He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1269 Charizard vs Frozen Bird! (Down)

"It's really a mind-opening... The combination of water wave and freeze-drying is so smooth!"

Yashida took pictures of the battle tightly, not forgetting to boast in her mouth.

The secret of the freeze-drying technique lies in the word "quick freezing".

The body of Pokémon already contains a large amount of h2o, and freeze-drying achieves the effect of damage by suddenly cooling the liquid in the target body.

For water-type Pokémon with extremely high water content in the body, it can even cause outstanding effects.

At this moment, there is the water flow of the water wave to assist...

Even if the target is a fire-breathing dragon, it still hits a damage that is comparable to the effect!

It seems that Dala and this Frozen Bird are not simply friends. They probably often cooperated in battles in private. Today, when they fought together, they cooperated very smoothly and tacitly.

"Charizard, use Flame Charge!!"

However, Xiaozhi completely ignored being frozen into a big ice sculpture, and still attacked from the front.


In the ice sculpture, the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon instantly ignited fiery flames, completely melting the surrounding solid ice.


The roar came out, the fire-breathing dragon shook its wings, and its whole body turned into a huge blue fireball and rushed out! !

Flashing Flame Charge's tyrannical posture made Frozen Bird stunned for a while, and the face of God was a little horrified.

"Don't panic...Frozen bird, use white mist!!"

Lada's voice made Frozen Bird come to his senses, and in response to the attack, he spit out a cloud of dense white mist, covering the fire-breathing dragon in the state of flashing charge.

After completely disrupting the latter's field of vision, Frozen Bird managed to avoid this move.


Just passing by, still makes Frozen Bird feel lingering fear.

If this kind of move is hit once, it will be a big disability if you don't die...

"Charizard, Hot Wind!!"

The Flame Charge missed, the fire-breathing dragon immediately dissipated the flames around it, and its wings swung forward.

Hurrah! !

The scalding hot wind roared out, covering and blowing in all directions, directly blowing away the white mist in front of him completely.

Even under the heat wave, even the frozen bird behind made a whine, and could only raise its wings to resist the scalding hot wind.

"Use the wave of water against the sky!!"

Darla commanded again.

I saw Frozen Bird raised its head and fired a blue water bomb into the air.


The wave of water rose to the commanding heights, and it actually burst open in the air, turning into many drops of water and falling down.

It looks like a dragon meteor, but it has no power.


It's just that the scattered water droplets also cooled the surrounding high-temperature steam, and even touched the scorching wind and waves, and then turned into thick white steam rising up, completely covering the field of vision.


"As expected of a mind-opening, really strong..."

After this fight, even Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at the person in front of him with admiration.

What Dacia said was right, let alone the appearance of the beast, Dala's command alone seemed very clever.

Among the many gym owners, Dala can definitely be regarded as the top grade.

At this moment, coupled with the powerful Frozen Bird... This battle seems to have surpassed the battle of the Alliance King.

"Well, although I can defeat you without this..."

Looking at the mist and steam in the sky, Xiaozhi suddenly raised his palm, tapped his finger on a bead in the center, and then shouted loudly:

"Mega evolve, Charizard!!"

It's rare to fight side by side with a fire-breathing dragon. How can there be no reason not to use mega evolution? !

In the dense fog, with the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, the whole body instantly burst out with colorful lights.

Connected with the light of Xiaozhi's key stone bracelet, and then surrounded by a cocoon-shaped energy light film...


Another burst of dragon roar exploded, and the energy storm stirred up blew away the surrounding mist, and the fire-breathing dragon broke through the energy shell and appeared in front of everyone with a brand new attitude!

The body color is not much different, but the whole body becomes more slender.

The wings became wider, and two pairs of small fleshy wings extended from the back of the dragon's claw.

The tail became more slender, and there were even a few spikes near the end.

Even the pair of dragon horns on the head, at the moment, a more slender dragon horn protrudes from the middle, which looks extremely majestic.

mega Charizard Y!

Compared with the Charizard X who is good at melee combat, the Charizard that has evolved into a Y form at this moment is better at long-range moves.

call out...!

The moment the mega evolution was completed, a huge sun appeared in the sky.


After mega evolution, the characteristics of the charizard have also changed, which are the same characteristics as the coal turtle and the coal turtle.


The scorching sun shone down, instantly evaporating all the moisture in the air of the battle factory, making the air in the arena dry.

"Is this the mega evolution? It's incredible..."

Yashida quickly took a close-up shot of Charizard Y with a surprised expression.

This video was broadcast, one side is the legendary Pokémon, and the other side is the powerful mega evolution... It is estimated that the popularity will be full immediately!

But even the normal state can beat the Frozen Bird, so what about the mega evolution at this moment?

Facing the fire-breathing dragon that has transformed into a new posture, flying in the air, it seems that it has really become a scorching sun, making it difficult to resist... This makes Dara and Frozen Bird feel like enemies.

"Charizard, let them see your current power... use hot air!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, this time he took the initiative to attack.

The battle took a second look, and I saw the mega fire-breathing dragon Y flapping its wings, and the underside of the wings looked dilapidated and incomplete, looking very elegant.

Sasha! !

A churning heat wave roared out immediately, blowing across the audience, making the battle factory as scorching hot as an oven.

"Frozen Bird, use Blizzard to block it!!"

Dara hastily commanded.

Immediately, the Frozen Bird also blew countless icy storms in an attempt to offset the heat wave.


Just as the two storms with diametrically opposite attributes came into contact, the hot wind completely melted and devoured the blizzard, blowing out with endless force.

Boom Boom...!!

In the end, it hit Frozen Bird head-on, and the hot wind and waves turned into flame shock waves, directly knocking Frozen Bird out, and bombarded heavily on the steel wall at the edge.

The effect is outstanding!

"What a terrible power..."

With this blow, Dara couldn't help but take a step back.

The falling Frozen Bird barely flapped its wings at the last moment, and this time it flew up again before falling to the ground.

Mega Charizard Y has greatly improved the power of long-range special moves, plus the surrounding sunny weather, the bonus effect on flame moves...

The double effects are superimposed, making the hot wind power of the fire-breathing dragon Y extremely terrifying at this moment!

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