He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1245 Supervisor

that night.

A certain restaurant in Caiyou Town was reserved by Xiaozhi and his party.

Of course, he didn't have much money, but as the winner of the alliance meeting, the official gave a free celebration banquet, with all kinds of chefs, servers and gourmet food.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's relatives and friends are enjoying the happy moment after the battle.

Xiaozhi even invited opponents who had fought before, including Xiaoyao's family, and Mr. Qianli and his party also attended the banquet.

"Xiaozhi, I won't lose to you next time."

"Xiaozhi, I won't lose to you next time."

As a result, every opponent who clinked glasses with Xiaozhi repeated one sentence, which made Xiaozhi feel numb to the challenge.

At this moment, a small old man with a white beard came in.

He looks old, but his expression is very ruddy and complexioned, and he even wears his hat backwards on his head in a trendy fashion.

It was the chairman of the Alliance Assembly, Damaranci.

After chatting with Dr. Oki and reminiscing about the old days, Damaranci pulled Xiaozhi aside and started whispering.


"Xiaozhi, you plan to challenge Mikri this time, right...?"

When he came up, he asked straight to the point.

Xiaozhi nodded quickly, his eyes brightened.

During the day, he was still puzzled, but according to his experience at the Silver Conference, when he won, he challenged the Heavenly King Lihua on the spot.

As a result, this Caiyou conference ended immediately after it was over, and there was no chance for him to challenge at all.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged... You challenged Mikri before he told me."

Damaranche said with a smile, even he had already prepared the publicity in advance.

He also believed that Xiaozhi could win the competition without suspense.

"But you are challenging for the league champion this time... Since you are not the king of heaven, even if you win, you will not be able to replace him."

Damaranche felt that it was necessary to explain the rules first, lest Xiaozhi misunderstood.

"So this battle can only be an exhibition match... Even if you win, you won't be able to become a champion trainer."

There is the title of "Heavenly King Trainer", but not the title of "Champion Trainer".

After all, most people fight step by step, how can anyone jump over the king like Xiaozhi and challenge the champion directly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can fight against Mr. Mikri!!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said.

Anyway, it's all a false name, even if it can really make him a league champion... He still doesn't want to stay in one place all the time.

"As long as you can understand..."

Ramaranch said with a smile:

"Then this battle will be at 9 o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow. As for the number of elves to fight, we will choose four out of six singles as a rule... What do you think?"

"Choose four out of six?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, it seemed that the early stage of the Caiyou Conference was the rule of this game.

Six vs. six seems to be a bit long, and choosing four from six will neither seem simple, nor too cumbersome...

"Okay, then choose four out of six!"

Xiaozhi readily agreed.

Mikri is all water-type Pokémon, and now he needs to think about his lineup.

Since the opponent is the champion, he will naturally not be polite, and the electric attribute Dian Shenzhu and Pikachu are both going to play...


"And one more thing."

At this moment, Damaranci suddenly spoke, interrupting Xiaozhi's inner thinking.

"I don't know where you are going after your trip to the Yoshien area this time."


Xiaozhi looked at Damaranche in a daze, not knowing why the latter suddenly asked this.

But Damaranche can be regarded as his elder, Xiaozhi quickly answered truthfully:

"Next, I should go to fight against the frontier area..."

As I said before, I want to challenge Mr. Kojiro there.

"Are you fighting the frontier area? It's a good place...but you can go there in at most 2 months, so where do you plan to go next?"

Damaranche asked with a somewhat expectant look.

"Next? Uh... I haven't decided where to go next."

Xiaozhi shook his head, his script currently only covers the battle frontier.

The next step may be to find a new area and start a new adventure.

"Then, do you want to continue to challenge gyms and collect badges...?"

Damaranch asked again.

This question made Xiaozhi tangled up.

According to his current strength, it is somewhat meaningless to collect badges, challenge gyms, and participate in alliance conferences.

After all, in this Caiyou Conference, the only one who could make him react a little bit was Yushu, and the other contestants really didn't have any difficulty.

But he is still very keen on the chance to challenge the king and the champion at the end of the league conference.


"It would be great if you could skip the foreplay and directly challenge the strongest standing at the top, right?"

Xiaozhi was thinking about it, but suddenly Damaranche read it all out in front of him, which shocked him.

Indeed, if there is such a way, it is the most perfect!

Seeing that Guan Zi was almost sold out, Damaranci said in a deep voice:

"Then let me give you a suggestion, go to the Sinnoh area next."

"The Sinnoh area?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, he seemed to have heard of this area before...but he didn't know much.

Before he could ask, Damaranch had already asked first:

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you know that there is a position called "Inspector" in the Pokémon League?"

"The Ombudsman?"

It seemed to be the first time he had heard the word.

"Yes, the Alliance Inspector, who specializes in monitoring whether the operating mechanism of each gym meets the standards specified by the Pokémon Alliance, as well as whether the challenge content of the gym owner and personal attitude meet the standards."

Damaranche explained, Xiaozhi understood now.

Because Xiao Gang was complaining to him a while ago.

It is said that a Miss Joy came to the Nibi Gym at home to challenge... It turned out to be the Pokémon Inspector who checked whether the Gym was qualified.

Generally, this kind of people will travel in casual clothes, will not reveal their identity, and strive to see the most authentic appearance of the gymnasium.

That day, Xiao Gang's father, Wu Neng, happened to be on a long trip, and the gymnasium was guarded by his eldest brother, who almost capsized in the gutter.

Fortunately, his younger brother was also upbeat and abruptly protected the gymnasium from Miss Joy.

"So what does this have to do with me?"

Xiaozhi asked ignorantly.

"Naturally it's related..."

Damaranch stared straight at Xiaozhi with a fixed gaze, and finally asked in a deep voice:

"Little Zhi, I don't know if you are willing to become a special inspector after three months, go to the Sinnoh area, and check whether the gymnasium there is still eligible to continue to open...?"

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