He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 161: The Mysterious Garden of the Frog Seed

Yuhong City, Pokémon Center.

Xiaozhi and his party have been here for five days.

After solving the strange radio wave incident of Sulip and Suli, now the Pokémon in the Pokémon Center have returned to their original state, and Pikachu has also regained its vitality and vitality.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Xiaoxia also tamed an unclaimed Kodak that reacted a little slowly, and formed a duo with the dumb beast she tamed on the San Anu at that time.

Now she has faint brows of transforming from a water attribute trainer to a dumb attribute trainer.

When everyone was bored playing ns game consoles, Xiaozhi received a message from Li Jia that the special phenomenon about the frog seed would appear tonight, and she also asked Xiaozhi to take more photos.

This phenomenon was named by Li Jia, the mysterious garden of the frog seed.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed, after all, this information was given by Li Jia, not to mention that he also got two new skills, Green Grass Slide and Mist Burst, for nothing.


Late at night, almost morning.

Xiaozhi had released the Miao Frog Seed early on, and now the latter was walking back and forth on the floor a little anxiously, without the calmness of the past.

It is also struggling whether to choose evolution.

"It's okay, Miao Frog Seed, whether you evolve or not, you are my partner."


Xiaozhi and Pikachu comforted by the side.

Although Xiaozhi prefers it to choose the path of evolution, the final choice has to be made by the Frog Seed himself, and he will not intervene.


"Hoo hoo hoo..."

A gust of night breeze blew by, and everyone seemed to have something in their nostrils, sweet and fragrant.


Frog Seed reacted first, jumped directly over the window sill of the Pokémon Center, and ran in one direction.

"We will follow."

Xiaozhi and his group looked at each other, secretly came, and hurriedly chased in the direction of the Miao Frog Seed.

After chasing for nearly ten minutes, everyone had reached the edge of Yuhong City. Seeing that the Miao Frog Seed still hadn't stopped, the group could only leave the city and enter a forest on the outskirts of the city.

Not to mention, the fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is surrounded by flowers.


Seeing the Miao Frog Seed climb over a bush, when Xiao Zhi was about to catch up, several brown thorns were suddenly whipped out from both sides, and within a few blinks the way was blocked, and a wall of thorns was erected on the spot.

"Good guy, you still have self-awareness?"

"Is this still closed to outsiders?"

But Xiaozhi wiped his nose, without the slightest intention of being blocked, waved his thumb and said:

"Pikachu, use Iai Slash!!"

To cut a tree, of course you have to use tree-cutting skills.


Pikachu stepped on the wall of thorns and took a few steps into the air, then a sharp edge lit up on the side of the tail, and the body spun three times before slashing down heavily!


The seemingly tough wall of thorns was cut from top to bottom by a big crack, like cutting tofu, and cut to the ground.

Although Pikachu's steel tail is much more powerful than Iai Zan, but if it is facing a plant-like object, Iai Zan seems to have an extra layer of buff.


Seeing that the surrounding thorns and vines began to squirm as if they were about to close again, Xiaozhi quickly pulled the two little friends across.

After crossing several walls of thorns, everyone came to a small high slope, looked down, and there was his wonderful frog seed.

"Get down quickly."

Hearing the rustling sound from around, Xiao Gang quickly pressed the heads of the two, crawled and hid on the reverse slope, only one head was exposed and looked down.

Soon, Frog Seeds came out from the depths of the jungle, densely packed with garlic crickets, surrounding a high platform.




After roughly counting, there are nearly thirty or so, chanting slogans, as if they are eager for seeds.


Before everyone could react, they heard a thick roar coming from their ears, and even the ground more than 50 meters away from them was shaking slightly, followed by the tangy fragrance, which became more and more intense.

Xiaozhi took a closer look and found that it was a third-order form of the wonderful frog flower, which slowly walked to the high platform where everyone was holding the moon.

"so big..."

The three couldn't help but say in unison.

This frog flower is more than twice the size of the normal one, especially the plantain petals on the back, which are particularly plump and lush. It is obviously an old-timer Yusanjia, and the strong fragrance is right there distributed.

The breath of a strong man rushing towards his face also blurred everyone's faces.



Seeing the appearance of the Lord, all the wonderful frog seeds climax collectively, and the crazy seeds are chanting.


And the giant frog roared again, and dark green pollen was shaken from the plantain flowers on its back, turning into pure green energy and swaying on the numerous frog seeds in front of it.

Then a strange scene happened, white lights appeared one after another on the bodies of the frog seeds, and in the white light, their figures also changed quietly.

"Is this...evolution?"

The three of Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and the light of evolution flashed in their eyes.

They had seen the phenomenon of group evolution last time in the Butterfly Swarm in the suburbs of Jinhuang City, but when they saw it again today, they still couldn't stop the exclamation and surprise in their eyes.


Soon, the first froggrass evolved and uttered its first call.



Then there were calls one after another, which seemed to reflect each other. When I looked closely, these frog seeds had grown to one-third of their previous size, and the garlic seeds on their backs had also bloomed into a small flower bud, revealing The red petals that are still very immature inside.

All the frog seeds have completed evolution!

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that the so-called secret garden was talking about the ritual of the collective evolution of the frog seeds.

"No, Xiaozhi, look there."

Xiao Gang suddenly narrowed his eyes and reminded.

Following the latter's dark fingers, Xiaozhi saw a different species among the many froggrasses, a frog seed that has not evolved.

The exclusive white light of evolution was still shining on the bulb of garlic on its back, but it was firmly suppressed by it.

Xiaozhi recognized at a glance that it was his Frog Seed!

Soon, the surrounding Froggrass also discovered this heresy, and set their sights on it, making a cry of demonstration.




Facing dozens of his own evolutionary forms, Frog Seed did not show any timidity. Instead, he raised his head and roared, full of momentum, even overshadowing their limelight.

"Good guy, it's indeed my Pokémon, not an ordinary Muggle Frogseed."

Xiaozhi secretly proudly said.

This also attracted the attention of the giant Frog Flower, and it gave a low snort, and the surrounding Frog Plants understood, and gave way one after another, allowing this rude Frog Seed to face it head-on.


Seeing the true master, although there was a huge difference in momentum, Miao Frog Seed did not show any weakness, and directly opened his mouth and shouted.


This move undoubtedly angered the giant Frog Flower, its raised eyes instantly became serious,

Not evolving in this ritual is a provocation to it! !

The battle is on the verge of breaking out!


"Didi. The Overlord Frog Flower is 2.5 times larger than the normal Frog Flower. Its body is covered with a special energy field, and its strength is far superior to that of the normal Muggle Frog Flower."

Suddenly, the illustrated book in Xiaozhi's pocket beeped.

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