He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1740 Opening of the Mikri Cup


At this time, a flickering movement suddenly appeared on the lake next to it.

Everyone took a closer look, but saw a light blue Pokémon with the appearance of a goblin floating there.


After watching the moving performance of Menus, its two little hands also patted on the chest, and it seemed to appreciate the former's performance.

"this is?!"

The Pokémon that suddenly appeared, even Mikoli showed a look of surprise, and said slowly:


Light blue body, triangular head, big eyes with yellow pupils, and a red gemstone on the forehead.

"This is one of the legendary three holy mushrooms, Aknom?"

Hearing that Xiaoguang and the others were also very surprised, they stared straight at Yaknom who suddenly appeared.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a while, then reacted abruptly, and exclaimed:

"That's right, that's the guy I saw before!"

I don't know what method the other party used to escape the scanning of his own waveguide.


Yaknom also seemed to have noticed Xiaozhi, who was the source of peeking at himself before.

It immediately flew to Xiaozhi's body lightly, then widened its round eyes to the maximum, frowned, and stared at Xiaozhi viciously.

Yaknom used the staring trick, but it didn't have much effect.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is this a move to peek at it before getting revenge on yourself?

It is strange to say that Yaknom is an existence similar to Yandi Frozen Bird, a legendary Pokémon belonging to the "three" generation.

Generally, such Pokémon should have a more aggressive and domineering body shape, whether it is a giant bird of prey, or a beast-shaped figure.

But Yaknom looks like a small goblin...

Generally, this kind of body type should be the so-called phantom Pokémon, similar to the existence of serabi dream, right?


After using the staring move, before anyone could say anything, Yaknom flashed again and disappeared out of thin air.

Even if Xiaozhi uses the waveguide to detect, he can only feel a very vague feeling, as if blocked by something in the middle, unable to fully capture the trace of Aknom...

The sudden appearance of the gods in the lake also stunned the people on the shore for a while.

"The legendary Sansheng Mushroom lives in a special world in the lake, and it cannot be entered from the outside under normal circumstances..."

Xiaowang murmured.

After all, with such a legend, there are naturally some good-natured people who dive specially, planning to go to the bottom of Lizhi Lake to check it out.

But basically there is no such god, no trace.

"What an incredible Pokémon... Aknom."

As a foreigner, Mi Keli couldn't help admiring.

But for him, the legendary Pokémon he is most eager to conquer is the elegant and powerful Messenger of the North Wind—Shui Jun.

Of course, he doesn't have any obsessions, and everything follows fate.


The investigation was fruitless, and Xiaozhi could only secretly remember the appearance of Yaknom, which seems to be a very interesting Pokémon.



In the early morning of the next day, the Miccoli Cup was held as usual.

Early on, Xiao Gang sat alone in the first row, waiting for the start of the game...

Xiaoguang wants to compete, and Xiaozhi also wants to start an exhibition match with Mikri at the beginning, so they can only act separately.

This meeting place was built on the edge of a protruding lake, surrounded by Lizhi Lake on three sides.

The stage in front of me is said to be a gorgeous arena...but it is more like an aquarium performance stage.

In the center of the stage, in addition to the position where the coordinating trainers stand, there is more of a pool connected to the Lizhi Lake outside, with some scattered support stations on it.

Obviously, it is very suitable for the performance and battle of water-type and flying-type Pokémon.

The time is about to start, and at this moment, all the seats for watching the game are full, chatting on twitter, waiting for the start of the game.

The Splendid Contest was already very popular in the Sinnoh area, and the presence of the popular idol Mikri made the heat even more intense.

"Hey, this is...?"

When Xiaogang turned his head, he also noticed that some audience members were holding support signs, on which was a beautiful girl with blue hair, dressed in a very fancy and cute way.

Like some idol star, it seems to be quite popular.


Xiaogang shook his head regretfully, probably some star player participated...

It's a pity that when he was a little younger, he just felt dull.


boom! boom!

At exactly one o'clock, several fireworks exploded suddenly on the surface of the water stage, lighting up the entire arena in an instant.

Whoosh! !

Immediately afterwards, the originally calm water flow suddenly meandered, intertwined and intertwined to form a waterspout...

The splash of water directly covered the face of Xiao Gang who was sitting in the first row.

In order to be able to see the big sister at the closest distance, he can still bear it.

Finally, the water flow falls completely, making the air moist and cool.

Mikri and Menus also appeared on the stage at the same time.

"Ahhhhh Mikri-sama!!!"

"I love you so much!!!"

A gaudy performance immediately caused bursts of screams and cheers from the auditorium below.

Naturally, the resident guests of the gorgeous contest, the head of the enthusiast club, the president of the gorgeous contest, and Ms. Joey from the lakeside resort appeared as referees.

Of course, this time there is an extra judge position for Mikri.

"Then as the opening... let me, Mikri, start an exhibition match with the rising star from the Kanto region, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

Mi Keli shouted, and with a burst of mist and white air rising, Xiaozhi's figure also appeared at the other end of the arena.

He raised his hand and waved at the crowd, with an electric mouse lying on his shoulder.

"A rising star in the Kanto region?"

"Xiaozhi? Who is this, who can even have an exhibition match with Mikri-sama?!"

Obviously, most of the locals in the Sinnoh region are very unfamiliar with Xiaozhi.

"Don't be cloudy, Mr. Xiaozhi fought against Mr. Mikri once before and won."

"Aren't there any real fans here? Don't you pay attention to Mikri-sama's news at all?"


Of course, someone soon answered, which caused a lot of discussion in the audience.

After all, many people are Mikri's die-hard fans... Naturally, they also got to know Xiaozhi because of the Caiyou Conference.

But on the stage, Mi Keli and Xiaozhi just stared at each other, ignoring the surrounding discussions.

Although they are using new Pokémon, both of them know that the other is not simple...

The next moment, the two threw the elf ball at the same time.

"It's up to you!! Wood Turtle!"

Since it is a new Pokémon, Xiaozhi sent out the forest turtle backhand. Facing an opponent at the league champion level, he still has to follow the basic attribute restraint.

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