He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1811 The Insect King of EMI Forest!


Xiaozhi was stunned, it was the first time he heard the name of this kind of Pokémon.

He took out the illustration book and tried to search it.

"Didi. Xie Mi, grass-type, thanks to Pokémon, it seems to have the ability to decompose natural toxins, it is a mysterious fantasy Pokémon, the information is unknown, there have been some sightings in the Sinnoh area."

The introduction of the illustrated book is very sloppy and not very detailed.

"A rare fantasy Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi is staring at a Pokémon image on the screen that looks like a little hedgehog. The back is covered with green grass fluff, which looks very small and cute.

Can break down natural toxins

So Xie Mi has the ability to decompose the purple poisonous mist in the reverse world?

Although it sounds like a very rare Pokémon, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed when he heard that there were sightings in the Sinnoh area.

This time, there is no need to go to other areas, and you can start searching directly when you go out later.

"Okay, then leave it to me!"

Xiaozhi immediately assured Giratina.

"Very good."

Giratina nodded, showing a satisfied expression.

Then the three pairs of striped shadow wings shook, and the whole body flew up. Before leaving, he didn't forget to give Rogia a look.


So Rogia lowered his head and pecked at Xiaozhi, and then also flapped his wings, chasing after Giratina.

Now it is learning with Giratina how to control the power of the rules that reverse the world.

For example, setting a permanent gate is Rogia's new ability.

The next Lugia is learning how to control and modify the material coordinates of the entire inverted world. Maybe next time, he can even directly use the inverted world to realize instant teleportation between Zhenxin Town and Full Moon Island.

"Keep going, Lugia~!"

Xiaozhi cheered at the top of his voice, looked at the two dragons that were gradually moving away, and then looked at his palm again.

Now it's my turn to do my job!

"Let's go, Pikachu!"

Seeing Pikachu jumping and frolicking on the floating island next to him, Xiaozhi reminded him, and then released the Mukehawk with his backhand, and straddled it.


Mukehawk flicked the fancy feathers on his forehead, spread his wings, and his expression was high.

It hasn't come out for a long time. There is Latias, a top aircraft in the team, and there is no room for it to be used at all.

So Mukehawk turned his head and indicated to Xiaozhi where to fly.

Although this place looks gloomy, it is upright and shows no signs of fear, eager to show off.

"Oh, have you seen that huge piece of erected steel, you fly there."

Xiaozhi reminded.

Mu Keying looked away and couldn't help hesitating.

What do you mean, want it to bang its head against the wall?

"Hurry up, hurry up, time waits for no one!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly urged, with less than 20 days, he didn't know if Xie Mi could be found.


This made Mukehawk swallow his saliva, gritted his teeth for the last time, flapped his wings and rushed towards the mirror steel.

It's not a big problem, anyway, the trainer is also on the back, if you want to crash to death, everyone will die together!


It's just that after the body touched the mirror steel, it didn't feel any hard objects blocking it. After a smooth and tough feeling, the Muke Eagle has already shuttled out of the central pond of Full Moon Island.


It kept flapping its wings in the air, bewildered, and felt a sense of dread.

Didn't expect Xiaozhi not to play with it this time?

"What's the matter, Mukehawk, fly to the east!"

Xiaozhi looked puzzled, why is Mukhawk acting weird today, and quickly patted the latter, indicating to fly in the direction of the mainland.

Ignoring the strange behavior of Mukehawk, Xiaozhi lay on the back of the latter's eagle, while operating the illustrated book, to see if he could retrieve some information about Xie Mi on the Internet.

According to online accounts, Shaymi seems to be a gregarious migratory Pokémon.

When the seasons change, you can see more than a dozen Xiemi like toucans, forming an air queue and migrating collectively to the distance.

"Grass hedgehog, can it still fly?"

The picture on the illustrated book is very blurry, and only a few green dots can be seen flying across the sky, which made Xiaozhi imagine a scene of a grass hedgehog flying in the air, which is somewhat weird.

It is said that Xie Mi is a rare and rare fantasy Pokémon, but this number seems to be a lot.

This is a good thing, if it is something like a dream, then it will take a long time to find it by yourself.

"Exactly, it seems that the temperature has suddenly dropped recently"

Xiaozhi touched the back of his hand, the air was a bit chilly, it should be considered the time of the change of seasons, right?

It's just Xie Mi's specific habitat, but there is no information on the Internet.

"Why don't you ask Miss Zhulan?"

Xiaozhi thought about the countermeasures. Ms. Zhulan should have some understanding of these legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon.

Just when he was about to click on the illustration book and make a call, Xiaozhi lowered his head and noticed the city below.

Unknowingly, the Mukehawk had already flown back to the Sinnoh Continent, and soon arrived at the sky above the first nearest city—Emi City.

"By the way, Miss Caizhong should know Xie Mi!"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and motioned for Mukehawk to land quickly.

As an expert in grass attributes, vegetable seeds should have some knowledge of grass hedgehogs in this area.

Just came, go down and ask.


Mukehawk understood, and with his wings together, he swooped down and landed on the street in front of the EMI gymnasium in a short while.

"Thank you, Mukehawk."

Xiaozhi took back the Mukehawk for the time being. Although the journey was not too far away, the Mukehawk didn't have the strong stamina like Ladias after all, so he had to take a good rest.

In front of him is the Pathai Gymnasium that he had been to before.

Lush vegetative moss covers the building's surface, resembling a botanical garden.

Knock on the door, and soon a beautiful and fashionable woman came out.

But it's not Miss Caizhong, it looks like it should be Caizhong's assistant friend?

"Ah, are you looking for Miss Caizhong? She happens to be out of the gym right now."

The beautiful woman said, this made Xiao Zhi frown, is it such a coincidence?

Noticing Xiaozhi's expression, the woman thought Xiaozhi was in a hurry to find vegetables, so she added:

"Sister Caizhong should now challenge the insect king there in EMI Forest. If you have anything to do, you can go directly to the forest to find her~!"

"Bug king?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback, it was not the first time he had heard of this word.

When I was in the Great Wetland last time, a huge "Bug King" Dragon King Scorpion appeared there, which attracted many people to look for it and catch it.

I didn't expect that the worm king appeared in EMI Forest now. There wasn't one when I came last time, right?

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