pressure of the moves to gradually dissipate.

This made the audience seem to have spent a long time, sweating profusely from being oppressed by these two forces.

Outrageous, watching a game now, why do you still want to go to the sauna? !

As the smoke dissipates.


Emperor Yan still stood tall on a high rock platform, his majestic eyes stared straight ahead, standing still.

But on the tan body, there are already some scars.

the other side.


The giant swamp monster had completely fallen to the ground, lost all consciousness, and its body was covered with scorched black marks visible to the naked eye.

"Just now, what happened...?!"

Yuki behind him was full of surprise, his eyes widened.

Immediately, a strong sense of weakness greeted his heart, making him slump directly to the ground.

It's just that he and the giant marsh monster seemed to have entered a terrible state just now.

Although Yuki didn't know what it was...but he could feel that state.

In comparison, the complete defeat was forgotten by Yuki for a while.

"That is the ultimate state, and it is the power that can only be displayed after the Pokémon's power reaches the extreme."

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

"Extreme state?"

Yushu recited this word silently, was stunned for a while, and then raised his head again.

"So you have also stepped into this realm?"

However, Xiaozhi just shook his head.

According to Brother Chi, if the trainers want to be forced to divide the ranks, then after reaching the high point, they can temporarily use the position of the alliance king as the division.

League king, league champion...

At this time, the weaker champions have already touched the threshold of the ultimate realm, and even if there is nothing, they uncontrollably display this power.

For example, Mikri not far away... because Mikri is too obsessed with the pursuit of gorgeous moves in battle.

When abusing food, nature is the most perfect, combining power and beauty perfectly.

But once you meet a master of the same level...

Gorgeous moves will naturally become his fatal weakness.

The stronger champions have already been able to use this power smoothly and freely.

For example, Champion Du in his hometown is like this.

This is also the level of red and green in the game world, the apex ceiling of everything they think.

As for now...Xiaozhi doesn't know where the two bosses are ranked, but they must still be at the top anyway.

According to Brother Chi, he himself is now in the ranks of "weaker champions". He can barely display the ultimate state, but he is extremely unstable.

"In this world, is there such an incredible thing...?"

Yushu had already stood up slowly, his face full of surprise.

Immediately his face became hot and excited.

He just entered this state by coincidence, let alone a "weaker champion", and now Yuki may not even be able to defeat a king head-on.

But he has only just set off on a trip, and everything is still in the future!

"This time I lost..."

In the end, Yushu retracted the giant marsh monster and lowered his head slightly towards Xiaozhi.

Then he stretched out a fist and looked at Xiaozhi with fiery eyes.

"But next time, I will definitely beat you... Xiaozhi from New Town!!"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth raised, and he also stretched out his fist towards Yushu.

"That's right...then next time, I'll pull you further away!!"

In the next battle, he will show Yuki his ultimate power! !


"The giant marsh monster has lost its ability to fight...Since contestant Yuki's six Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, the winner of this Caiyou Tournament is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!!!"

This time, it was not the referee who read the verdict, but Damaranche.

He touched the high platform and directly pulled the microphone and shouted loudly.

"What an amazing young man..."

Damaranch is also a senior trainer in his sixties and seventies. He has never seen anyone in his life, but he has never seen a trainer like Xiaozhi.

Compared with the time at the Silver Conference, the strength is much stronger.

It's just a pity that I didn't see the dark and mutated ancient god Rogia...

boom! !

boom! !

In the sky, countless salutes were immediately raised, which exploded and scattered into gorgeous fireworks, covering the sky.

It stirred up countless pieces of golden fireworks and scattered them with the wind.

For a moment, it seemed that the entire Caiyou Conference venue was covered with golden rain.


Even though he has already won the championship once, Xiaozhi's heart is still beating wildly in the face of countless fireworks and the cheers of the audience.

This frenzied excitement and blood pressure can only be felt by the trainers who are really standing here!

"Pikachu, Caiyou Conference, we won it!!"


Although Pikachu basically didn't make a lot of moves in this meeting, he still jumped up happily and clapped passionately with Xiaozhi.

Anyway, it did a great job!

"That's amazing, Xiaozhi from New Town..."

Masamune, who was defeated in the round of 16 and was still unconvinced, now looked as if he saw some monster.

It turns out that I didn't feel wronged at all when I lost...! !

"Xiaozhi, congratulations...!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi's opponent in the quarter-finals, Man Chong, stared at Xiaozhi below with moist eyes.

Sensitive, he is sincerely happy for Xiaozhi at this moment.

"Xiaozhi...hehe, we really are not opponents."

Standing at the end of the stand, Tetsuya, who was dressed as an elite trainer, also turned his head and looked at his own booted Miaomiao with wry smiles.

Still a long way to go...


As for Xiaozhi's relatives and friends.

"Is Xiaozhi already so strong!?"

Dr. Oki's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Now, if he went down by himself, he would probably be screwed up and hammered by Xiao Zhi.

Originally, he was thinking about showing off in front of Xiaozhi and his grandson Xiaomao one day, and looking forward to the shocked and admiring eyes of the younger generation.

"Forget it, from now on I'll just be an old researcher without any force..."

Dr. Oki smiled awkwardly, just got up and applauded.

"As expected of my son~!"

Hanako next to her just smiled and said.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he was still proud of Xiaozhi in his heart.

In the final finals, Hanako and Dr. Oki came to the scene to cheer, but they didn't expect to see big ones as soon as they came up.

"As expected of Brother Xiaozhi, he is so powerful!! I can't bear it, I really want to start my journey quickly!!"

After watching the whole game, Xiangta only felt his blood boiling, and he also wanted to fight in person.

As Xiaogang and Xiaolan who accompanied Xiaozhi on the journey all the way, although they smiled plainly, after all, the ending has been expected for a long time...

But in their hearts, it was still hard to hide the strong sense of pride, as if they had won the battle themselves.

"This time, we are the champions again!"

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