He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1870 A Remarkable Thing

"Please, my last trump card!!"

Although his face was flushed and he was sweating profusely from the beating, the training armor still threw out the last poke ball.

The red light fell, and his last Pokémon was a flame monkey.

After all, as Sinnoh people, most people's trump card is the initial Yusanjia, and there are still a few who release Yusanjia at the beginning or throw them into the computer.


Seeing a monkey popping out suddenly at the end, Shinji's eyes froze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Blame Monkey, don't lose to him! Use Sonic Fist!!"

The final battle started, and the level of this flaming monkey seemed to be not low, and it was sprinting and jumping in the arena at high speed.


Then a sharp and swift fist of white light hit the super armor Kuangxi's cheek!

The effect is outstanding!

"Then it's melee combat!!"

After a successful blow, the flame monkey took advantage of the victory to pursue, smashing out fists, elbows and knees, making bursts of explosions on the body of the super-armored mad rhinoceros.

The astonishing fighting boxing forced the super-armored Kuangxi's huge body to retreat again and again.


In the end, he even fell to his knees on the ground, obviously suffering a lot of damage.

"How about it, don't underestimate us!"

The top eight trainer touched his nose, only to feel that his whole body was full of energy and blood, and this match finally revealed a mouthful of malice.

He just cast his gaze away, but saw that the face of the trainer on the opposite side did not change at all.

That look, as if he and the flame monkey are just clowns.

"Okay, Super Armored Rhinoceros, use double reward!"

As Shinji's voice fell, steaming white smoke appeared on the surface of the super-armored wild rhinoceros, especially the tail of the meteor hammer at the end, which turned into a turquoise appearance.

The super-armored wild rhino turned around vigorously, and the hammer-shaped tail swept out brazenly!

And Flame Monkey punched out a set of high-strength fists. At this moment, his body was a little bit sluggish, and it was difficult to dodge for a while, so he could only watch helplessly as the special-effect tail of a dragon's tail swept towards him.

Boom! !

With a blunt and deep sound, the flame monkey's body was thrown out heavily!

In an instant, the blood-filled flame monkey's blood skin disappeared instantly, and even the bones and internal organs seemed to burst, and the whole body was in severe pain.

However, the flaming monkey's will was tenacious, and it finally stood up tremblingly.

"Flame Monkey!!"

Even following the trainer's voice, its eyes instantly turned blood red, and the flame above its head suddenly burst into flames.

"Have you entered the raging fire feature?! Haha Flame Monkey, let him see your true strength!"

Seeing the red flame monkey all over, the trainer suddenly became ecstatic.

Along the way, his flame monkey has only triggered the fierce fire feature twice, and today is the second time.

That's right, today's battle is not over yet!

"Do you also have this power?"

Shinji's eyes were a little dazed. The red flame monkey in front of him seemed to overlap with the figure of the little flame monkey in his memory.

"Flame monkey, use jet flames!!"

But when the flaming monkey performed its moves, Shinji frowned.

Although the color of the flame has become deeper, its power and temperature have increased a lot.

But after the little flame monkey entered the fiery state, the power it erupted was obviously much worse.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use the Rock Cannon!"

Shinji no longer hesitated, and confronted decisively.

The super-armored wild rhino immediately raised one arm, and the hole in the palm quickly collapsed and compressed countless rocks, forming a rock grenade, which was thrown out heavily.

boom! !

The two moves collided in a stalemate in the center of the arena, and the jet flames under the raging fire seemed to have the upper hand, forcing the rock cannon back a little bit.

Boom boom boom! !

However, the next moment, the rock cannon exploded suddenly, and the countless crushed rocks compressed in the center turned into sharp stone blades, completely crushing the flames in an instant.

In the end, it scattered in all directions, and many dangerous stone blades landed on the flame monkey, blowing it away again!

The raging fire state is a state that can only be entered by oneself in the wind. At this moment, it has suffered another heavy blow.


The flaming monkey finally completely lost its ability to fight, and its body fell forward.

"The flame monkey lost the ability to fight, and the super-armed wild rhinoceros won. Therefore, the first quarter-finals of the Suzuran Conference will be promoted by Shinji from Curtain City!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly, announcing the end of the game.

Shinji, on the other hand, raised his hand and casually retracted the super-armored wild rhinoceros. He glanced coldly at the trainer kneeling on the ground, and said unceremoniously:

"Hmph, your flame monkey is still far behind."

He would not approve of such a flame monkey.

"Hey, this guy, you really have two tricks!"

"Shinji from Curtain City seems to have achieved good results in other regions."

"I don't know who is stronger than the beast male player?"

Although all six of Shinji's Pokémon appeared on the stage, one undefeated one won the battle, which completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire venue.

And Xiaozhi also crossed his arms and stared at Shinji who left the stage from a distance.

The appearance of beating the killer to the flame monkey is really cruel enough, how much personal hatred is injected into it?

"The double return of the super-armored wild rhinoceros, and two burst rock cannons, so be careful."

Looking at the audience, Xiaozhi has obtained a lot of battle information from Shinji, and this powerful super-armored rhinoceros is obviously one of the opponent's trump cards.

But it's not a big problem, his flaming monkey is much stronger than this flaming monkey!

Xiaozhi's second quarter-final match was held in the afternoon.

After the first game, the auditorium began to leave sparsely.


But Xiaozhi, who just stood up and was about to leave, suddenly sensed something.

He raised his head and looked far into the sky.

The sky is clear and blue, with occasional clouds drifting by.

"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, aren't you going to have lunch?"

Seeing Xiaozhi standing there strangely suddenly, Xiao Gang beside him asked curiously.

Is there something in the sky?

"Teacher Gang, do you believe that there is another self in this world?"

Xiaozhi just stared straight at the sky, and suddenly asked an inexplicable question.

Xiao Gang scratched his head, his eyes wrinkled into slits.

Of course there is another self in this world.

Brother Chi said back then that there was also a Nibi Gym in his world, and the owner of the Gym was also Xiao Gang, and he was a fair-skinned and handsome guy.

At that time, he wanted to jump into the sea when he heard it, so he also played time-traveling.

But why did you bring this up all of a sudden?


Xiaozhi's shoulders trembled suddenly, he came back to his senses, and finally stopped looking at the deep and ethereal sky.

"I just suddenly had a feeling that I, in another world, seemed to have accomplished a remarkable thing."

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