He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1805 The battle of mega evolution, vs electric dragon!

Inside the Marina Tower.

"Then the rule of the game is 1v1, and the winner will be determined if one side loses the ability to fight!"

Dianci said in a high voice, the local gymnasium master was the referee, and the audience around them talked a lot, guessing what kind of trainer the audience was.

"Please, Electric Dragon~!"

Of course Ami dispatched her electric dragon, which walked to the front of the arena with steady steps.

Since it has the same name as Xiaoguang, it always feels weird to call her nickname directly, so Ami temporarily returned to the common name of Dianlong.

"Mega evolution? Then it's up to you!"

Xiao Zhi also made up his mind and threw a poke ball.


The red light fell, and the handsome Lucario appeared on the stage, standing there tall and straight, raised one palm, and put on a fighting stance.

"I see."

Noticing that Lucario's wrist was wearing a bracelet inlaid with mega stones, Ami immediately understood.

Immediately, she lost all ink marks, and pulled the red bow on her neckline. In the place of the knot, there was a shining keystone.

"Mega evolution, electric dragon~!!"

With Ami's shout, the electric dragon's whole body suddenly burst into bright light, enveloping the whole body like an energy egg cocoon.

"Let's not lose, Lucario, mega evolution!!"

On Xiaozhi's side, he also raised his arm high, and the keystone bracelet on his wrist also shone with light, echoing with Lucario's mega stone, forming a gorgeous energy shell as well.

boom! !

boom! !

With two bursts of cracking and popping sounds, Lucario and Dianlong displayed new forms at the same time.

Mega Lucario's eyes became sharper, some black stripes appeared on the surface of the blue body, and the wrists and feet turned red.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Xiaozhi and Lucario have used this form to fight.


On the other side, the electric dragon also let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

Its body shape has become more slender and straight, and the main body has not changed much, but on the head and tail, there are a few more thick and fluffy white flocculent hairs, and a few red orbs are also dotted during the period.

Mega Electric Dragon!

"Did you get the dragon attribute?"

The mighty dragon aura rushing towards his face made Xiaozhi realize instantly that the current electric dragon is a real dragon.

From the very beginning, there was a double mega evolution, which caused restless discussions all around. Didn't expect to see such a wonderful game today? !

"Then, the battle begins!"

Facing Dianci's voice, Xiaozhi and Ami's eyes focused at the same time.

"Dianlong, use electromagnetic waves!!"

As soon as she came up, Ami planned to play quality, and the mega electric dragon waved its short hand, and bursts of tingling electric waves spread out.

"Lucario, use the bone stick to block it!"

But Mega Lucario flicked his arms, condensed a bone stick out of thin air, and spun quickly in front of him, sweeping away all the incoming electromagnetic waves.

"And then bullet punch!"

Putting away the bone stick, Lucario sprinted towards the electric dragon, his fists already had a silver-white metallic luster, and his movements were extremely neat and crisp.

But Ami suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and said:

"Dianlong, turn around!"

Dianlong understood, turned around on the spot, and caught the tricky and quick bullet punch with the thick and fluffy fur on his back.


The fierce punch was thrown out, but it seemed to hit the cotton, and it really hit the cotton!


Lucario opened his dog's eyes slightly, his fists were completely unable to exert force, and even he was directly bounced out by the electric dragon's cotton.

Da da!

However, when retreating, he slapped the ground with one hand and landed steadily with his strength. Lucario's posture is still very handsome.

"How about it, my electric dragon's cotton defense~!"

The move worked, Ami looked at Xiaozhi and said with a smile.

If the electric dragon has not evolved and does not have its own cotton, this move cannot be used at all

But now relying on these extremely flexible and fluffy cotton, Mega Electric Dragon can completely resist all kinds of powerful physical attacks.

"Electric Dragon, Dragon Wave!!"

Not only that, but with the dragon attribute, although the electric dragon at this moment retains its original cute appearance, it also adds a fierce and majestic atmosphere unique to giant dragons.

Boom boom! !

The purple flame gushing out of the mouth turned into an energy dragon with wings spread in mid-air, roaring towards Lucario!

"Lucario, use the wave missile!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, without giving up half a point.

If you want to compare strength, your own Lucario will never lose.


Lucario gave a low snort, quickly rubbed out a dark blue energy bomb in his hand, and threw it out with his push hand!

After mega evolution, Lucario's characteristic changes to adaptability.

This feature can make Lucario much more powerful when using the two natural attributes of fighting and steel.

The two moves collided in mid-air without hindrance!

Boom boom boom! !

The power is not bad, a huge energy explosion broke out in the air, setting off smoke and dust.

After the electric dragon's mega evolution, the most improved is the special attack, and the wave of the dragon is completely capable of defeating this wave missile.

"Now, use flame kick!!"

However, under the cover of the explosion smoke, Xiaozhi suddenly launched a quick attack.

Lucario understood it, and rushed out vigorously. The sole of his raised foot was already ignited with flames, and he was about to kick the electric dragon hard.

Ami seemed to have expected it long ago, and the tone of the command was quite calm:

"Dianlong, now, use the flash!"

I saw the electric dragon not dodging or dodging in place, but the red orbs on the cotton on the head and tail suddenly flashed white light.

Unexpectedly, the dazzling light pierced the eyes of the rushing Lucario like sharp arrows.


The eyes were stinging, which completely interrupted Lucario's flame kicking move, and he retreated back to the original place after a few flips, keeping a distance.

It's just that when Lucario opened his eyes again, there was still darkness in front of him, and he was suddenly illuminated by high-intensity lights, causing Lucario to temporarily lose his vision.

"Hey~ How about it, this is the light that we are proud of in Asaconion City~!"

Ami said with a bit of complacency, with her waist thrust into her waist.

You must know that the Asparagus Pagoda, which relies on bioluminescence, can even illuminate the sea area ten kilometers away when the visibility is better!

Of course, although there is a special brightness boosting device in it, so that the electric dragon's flash can shine so far, but it also shows the strength of the electric dragon's own flash.

"I see."

As the referee, Dianci showed appreciation for this flash technique.

Blindly using technology to generate light, seems to really lack some emotional flavor.

Maybe Marina Tower can also try to use Pokémon and technology to shine together?

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