He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1575 The boy from Xicui area

Although this game won two out of three games... Obviously, the third game is of little significance, it can only be said to be a tie with one win and one loss.

"Hmph, if you lose, you lose...I can't accept such a tie."

Shinji snorted coldly as if he had sensed Xiaozhi's thoughts.

However, Shinji did not accept the post-match friendly handshake extended by Xiaozhi, but just looked away indifferently.

"Fighting is fighting, there is no need to do meaningless things."

This made Xiaozhi frowned and retracted his palm, and couldn't help but say:

"I hope next time your fighting level can be as powerful as your mouth."

Shinji: "..."

This is undoubtedly a provocative remark, which made Shinji's brows twitch.

It even made Dr. Yamanashi's heart tense, for fear that in the next second, Shinji would greet Xiaozhi with a fist in the face.

But the next Shinji didn't act violently. After secretly remembering Xiaozhi, he nodded to Dr. Yamanashi next to him, then turned and left, with a very cold attitude.

"By the way, there is also you...!"

While walking, Shinji suddenly stopped and threw a poke ball into the air.


The red light flashed, but he released Mukel, who had won the first game before.

This is not a simple release, but a more direct release.


Freed from the shackles of the Poké Ball, this Mukle also returned to the state of a wild Pokémon, flapped its wings and flew into the distance, and soon disappeared.

"Hey!! Why do you want to release your Pokémon so casually!!"

"That's right, this Mukle just helped you win a game!"

This scene made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang very puzzled and aroused for a moment, and couldn't help scolding.

If you want to say that there is a certain purpose, it’s fine to release the life as a last resort... What does this kind of direct release mean!

However, Shinji did not turn his head, and left straight away, but replied indifferently:

"I can catch as many of these guys as I want... All I need is the strongest one."

When Shinji walked away, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang still had a bit of anger on their faces. Obviously, Shinji didn't have a good impression of Shinji in their hearts when they met for the first time.


Dr. Yamanashi did not refute or point out anything.

A trainer doesn't have only one view... As long as he doesn't torture his own Pokémon, he won't stop it.

And look at the released Mukele, he didn't even turn his head, nostalgic for the trainer, but flew away...

Since there is no bondage, it seems that there is no problem with this kind of release?

"There are many kinds of trainers. There are indeed people like Shinji who value the racial aptitude of Pokémon itself..."

Seeing that both of them looked angry, Dr. Yamanashi had no choice but to comfort them.

Obviously, the two people in front of me are the same type of trainers, and they are more pursuing emotional fetters...

This also made Dr. Yamanashi smile.

Compared with the sensible and ruthless rationalists, he still prefers emotional trainers like Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, and pays more attention to the bond with Pokémon...


After the battle was over, they returned to the research institute... Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's backpacks are still in the house.

It was getting late, and the two who had agreed to travel together planned to spend the night at the Spirit Center first, and then went to Changshou City together tomorrow.

"Hey, who is...?"

It's just that when they walked back from the backyard, Xiaozhi's sharp eyes suddenly found a person standing at the back door of the research institute, looking around curiously.

He was dressed in a dark blue classic travel suit and straw sandals, and looked quite strange.

And that ancient boy who had just woken up from his coma, saw Xiaozhi and his party, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hurried over.



As if to speed up, he even interspersed with a few rolling movements on the ground during the running process, which was very flexible.

Even at this speed, it doesn't seem to speed up much...?

More like a weird quirk.

"Captain Magamu! Xiaozhao! So you are here too...! I was scared to death, I thought I had time-traveled again?!"

When he ran to him, he couldn't help but patted his chest and said happily.

His gaze also skipped over Xiaozhi, and fell on Dr. Yamanashi and Xiaoguang next to him.

"?" "?"

It was just this title that made the two of them look at each other, and then looked at the young man in ancient costume with doubts on his face.

Well, I can't say it's a new face, it can only be said that I don't know him at all... I haven't even heard of this name at all.

"Hey, aren't you...?"

And when he took a closer look again, the young man in ancient costume froze, and naturally realized that the two people in front of him were somewhat different from the two in his memory.

Although the appearance and stature and stern expression are very similar...

But Captain Magamu's hair and beard are black, not the white one in front of him.

Especially in terms of temperament, the Captain Magagi he knew was a great sumo wrestler, and even once put on thick armor, because the idea was to compete with himself...

That was the mighty aura of a warrior + leader, so that even if he defeated the former, he would not dare to be careless.

But the "Captain Magamu" in front of him, although his face looked equally fierce, showed more of a learned and rigorous side.

And this girl who is very similar to "Xiao Zhao" is also the same. They are similar in appearance, but they are completely two people at a close look.

"Did you time travel again...?"

Xiaozhi paid more attention to this word and subconsciously repeated.

So this guy is in the Sinnoh region, is there an existence similar to himself and Xiaomao Xiaolan?

I don't know why, every time Xiaozhi comes to a new area, not only will Pikachu be hacked, but there will also be very special novice trainers in this area, who are vaguely connected with similar individuals in other worlds.

Since he had actually traveled once in the Black Rifting Seat Incident, Xiaozhi knew the concept of "parallel time and space".

But look at this pose...

So this time, is the whole person of the other party directly transported from another world? ! ...


When several people returned to the institute, Dr. Yamanashi dismissed the other researchers, leaving only the four of them.

"I rescued you from a space-time vortex crack, when you suddenly fell out of it..."

Dr. Yamanashi said, these words made Xiaozhi secretly startled.

Sure enough, the whole person came through directly? !


Sitting on the head of the bed, the young man in ancient costume lowered his head, obviously realizing that he was time-traveling again.

Looking at the two familiar faces, after some hesitation, he still chose to tell a few people about his background.

"My name is Mingyao, and I come from the Xicui area, a place called Qingqing Village...but it's not my hometown."

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