He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1869 Quarterfinals, Shinji's battle!

boom! boom!

As the red light fell, the Pokémon of the two appeared at the same time.

Trainer A's first battle Pokémon is a Mook Eagle, which is very common on the roadside, and it spreads its wings as soon as it appears on the stage.

It seems that all Mickhawks share a single brain.


This Mukhawk also shook its head several times in a row, deliberately showing off its handsome red crest.

And Shinji's first battle Pokémon is a very classic cannon fodder Ma Yula.

"Has Shinji not lost this Pokémon?"

Xiaogang asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

But on the field, the handsome Mukehawk flapped its wings, turned into a sharp white light and swooped out, launching a charge.

Yan Hui!

"Use Frozen Wind!!"

However, with Ma Xuan's little hand move, the cold ice mist blowing out caused the head of the rushing Muke Eagle to feel a pain in the head, and Yan Fan's attack couldn't help but slow down a bit.


After being slowed down, Yan Hui, who was bound to hit the effect, was pulled away by this mahogany, trying to dodge as much as possible.

"Use Freezing Punch!"

The next moment, Ma Yula showed a smirk expression, hooked his claws into a fist, and attached the cold clothes.

boom! !

A frozen fist hit Mukehawk's side face, and the bone-piercing cold eroded upwards in an instant, freezing half of Mukehawk's body into ice lumps.

The effect is outstanding! !

"One more time, Freezing Punch!"

Don't look at Ma Xuanla's small stature, but she is very violent when she moves her hands. After one punch is thrown, the second punch is followed by another punch.

This Mukehawk obviously hasn't mastered the fighting technique of "close combat". Once it is at close range on the ground, its body flexibility is completely inferior to this Ma Huanla.

Phew! !

There was another crisp and deep explosion, and the Mukehawk was thrown heavily in front of the trainer in a burst of ice chips, losing the ability to fight.

"You really have a hand, this Ma Huanla."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise him for ending the battle neatly.

Cannon fodder belongs to cannon fodder, but for Shinji, the fast-attack type Ma Yula probably still belongs to the category of "useful things".

"Damn it, since it's so easy to defeat my Mukehawk!"

The trainer A looked ashamed and angry. After taking back the defeated Mukehawk, he sent a Roentgen cat backhand.

These are all bad Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, but they are also good after evolving to the top, so they are the most frequently used Pokémon by ordinary Sinnoh trainers.

"Come back, Mara"

Shinji fought the battle with a tactic of complete restraint of attributes, and with a backhand, he retracted Ma Yula and replaced it with the second Pokémon.

The red light fell, and this time, a huge and thick Pokémon appeared on the stage.

The body of the armored Tyrannosaurus rex has a layer of reddish-brown lava stone armor attached to the back of the chest, and the tail at the end presents the posture of a meteor hammer.

In the center of the palms of the two rock arms, there are black holes, as if some howitzers can be released from them at any time.

"Copy the house!!"

The super-armored wild rhino made an exhilarating roar, although it was not intimidating, but this powerful posture, on the contrary, was the roentgen cat with intimidating characteristics, and it was frightened to take a step back.

The intimidating characteristic originally needs to be used with the help of its own appearance and aura.

If a kitten puts pressure on a tyrannosaur, the intimidation trait will not only be ineffective, but may even weaken itself in turn.

"Don't lose to it, Roentgen Cat, use Frozen Teeth!!"

Trainer A wiped the sweat from his forehead. Is this guy a robot? He has no expression at all.

The Roentgen cat let out a low growl, and the fur on its back exploded. It quickly rushed towards the super-armored wild rhinoceros, and a fang of energy condensed in its wide open mouth.

However, Shinji's command was very flat.


This super-armored wild rhino didn't dodge or dodge, and let the roentgen cat bite at the shoulder. This time it was the turn of the piercing chill to infect and attack it, making the super-armored wild rhino let out a muffled groan.

The effect is outstanding!

"Now, use the rock cannon!"

But at this moment with zero distance, the super-armored mad rhino has already raised two rocky arms, and aimed the hole in the palm directly at the big cat in front of him.

Rocks are continuously spewed out of it, and countless rocks are continuously squeezed and compressed, forming a rock grenade of extremely high quality and terrifying power.

Boom! !

The next moment, the rock cannon roared out, and the front of the Roentgen cat burst open in the abdomen!

The strongest move of the rock attribute, combined with the destructive power of the super-armed mad rhinoceros that seemed to be able to steal a house, caused a roaring explosion at one end of the arena!


Half a minute later, as the smoke dissipated, the Roentgen cat had fainted and fell to the ground in a terrible shape.

Completely zero-distance rock cannon big move, and hits its softest belly, one hit kills!

"Hey! This guy seems very strong!"

"How can there be such a handsome Pokémon as Super Armored Rhinoceros!?"

"Shinji, I have been paying attention to this trainer before, and he is very capable."

Shinji's strong fight also caused a lot of discussion about him in the arena.

Always put on an indifferent face, although sometimes it can be annoying

But as long as one's own strength is strong enough, a bad attitude or something is actually not a shortcoming.

"This super-armored wild rhinoceros is really strong enough."

In the stands, Xiaozhi was also amazed.

The new Pokémon that evolved from the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus in his hometown has already reached a terrifying level of destructive power.

"Copy the house! Copy the house!!"

Even after the victory of this super-armored rhinoceros, its two fists would continue to hammer each other, and it would make an unusually violent scream, which was very powerful.


The instant defeat of the two Pokémon also made the trainer A's expression ugly.

No, it's not over yet!



Boom! !

It's just that in the next series of battles, Shinji frequently changed Pokémon, and each battle had an absolute advantage in attributes.

After a while, when Trainer A came back to his senses, he realized that he only had the last Pokémon left in his hand.

"how so."

He murmured in despair.

On the other hand, although all the Pokémon are lit up by Shinji, none of the Pokémon's heads are dim.

"Even in the face of an opponent whose strength is much lower than yours, you still go all out and don't give the slightest chance?"

With serious eyes, Xiaozhi said slowly.

Even with one Pokémon fighting with all his strength, it is estimated that Shinji can play a good situation, but he replaced it very simply.

What a meticulous person.

And compared to the Shinji he met for the first time, this guy's fighting style seems to have changed a lot.

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