He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 162 Good job, I accept it!

"Overlord Pokémon? What does this mean?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, always felt that adding this prefix made the Pokémon more aggressive.

In the future, he can also call himself Pikachu the overlord Pikachu, and pulling it out should be able to bluff a lot of people.

"Didi. This is a special phenomenon in the Alola region. There are very few Pokémon. Their bodies are covered with a special energy field, and their size will increase, which is different from ordinary Muggles."

I read the illustrated book again, and what I said was basically the nonsense I said before.

The three of them didn't dare to be careless, and began to watch cautiously.


This is the mysterious garden of the Frog Seeds. Not evolving is a heresy for them. Obviously, the Frog Seeds now exist like this.



One big and one small, the two bastards shouted loudly, pulled out two cane whips at the same time, and lashed towards each other.

It's just that the thickness of the cane whip of the overlord Frog Flower is twice as thick as that of the common Frog Flower, not to mention the Frog Seed's. The latter is like a toothpick in comparison with its huge rattan whip.


The two rattan whips got entangled, and almost instantly, Miao Frog Seed was pulled forward by a huge force and fell forward.

And the thick vine whip of Miao Frog Flower continued to spread away, bound to Miao Frog Seed like a spirit snake, strangled it tightly, and then swung the vine whip into the air, tying it in mid-air, as if Like receiving the trial of the whole clan.

(For the bundled action guide, you can search Baidu pictures for "Miao Frog Seed Zongzi")



The two were still arguing in vain, seeing that his Frog Seed had been strangled with red marks on his body because he didn't back down, Xiao Zhi who was on the opposite slope was anxious, and finally couldn't help but jumped down from the small slope. shouted loudly:

"Hey, let go of that frog!"




The overlord Frog Flower and Frog Grass were taken aback by the sudden appearance of humans, and then they were furious. Human intervention was an insult to their sacrificial activities.

It's just that before these bastards and Xiaozhi could do anything, they heard an explosion sound somewhere in the sky, and everyone's ears exploded at the same time, as if someone was blowing a suona.

Then there was the trembling frenzy bgm of the electric guitar, "thump, thump, thump, thump".

"Oh, heard someone say 'grass'?"

Amidst the explosion, came a low-pitched male voice with a somewhat provocative voice.

"I'm Musashi!"

"I'm Kojiro!"

"Meow's Meow!"

Short and direct.

It was the Rockets trio who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Even because the opening time was shortened, the bgm funds were sufficient. After the introduction of the sky, there was still a whistling suona sound, "tick tick tick tick".

Everyone and the bastards looked up, and they didn't know when a huge hot air balloon with a meowing head appeared above their heads.

"Team Rocket! You're still so short."

Xiaozhi greeted with a bit of disgust at the top of his voice.

"Short doesn't matter, what we want is one step to the stomach!"

"Hmph, this time I must catch your electric mouse!"

"Hey, why are there so many green-skinned kings?"

The three members of Team Rocket stuck their heads out of the hot air balloon and looked down. There was a lot of colorful flowers, especially the giant Frog Flower in the center, which was particularly conspicuous.

You must know that although the Yusanjia cannot be regarded as a scarce commodity, it is not seen everywhere. There are more than 30 second-order Yusanjias, and there is even a third-order wonderful frog flower that is obviously different from the normal appearance. The eyes of the three people in the team were bright, and their saliva almost flowed out.

"Then change strategy."

"Let's just let Pikachu go today."

"Today's goal is to catch all these green-skinned bastards!"

The three of them immediately lost interest in Xiaozhi and Pikachu, and turned to stare at the large wave of prey below.


Overlord Miaowahua let out a low growl, and protested with unfriendly eyes.

"Oh, let's paw, meow? Meow, you are so angry, meow!"

Miaomiao first made a general polite gesture towards Miaowahua, then took out a button device insidiously, pressed it hard, and in the next second there was a suction-shaped device under the wooden rail of the hot air balloon. After getting rid of all the bastards, the "chug chug" started.

Immediately, a strong suction force came from it, like the source of a black hole, sucking wildly at the ground.



Due to the unstable center of gravity, several frog grasses rose into the air with their limbs and were directly sucked into the air.


Miao Frog Flower hastily pulled out two rattan whips and entangled the two Miao Frog Plants.

But this time the Rockets obviously have enough funds, and the engine of the vacuum cleaner is powerful enough. Even if it is as tough as the Overlord Frog Flower, the Frog Grass in mid-air is crumbling like a kite.




But this didn't solve the fundamental problem after all. As the suction continued to increase, the froggrass rose into the air one by one, and were helplessly sucked into the Rockets' huge vacuum cleaner.

The overlord Bawanghua only pulled out 16 vine whips at most, and after saving more than a dozen frogweeds with all his strength, it seemed powerless. Even its thick chassis began to shake, and the surrounding ground cracked.

"No..." Miaowahua cried out in some discomfort.

After all, the powerful storm caused by the suction around it can restrain its own vegetable attributes.

And Xiaozhi outside the suction storm no longer continued to be a passerby, and quickly directed his own Pikachu.

"Pikachu, let's go! Use 100,000 volts on Miaomiao!" Xiaozhi bypassed the suction machine and aimed directly at the source from the side.


Pikachu understood and began to run on the grass. When he was approaching the border of the suction vortex, he jumped up and shot a powerful electric shock towards the target in mid-air.

Damn it, the value of my electric mouse is not as good as these green-skinned bastards! ?

Those who have no vision, die!

The golden 100,000 volts erupted, turning into a terrifying electric snake and rushing straight away.

"Good job! I accept it!"

Kojiro didn't have the fear of the past, but a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he took out a device with his backhand and pressed it vigorously.

An antenna-like device suddenly stretched out in front of Team Rocket's trio, with a slender iron needle on the top, pulling all the powerful currents on it.

"Chug chug chug!!"

In the next moment, the engine of the suction device started up again, shining golden, and even stronger! !

Pikachu: "?"

It scratched its head in embarrassment, and returned to the state where Xiaozhi had degenerated into a neutral person watching the battle.

But Frog Flower didn't have time to react, and the only Frogweed left in the rattan whip was also sucked into mid-air, and disappeared into the dark place of the suction port.

"Ahahaha, this time our Rockets have a budget, and specially made a power supplement device!"

The Rockets trio smiled proudly, with arrogant expressions.

This trick was originally intended to deal with Pikachu, and it just came in handy.


The overlord Miaowahua's IQ is not low, so she naturally separated the two waves of human loyalty and traitors, and looked at Xiaozhi and his party.

Their hostility to humans is just that they don't like humans to intervene in their evolution rituals. They usually don't have any disgusting psychology towards humans. Even many of the froggrass here are the Pokémon of the trainers around Yuhong City.


With a vigorous sweep of his vine whip, the only remaining frog seed was thrown into the safe area on Xiaozhi's side.

Because the frog seed was played by it in a shameful way of binding before, it survived.


As soon as the Miao Frog Seed hit the ground, it was about to re-enter the suction storm to help, but Xiaozhi held him tightly.

And without all the burdens, the overlord Miaowahua grabbed the ground dead, roared on the spot, and whipped out a complete 16 cane whips again, this time no longer defending, but actively attacking the target!

"Useless meow..."

The trio raised the hot air balloon slightly and easily avoided the rattan whip attack.

Then the suction increased again, even the overlord Miao Frog Flower could only frown and gritted his teeth, his body was crumbling, and the situation was at a deadlock...

"Miao Frog Flower, I have a good chance!"

Xiaozhi next to him suddenly spoke loudly.

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