He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1270 Charizard vs Frozen Bird! (end)

"Frozen Bird, use White Mist!!"

Frozen Bird also wanted to spray a cloud of white mist to confuse vision and cover the attack.


Only this time, the white mist just sprayed out couldn't maintain a thick form at all, and it dispersed and disappeared after a while.

The essence of the white mist is a cloud of ice mist and water vapor, and it is hanging there on a sunny day above. Under the scorching sun, it is difficult to play an effective role at all.

"Charizard, use jet flames!!"

Xiaozhi on the other side attacked again.

At this moment, he has evolved into the Y form of the fire-breathing dragon, but he did not continue to use any physical moves such as dragon claws or flashing flames, and completely let the fire-breathing dragon display its strengths.

Boom chi chi! !

I saw the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, and a golden-white flame spewed out immediately, like the scorching sun exhaling, it was pure high-temperature scorching heat.


Frozen Bird didn't even dare to touch the flames sprayed with such momentum.

Whether it is its freezing light or the fluctuation of water, it will melt and evaporate instantly under this move.


Frozen Bird immediately flapped its wings to avoid the flame move.

Although the situation is critical...but the dodging movements of Frozen Bird are still extremely gorgeous, which makes people obsessed.

In the gorgeous competition, the points of the fire-breathing dragon may be deducted.

However, Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon are also old comrades who have fought side by side many times. Facing such a nimble opponent, they have a countermeasure in an instant.

"Charizard, use the flame vortex next!!"

I saw the fire-breathing dragon that was still spouting flames, and the mouth of the dragon opened a little bit wider.

The color of the flame has not changed, but the trajectory in midair has changed into a spiral.

Frozen Bird naturally continued to dodge, this dangerous flame, even if it was brushed to the side, would be an absolute serious injury.

Boom chi chi! !

It's just that as the fire-breathing dragon continues to increase its flame vortex...


"How can it be?!"

When Frozen Bird and Dara came back to their senses, they found that Frozen Bird's body had been completely sealed by swirling flames.

Circles of flames intertwined and intertwined together, forming a huge flame tornado, binding the body of Frozen Bird in the middle.


With a low growl from Y, the circles of flame vortices are completely connected and bonded together, airtight, turning into a completely closed flame tornado, completely sealing the freezing bird's way out .

"Frozen bird, use the wave of water!!"

Lada quickly commanded, with an anxious expression on his face.

With the addition of mega evolution, the fire-breathing dragon's ability to control its own flames seems to have risen to a higher level.

Before he knew it, he controlled the flames like the "Thunder and Lightning Cage" of the Electric God Pillar.

The Frozen Bird immediately condensed a water bomb and threw it towards the flame tornado in front of it.


It's just that the wave of water just broke through a vacuum gap of one and a half meters, the water flow has been completely evaporated, and the flames have also been closed again, making it airtight.

In a sunny day, the water attribute moves are greatly reduced... At this moment, the Frozen Bird simply cannot open a large enough escape hole.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi raised his finger and roared loudly:

"Then let's settle the battle once and for all...Charizard, use overheating!!"

The fire-breathing dragon nodded and flew in the sky. Its orange-red body began to turn red and hot, as if its entire body was about to burst into flames.

Mobilizing the scorching energy in the body, it finally condensed completely around the mouth, and burst out this flame energy at once...

Boom boom boom! !

A bunch of golden-white flame shock waves flew out suddenly, and with the addition of the sunny day, the scale of power has stepped onto a new scale!

This momentum is by no means comparable to the previous flame jets.

Not only is the temperature extreme, but it also carries absolutely hot energy, that is, the impact of the flames, and it also has the power not inferior to destroying the death light.

Bombarded out with overheating moves, flying straight into the flaming tornado that filled the sky!

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, the flame energy was completely mobilized and exploded, and the flame tornado that came into contact was spinning crazily at an extremely high speed.

In the end, it exploded completely, turning into countless hot air blasts and scattered in all directions!

The entire arena was filled with an extremely oppressive and domineering atmosphere, even more breathtaking than the scalding hot wind hitting the surface of the skin.

The camera lens that Yashida was holding tightly, seemed to be unable to support it, immediately exploded, and the palm of his hand trembled.

"What kind of power is this..."

The fat face under the sunglasses was full of horror.

"This should be..."

Xiao Gang next to him was watching the flame bombardment above. The huge flame tornado combined with the power of overheating completely devoured the ice and snow bird inside!

Boom boom boom! !

In mid-air, an unprecedented flame explosion erupted, and the entire battle factory trembled violently.

"Xiao Gang... this should be the ultimate power...?"

Xiaolan next to her suddenly spoke, and her usually easy-going face also became serious.


Xiao Gang didn't say much, just nodded heavily.

Then he turned his gaze to the young man on the podium, his expression also extremely solemn.

The newly conquered elves in the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi still can't use the ultimate power perfectly and freely... Even if he uses it, it's just a coincidence.

But if it cooperates with the fire-breathing dragon, it can be easily used. This is not any coincidence.

Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon obviously have fully mastered this power!

"The ultimate realm..."

Xiaogang and his master Xiba often communicated in normal times, and often heard the latter mention this miraculous power standing at the apex.

Compared to the trainer... Pokémon itself is actually the key to exerting this power.

"Extreme? Ah, what...?!"

Yashida next to him listened blankly to the riddle conversation between Xiaogang and Xiaolan, completely unable to understand what they were talking about.

Boom boom boom! !

The second violent explosion in the air completely turned his attention back to the battlefield.

In the thick flame explosion, a figure has already fallen straight down from it.

Boom...! !

In the end, it fell heavily on the ground, causing a burst of smoke and debris.

On the arena, the noble ice and snow bird fell to the ground with its whole body scorched black at this moment, its eyes were spinning, and it completely lost its fighting consciousness.


On the other side, the fire-breathing dragon is still flying high in the sky. The elegant and flexible posture of the Y shape exudes a hot and heavy breath to the surroundings like the sun.

"Did you lose so thoroughly?"

Even Dara stared blankly at the old buddy who couldn't fight on the ground, then stared blankly at the mighty fire-breathing dragon in the air, and finally fixed his eyes on the young man in front of him.

"The gap, is there such a big...?"

Daala hadn't fully recovered from the previous blow.

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