He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1741 Exhibition match, vs ancient coelacanth!


On the other side, Mikri also released a Pokémon, and the red light fell into the pool next to it. It is obviously a water-type Pokémon that is very suitable for the surrounding environment.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a dark brown fish-shaped Pokémon.

The body is covered with yellow-brown irregular patterns, and the whole body is like an ancient stone in the water.

It has a wide jaw, but its eyes are like Xiaogang's. It looks like a very Buddhist Pokémon.

"This is...?"

In the lounge, Xiao Guang also watched the stage outside through live TV, and subconsciously took out the illustration book.

"Hey. The ancient coelacanth, water and ground attributes, was originally considered to be an extinct Pokémon. The pattern on the surface of the body is like a treasure map. In the long 100 million years, its appearance has not changed at all, and it has been living in the deep sea. ancient Pokémon."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaoguang was secretly surprised, this is a real living fossil Pokémon!

"No wonder it looks very different from the current fish Pokémon..."

Xiao Wang next to him couldn't help exclaiming, apparently it was also the first time for her to see the ancient coelacanth.

This kind of Pokémon seems to be found only in the sea area of ​​​​Mikri's hometown, the Yoshien area.


"Water + rock attributes... completely restrained by my forest turtle!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, especially the grass-attribute moves, which are quadruple restrained critical strikes against the opponent!

"Hehe~ In this place, grass-type moves are hard to be effective~"

Mikri just smiled confidently. Grass-type battles generally require relying on the ground under your feet...

But here is a pool, and many grass attribute moves cannot be used.

The exhibition match officially begins!

"Forest Turtle, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

Unable to move in a wide range, the forest turtle simply shook its head and flew out several sharp green leaf throwing knives.

Seeing this, Mi Keli waved his hand unhurriedly.

"Dive underwater!"

The ancient coelacanth pressed its head, and immediately sank completely into the water, escaping from its body.

Clap clap...!

When the Flying Leaf Knife fell on the water surface, it could only stir up splashes on the surface, and could not continue to attack deeply.


This made Xiaozhi frown, there was only a small area of ​​ground around, and many moves of the forest turtle were blocked.

"In that case, wood turtle, use the energy ball, and swallow it!"

The forest turtle opened its jaws, quickly condensed a green energy bomb, and then swallowed it in its belly.

call out...!

This made the shrub lawn on the back of the tree turtle instantly covered with dazzling green light.

Manually trigger the lush feature!

"Is there another way...?"

Mi Keli was a little surprised. He wanted to directly swallow his moves to increase his strength. The idea was very simple, but how could it be so easy to achieve in reality?

Moreover, the forest turtle in front of him seemed to be a little different from what he remembered.

Seems like... a little greener?

"Forget it... the ancient coelacanth, use wave rush!!"

Mikri suddenly called out a move that Xiaozhi had never heard before.


Although the specific body shape of the ancient coelacanth could not be seen, the surrounding pool was inexplicably fluctuating.

The next moment, the duckweed supporting the forest turtle's feet suddenly rose up!

And at the bottom, the ancient coelacanth was actually covered with a layer of water flow coat at this moment, and it completely pushed up the duckweed and the forest turtle above it, showing unparalleled strength!

Although it looks similar to a water jet, the water coat on the body surface is several times more violent, containing extremely surging impact!

Boom! !

In the end, the undulating impact directly smashed the duckweed slab from the middle, and slammed into the forest turtle's abdomen hard.


The lower abdomen is the softest part of the forest turtle's body. Although it is a water-type move, it still makes it groan in pain.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful force flew it high into the air.

"Tree turtle, use the ultimate absorption!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

The forest turtle quickly shot out two energy vines, replacing the vine whip move, and entangled another land to land safely.


"Hiss, what kind of move is this?"

After some fights, Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming.

It looks like a jet of water, but its power is many times greater!

"This move is called Wave Chong, and I call it an ancient move."

Mikri explained with a smile.

Since it was an exhibition match, he didn't seize this good opportunity and continued to attack.

It is difficult for current Pokémon to master this move... but the ancient coelacanth, which is a living fossil, can easily use it.

It has a destructive power that far exceeds that of water jets, but it will also have a powerful anti-injury after use.

Rounding off, it is a water-attributed collision.


However, this ancient coelacanth is still wandering in the water like a Buddha, and it seems that there is no change.

"Didi. The characteristic of the ancient coelacanth: a hard head, and will not produce any anti-injury effect because of its own moves."

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

Therefore, you can use the powerful wave punch without any side effects!

This made Xiaozhi frowned again... You don't look like a newly conquered Pokémon at all, right? ?

"Ancient Coelacanth, continue to use Wave Rush!!"

The next moment, Mikri attacked again.

This time, the ancient coelacanth leaped out of the water, entangled its whole body in the current, and turned into a water arrow to rush forward.

For a while, Xiaozhi thought about releasing his swimming ring ferret to see if it could also master this powerful ancient move.

But now he naturally has no time to do it, he must concentrate on the battle in front of him.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the champion of the league, and the pressure given to him is very exaggerated, so that he dare not be distracted.

"Tree turtle, use the iron head and block it with all your strength!"

The wood turtle understood, and the smooth skull was covered with a metallic luster, and instantly became hard.

Then he lowered his head, blocking the front like a shield.

During this time, Prince Bo had been learning this move from Zhanmailong, but occasionally watching from the side, the forest turtle had mastered this move even one step earlier.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the wave hit, and the ancient coelacanth, wrapped in a strong current, hit the head of the forest turtle head-on!

Even with a head as hard as iron, the wood turtle's figure is constantly regressing, its limbs and sharp claws leaving long marks on the ground.

But in the end, he barely blocked the trick.

"It's our turn to attack... Wood Turtle, use the ultimate absorption!!"

After successfully blocking the opponent's impact, the ancient coelacanth is in the air, which is an excellent opportunity to attack.


The forest turtle let out a low growl, and two green light energy vines instantly extended from the back of the turtle shell, entangled the ancient coelacanth that was close at hand.


With the ultimate absorption force, the red light was squeezed out to wrap the target, and the stamina of the forest turtle began to slowly recover...

Four times the restraint, the effect is outstanding!

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