He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1804 No, Mr. Gang...!

The next few people visited the Binhai Tower together.

It can be said that both inside and outside are high-tech lighthouses, and the simple and unpretentious stone tower in Asaconion City are completely two extremes.

Relying on the developed electrical equipment, this coastal tower can even achieve self-sufficient power generation 365 days a year, emit high-power lighthouse rays, and provide the best guiding signs for ships in the nearby waters.

As for the power generation of the Shallow Onion Tower, it relies on the very primitive bio-power generation——relying on the power generation trick of the electric dragon.

Once the electric dragon feels unwell, the entire lighthouse will be destroyed immediately.

Completely dwarfs the difference.


This made the electric dragon named Xiaoguang lower his head with some low self-esteem, and he dared not look directly at the advanced high-tech devices around him.

"Don't be discouraged, Xiaoguang"

Ami quickly comforted her, but her eyes were also looking around, showing envy.

Later, I can discuss cooperation with the person in charge of Binhai Tower and see if I can provide some technical support.

"Miss Ami! I think the Asparagus Lighthouse is very warm!"

At this time, Xiao Gang straightened his chest and solemnly expressed his loyalty:

"Mechanical power generation is completely cold! But Xiaoguang's power generation is warm. It can provide every sailor who is bumping on the sea with a warm embrace like sunshine! This is what Xiaosheng thinks is the most important!"

Xiaoguang listened to it with a silent face. It has the same name as Pokémon, and it always feels weird.

It's just that Xiao Gang hadn't said a few words of flattery yet, and there was a stern voice behind him:

"Who said the lights of our Marina Tower are cold?!"

The voice was somewhat familiar, and they turned their heads. It was Mr. Denji who had just fought yesterday.

"Hmph, even if it's you, if you insult Binhai Tower, I won't give face."

He crossed his hands over his chest, his face showing a sullen expression.

Although he is not the builder of the Binhai Tower, he installed all the solar power related equipment in it himself, and he does not allow others to look down on his masterpiece.

Xiaozhi blinked, it turned out that Mr. Dianci was still an engineer

By the way, when I saw Mr. Denji for the first time yesterday, the latter seemed to be tinkering with some equipment.

"Don't worry about Denji-san, they're just joking~!"

Ami hurriedly went up to greet her, smiled and played the original scene:

"I'm Ami, the owner of the Shallow Onion Gym. I've heard about the fame of the Binhai Tower for a long time, and I came here to observe it."

"Oh, so it's Miss Ami?"

Hearing that they were traveling together, Dianci's expression calmed down a lot, and then his eyes fell on Dianlong beside Ami.

Then Dianci looked up and down Dianlong as if seeing a treasure, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Is this Miss Ami's electric dragon? It's the first time I've seen this kind of Pokémon. It's as handsome and reliable as the rumors say!"

"Hehe Mr. Dianji was joking, by the way, my Dianlong's name is Xiaoguang~!"

"So it's Xiaoguang, what a cute name."

After a while, Ami and Dianci chatted happily.

From the management of the gymnasium, to the electric Pokémon, and finally to the construction of the lighthouse, the two talked and laughed, and the others couldn't get in their mouths at all.

"Damn, hate!"

This made Xiao Gang, who was left out in the cold, bit his napkin and looked very aggrieved.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, expressing their condolences.

Miss Ami is sweet and pretty, and Mr. Denji is handsome and upright. Standing there, this pair of golden boys and girls is the most beautiful scenery in the Marina Tower.

"No, Teacher Gang!"

Seeing that Xiao Gang was about to lean forward and forcefully penetrate, Xiao Zhi still put his arms around Xiao Gang's shoulders and stopped him with a voice.

Well, it's better to look at it from the side now.

"Damn, hate!"

Although Xiaozhi didn't say it clearly, Xiaogang also understood, and in the end he could only curse a few words next to him and burst into tears.

However, Xiaozhi's gaze soon fell on the tail of the electric dragon.

At first he thought he had misread it, but now that he had the time to look carefully, he realized that the electric dragon was wearing a necklace at the end of its tail.

The round beads inlaid on it should be

mega stone!

"Can electric dragons also mega evolve?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, this was the first time he had heard of it.

Seeing that the conversation with Ami seems to have come to an end, Ami is also smiling, and Xiaozhi hastily inserted forcefully.

"Miss Ami, can your electric dragon evolve into mega? Why don't you fight me?!"

Xiaozhi directly initiated a battle invitation, ready to see what the electric dragon mega looks like.


Ami was stunned for a moment, hesitating whether to agree or not.

Although her electric dragon can indeed mega-evolve, but this trip was purely for sightseeing, and she didn't think about fighting.

"Miss Ami, if possible, I also want to see how this electric dragon looks in battle."

But soon, Denji also asked.

He is very interested in all electric-type Pokémon.

Seeing that both of them were looking at her eagerly, after some hesitation, Ami finally agreed.

After all, Denji had just agreed to provide technical support to their Asacon Tower, and in the future, Xiaoguang might not be needed. He continued to lie on the top of the lighthouse, and his tail glowed every night.

Dianci did a great favor, and Ami didn't take it easy on him.

"Okay Xiaozhi, speaking of it, we haven't fought for a long time."

So Ami turned her head to look at Xiaozhi, with a faint sense of war in her eyes.

The last time it was purely a public office battle at the Gym, she fought only the steel-type Pokémon representing the Asahi Gym, but she never sent this electric dragon.

"Then a few, come with me."

Seeing this, Dianci walked ahead and brought a few people to an indoor training ground on the upper level of Binhai Tower.

This high tower is not just a lighthouse that generates electricity and light, but has a spacious interior that can be used as a battle tower for trainers to exercise daily.

As soon as they heard that there seemed to be a battle, many tourists were already sitting in the spectator seats on both sides, looking forward to it.

"Then I will be the referee of this battle."

Seeing that Xiaozhi and Ami were already standing at opposite ends of the arena, Denji stood directly in the middle, raised his hands and said loudly.

Even his job as a referee was robbed of his reserved project, and Xiao Gang, who was sitting in the front row, covered his face and cried again.

"Don't cry, Teacher Gang, if the opponent is Mr. Dianci, it's okay if you lose."

Xiao Guang sat beside him, comforting him constantly.

After all, with Mr. Denji's appearance and figure, he is indeed full.

It is estimated that Mr. Dawu, the champion in the Fangyuan area next door, can only be able to look good, and the piezoelectricity is second.

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