He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1576 Arceus' Clone

"Xicui area? Zhuqing Village?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, it was the first time they heard this word.

Even the well-informed Dr. Yamanashi looked confused and had no impression of these two places.

Mingyao noticed the Sinnoh area map hanging beside it.

"So this place is called the Sinnoh region... The continental plate is very similar to the Xicui region."

There is a mountain range called Tianguan Mountain running through the middle, dividing the continent into east and west sides, and the north is a cold place covered with ice and snow.

Even the names of the three mysterious lakes scattered in the three corners of the continent are the same.

Mingyao looked at the names of some markers on the map, and many of them could be related to the Xicui area in his memory.

"So the Xicui area is the predecessor of the Sinnoh area? Strange, I have never heard of a history called Xicui area."

Dr. Yamanashi stroked his chin, frowning.

"Maybe it's not your Sinnoh region, but the predecessor of my Sinnoh region..."

At this time, Mingyao suddenly said leisurely, with a serious expression on his face.

"I traveled to the Xicui region from another world. As for what happened before, I don't have the slightest memory...but when I first landed, I was wearing weird clothes like yours."

As he spoke, Mingyao pointed to Xiaozhi's modern style clothes.

That's why he said that he had "traversed again".

According to what the latter said when he met Arceus later...it seemed that he was summoned to the Xicui area by Arceus, and he stayed there all the time.

Collect the illustrated books of the whole region along the way, defeat all the bosses scattered in the Xicui area, the king of the forest, and the legendary Pokémon.

Even in the end, it got the approval of Arceus and was able to drive its clone to fight.


Mingyao's seemingly plain narration words stunned the audience.

Even Xiao Zhi, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, is secretly dumbfounded...

Good guy, this seems to be another super boss like Brother Chi? !

But judging by his appearance, he is about the same age as himself!

"Why don't you let Arceus come out to see...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked tentatively.

He was still in the Johto area before, but he fought with "Arzeus in the crystal tower"...but it was a false creation god created by an unknown totem.

Even so, that "Arzeus" still had an extremely strong oppressive force.

Presumably the real God of Creation should be even more terrifying... I don't know if the most powerful Mewtwo he knows, or the black cracked seat, can defeat him?

Even Dr. Yamanashi with a serious face has a bit more enthusiasm and anticipation between his brows.

Arceus is the god of creation in the mythology of the Sinnoh area, the most noble existence...but it has not been proven to be a real creature so far.

And this boy, has been able to drive the fight? !

With such an ability, even Zhulan, the strongest alliance champion in the Sinnoh region, might not be so powerful, right?

Only then did Mingyao remember, and he touched his pocket, but found that it was empty...

"All your stuff is here."

Dr. Yamanashi hurriedly took out a cloth bag from the side, which was what Mingyao took from him when he was unconscious.

"Is that all that's left...?"

Mingyao put it in his hand and looked at it, his expression looked a bit lonely, all the props collected in the wild were gone, and it was impossible for the Pokémon in the ranch to come here.

At this moment, apart from the ancient investigator's clothes, there was only an Arceus-shaped mobile phone and six ancient elf balls strung together with hemp rope.

"Strange, I remember that I only had one Pokémon with me...?"

Mingyao grasped this string of oddly shaped elf balls, secretly puzzled.

After he became the strongest in the Xicui area, he was even able to drive Arceus' clone to fight... With the blessing of the "Legendary Slate", one Arceus is enough to be invincible in the Xicui area.

And a large number of powerful bosses and beasts he had subdued before were also placed in the pasture for retirement.

Even Palkia, the god of space, was sent to the farm area in the village by him to help water the fields and live a very peaceful and comfortable life.

Before he crossed over, he only had one Arceus on him...Why does he seem to have six now?

"Is that thing an ancient elf ball?"

Although Dr. Yamanashi had guessed when he was packing up, he was still surprised at this moment.

The appearance is similar to the Poké Ball made by the modern factory assembly line, but the overall material is more like a brownish-yellow wood tree fruit, and the buttons and top are covered with ancient and peculiar mechanical devices.

"Poke balls made of wood...I see. It seems that the thunderbolt electric balls I encountered before are also distributed in this Xicui area."

Xiaozhi recalled the ancient thunderbolt electric ball and naughty thunderbolt that he encountered near the tree of the beginning of the world.

The latter's whole body is made of brownish-yellow wood, even grass-like...very similar to this elf ball.


"Come out, Arceus!!"

Walking to the vast lawn outside with several people, Mingyao threw the first elf ball.


A red light flashed, but no Pokémon appeared.

However, one could faintly see a stream of golden energy flowing slowly in the air, flashing strange and mysterious milky white rune imprints.

In the end, it completely flowed into Mingyao's hands, among the other five ancient spirit balls in this string.

"The clone of Arceus has really disappeared..."

This scene made Mingyao a little discouraged. With the latter's assistance, no matter where he went, he could do a lot of things.

Even at this time, you can ask Arceus about the situation.

"Avatars naturally need to be connected to the main body. Now that you have come to this world, the space-time crack in the sky has been completely closed... So the avatar of the God of Creation also loses connection energy at any time?"

Although the scene was too fantasy, Dr. Yamanashi still reasoned rationally and scientifically.

Mingyao could only look at the other five extra ancient elf balls with a serious expression, and then threw them out at the same time.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

There were crisp sounds one after another, and the five red lights solidified, turning into five Pokémon of different types and shapes.

A large off-white "Scary Horn Deer" has even larger forked antlers, covered with fluff like snowflakes.

A huge gray-brown brown bear with thick brown back hair, lying on the ground, with sharp limbs and sharp claws, looks similar to the circle bear.

A gray-green slender long fish with white fins, looks fierce, and its lower body is covered with crimson clouds...

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