He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1812 The rabbi who was affected

Walking on the streets of EMI, Xiaozhi also probably knew the situation of this insect king.

It is said that it is a wild Pokémon that only appeared in the last month. Its body is a powerful praying mantis insect king. It defeated the original strong man in the forest in a short time and was promoted to the insect king.

It even launched attacks on passengers and trainers passing by along the way, which also caused a certain threat.

As the owner of the gymnasium, although the attribute is unfavorable, Cai Zhong can only get up and enter the forest, preparing to suppress this insect king with his own hands.

"Praying Mantis King? Flying Mantis or Giant Pincer Mantis?"

Xiaozhi became interested, and now he was heading in the direction of EMI Forest.

These two kinds of praying mantis Pokémon are quick-attack Pokémon, and Xiaozhi is familiar with it.

But if he can become the king of insects, there must be something special about him. Xiaozhi plans to go and see it, and ask Xie Mi about Cai Zhong.

"It smells so familiar."


When entering the forest, Xiaozhi smelled a familiar smell, and Pikachu on his shoulder couldn't help drooling.

Turning his head, he saw that it was a meat and roast duck restaurant, exuding the aroma of roasted duck with green onions, which was very attractive.

"Roast duck?"

In Xiaozhi's mind. Suddenly, a green onion appeared.

That fellow Shirabi, if he was here now, would be like the little flame monkey sitting at the door, chewing and enjoying the duck leg

"Wait a minute, it's the rabbi!?"

Xiaozhi suddenly rubbed his eyes vigorously, only to realize that it wasn't Little Flame Monkey.

Instead, there was indeed a rabbi sitting at the door, grabbing a roasted duck leg that was almost as big as its head, and gnawed violently, mouthful of oil.

The reincarnated appearance of this evil spirit is obviously the rabbi he knew.

He walked up quickly, and when the rabbi was still enjoying the food, he noticed Xiaozhi.

"Hey! Satoshi! Pikachu~!?"

Shi Rabi's eyes with big dark circles suddenly brightened, flapping the thin wings on his back, he flew in front of Xiaozhi, and greeted him telepathically.


During the process, he still didn't forget to bite off a large piece of leg meat and chew it.

This appearance also made Xiao Zhi feel a little helpless. As the legendary god of the forest and the god of time, doesn't he have any aura of a god? !

But it's strange to say that there are many diners around, but no one seems to notice the special rabbi.

"Hee hee~ I'm hypnotized~!"

As Rabi was chewing, the use of his mouth and tongue would not hinder his smooth telepathy.

As the god of the forest, he is proficient in the super power of deceiving people. Now everyone around him thinks that he is a wild little flame monkey.

What's so strange about Little Flame Monkey eating roast duck?

Xiaozhi: "."

No wonder the first time I saw it, I also looked like a little flame monkey.

Was it an illusion? When...?

"By the way, Xiaozhi, you came just in time~!"

After releasing the leftover duck leg bones, Shi Rabi's little hands were still full of oily flowers, but he thought of something, and suddenly grabbed Xiaozhi in surprise, and dragged him towards the direction of the Baidai Forest.

"I see."

After some explanation from Rabbi Shi, Xiaozhi finally knew the whole story.

It is not a coincidence that the insect king suddenly appeared in EMI Forest, and Shi Rabi suddenly appeared here again.

"Oh, I hate it. At that time, I was assimilating the entire EMI forest, but the power of the God of Time suddenly affected me."

Rabi and Pikachu sat on Xiaozhi's shoulders symmetrically, while the former explained.

Although rabbi can travel in various time and space and work as the god of time, its essence is still the god of the forest.

After listening to Xiaozhi's suggestion, Shirabi is now integrating the forests in various regions and assimilating all the forests in the world, which will be used as the territory coverage of his own forest god.

Working for others has no future, working for yourself is the best solution.

Now the evergreen forest in the Kanto region, the tung forest in the Johto region, and the orange blossom forest in the Yoshien region have all been assimilated by it.

Now Xiaozhi can reach the Orange Blossom Forest in an instant with the power of the forest god directly after leaving Zhenxin Town.

Then Rabi set his sights on the Emi Forest in the Sinnoh area, and continued to expand the territory.

It's just that when it was exerting its assimilation power, it was very unlucky, and it just ran into the dog-eat-dog civil war between Palkia and Dialga.

"So it was that time?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, it was about a month ago.

The battle on Tianguan Mountain has also affected EMI Forest?

"That's right, the fluctuating energy of time and space suddenly rushed over, which happened to mess up my own power. If I was not careful, I also used the ability to travel through time and space."

Rabi Shi spread his hands, looking helpless, and directly blamed the time and space double dragons.

"Because of the influence of the disordered time, the entire EMI forest that followed directly had a wrong connection with a forest in the ancient Sinnoh area."

This ancient area seems to be called the Xicui area by the locals?

"So the Pokémon in the Sinnoh region and the Xicui region all randomly appeared in their respective time and space, which was very chaotic."

Although the rabbi made up for it immediately afterwards, he sent back the ancient Pokémon in the EMI Forest, and transferred back the modern Pokémon in the Xicui area.

But in the end it was only the last step.

"I accidentally sent an insect king from the Xicui area. It is very powerful, and its violent personality is really disgusting!"

Speaking of this, Rabi Shi's complexion couldn't help changing, with a bit of shame and anger in his expression.

Insect-type Pokémon, it is extremely beneficial to quadruple suppression.

The last time he fought against this worm king, Shi Rabi was directly sent flying out of the EMI forest by the latter, quite embarrassed.

So Rabbi ate some duck legs in EMI City to recharge his batteries and prepare for another battle. In the end, he met Xiaozhi.


These words made Xiaozhi chuckle a little.

The satyr, how much he gets hacked by a forest bug is a bit dramatic.

"Is it the insect king in the Xicui area? It's interesting."

But Xiaozhi also became very interested, and now he has some understanding of the ancient Sinnoh area—Xicui area.

From the looks of it, this mantis king should not be a flying mantis or a giant pincer mantis, but a special ancient species that I have never seen before?

"So you want me to help you kill that bug king? Easy to say!"

Xiao Zhi immediately patted the latter on the head, and confidently agreed.

"No, no!"

However, Rabbi quickly flew up, looking at Xiaozhi head-on, with serious and resolute eyes.

It's just that the corners of his mouth were still shiny, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he exhaled a strong smell of roast duck, which somewhat spoiled the atmosphere.

"Xiaozhi, I want you to be my trainer temporarily, the two of us will fight side by side and kill that stinky praying mantis together!"

Rabbi clenched his fists and said viciously.

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