He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 204 Today I am on the fifth floor!

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Just when the eyes of the two were still meeting, and the hunk with a smile on his mouth was staring at each other, a voice suddenly appeared in Xiaomao's mind, which was a bit cold.

"Don't be dazed, this fossilized pterosaur is very special, quickly throw the luxury ball!"

This is the voice of green.

What he said to Chi earlier was actually a riddle in the guise of a riddle, and even he himself didn't know what he was talking about.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can attract Chi's attention, it is enough to have no time to pay attention to the battlefield.

That is his green territory!

Although this fossil pterosaur is going to be sent to Zhenxin Town, at least it will not flow into the hands of the two of them for a short time, but whoever throws the luxury ball first at this moment will be able to fully bond with this fossil pterosaur. There will be a greater chance of hooking him into the team.

"Oh, I see!"

Only then did Xiao Mao suddenly come back to his senses.

Although there was a duck with green onions in his heart, his appearance did not change much, and he even wanted to sneer.

Jie Jie...

Don't blame my brother, I'm cruel, it's really my sister-in-law's fossilized pterosaur is too attractive...

When I fly this sky overlord in the sky of the Kanto region one day, I will definitely take in a few Bobos as compensation!

Thinking of this, Xiao Mao's eyes turned cold, and a sinister expression was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Xiao Zhi who was still full of enthusiasm and holding hands with him, he wanted to laugh, but he secretly thought that he was still a stunned young man who didn't understand anything, so he wanted to be my uncle Xiao Mao's rival?


Here's your chance!

Just when the two arms parted, Xiaomao's other hand had already held a black-edged gold-plated aristocratic elf ball around his waist, and mercilessly threw it at the fossilized pterosaur that couldn't fight.

Deluxe ball!

"The prehistoric overlord of the sky belongs to me, Xiaomao!!"

Seeing that the luxurious ball he flew away was about to touch the target, his expression was ecstatic, and he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, his handsome face even became a little distorted!


A black shadow shot away from the side, caught up with Xiaomao's luxury ball in an instant, and even sent out bursts of sonic booms in the air at such a high speed.


This dark shadow weapon was unstoppable, and it directly knocked Xiaomao's luxurious ball into the air with a tricky angle, and then landed on the fossilized pterosaur who couldn't fight.

In the next second, the red light shining with the local tyrant's golden light took this extraordinary fossil pterosaur into it, and after shaking it three times, it indicated that it was successfully subdued.

Another luxury ball!

Xiaomao: "?"

His distorted face was suddenly suffocated in the air, and he turned tremblingly to look at the source of the second luxury ball.

I saw that Xiaozhi was swinging the ball back and looking at Xiaomao with a silly expression on his face.

"I've been waiting for you to make a move, hehe."

At this moment, Xiaozhi's facial features changed slightly, from stunned and hot-blooded, to a smiling expression, seamlessly connected.

"This wave, you are only on the second floor, today I am on the fifth floor!!"

He lightly patted Xiao Mao's shoulder with a dull face, like patting an idiot, and asked with a smile:

"Brother, you won't blame me for doing this, will you?"

Jie Jie...

Don't blame him for being cruel and ruthless, it's really the fossilized pterosaur that is too tempting! !

Xiaomao: "..."

That's right, he can pretend to be the rich second generation of Kaizi, why can't others pretend to be a hot-blooded stunned young man!

I? A duck with scallions! !


in soul space.

Qinglu: "?"

Everything that happened in front of him was going too fast, even he didn't react to it, Xiaozhi's face-changing was as sophisticated as him, and he was caught off guard.

Then Qinglu quickly turned her head to look at Chi, her eyes began to darken, her expression darkened.

Looking at Chi, who bowed his head on the grand teacher's chair and was lost in thought, as if he had nothing to do with the world, he couldn't help sneering and trembling with anger.

"Hmph, stop acting, I lost today..."

Deliberately pretending to be in trouble thinking about the riddles thrown by him, but actually secretly distracted, and secretly directed that little wise boy to guard against evil.

How insidious!

It seems that during this time travelling, Chi not only became more sophisticated in thinking, but also became more vicious in person.

Have to guard against!

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time, next time, I will definitely beat you!"

Qinglu let out a low snort, then flicked her hands, and disappeared into this soul space.

He untied the soul connection between the two.


After a long while, Chicai raised his head from the grand teacher's chair, but his face was full of question marks, he didn't understand what Qinglu was talking about just now.

He really didn't have any superficial brothers just now, what was both a disguise and a secret.

The main reason is that he discovered something wrong with this fossil pterosaur the first time he came in, and then notified Xiaozhi immediately.

The ball must be lost immediately.

After that, no matter whether it was Xiaozhi's trial with Frogweed at the beginning, or the double bond and double hypnotism of Zhenxin Town with Xiaomao later, he didn't care about it.

After all, this is Xiaozhi's acting skills.

While mingling with Xiaomao passionately, he secretly laughed at this stupid Kaizi.


"Chisang, the flowers in my hometown should be blooming by now, right?"

Chi shook his head violently, he still didn't understand what Qinglu meant.

Immediately, he regained his composure a little and began to think again.

Thoughtful as green, it should not be aimless, this sentence must have a deep meaning.

Deficit 7 paintings, which means fire...

Hometown, referring to their parents, the Kanto area...

Flowers... Frog Flowers?

"Bake Xiaozhi's mutated Frogweed with fire, and it can evolve into Frogflower...?"

Chi's eyes lit up immediately, and he finally understood Qinglu's intention, it turned out that he was pointing Xiaozhi through his mouth.

"Forget it, since that's the case, next time I'll point out that Xiaomao too..."

The corner of his red mouth raised, and he finally sorted out everything, which made him very comfortable, and then leaned his head back against the grand teacher's chair, shaking slightly...


in reality.

After a series of intrigues and intrigues, time also reached its limit, and a beam of white light finally shot out from the top of the two of them.


The yang world and the underworld were finally dug through.

"Pikachu, turn off the lights quickly!" Xiaozhi quickly shouted in a low voice.


Pikachu instantly dissipated his flash, and the two of them quietly hid in a corner of the shadow of the rock wall.

Taking advantage of the situation, they also closed their mouths to cover their white teeth. At this moment, Xiao Zhi and the two are like elves in the dark night...

"Is there anything down there?"

"Didn't the rumbling sound just now stop ringing?"

"Hello, is anyone there?"

"Hey, hey, is there a ghost?"

All the mountain men dug a gap three to four meters long above, and a few daring mountain men even dropped the hole-piercing rope and slowly fell down.

After some exploration, it seemed that there was no danger, and the mountain men behind also fell down one after another. The landing sites became crowded, and everyone had to scatter around the deep pit to explore.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao hurriedly took the opportunity to sneak into the mountain men's team, pretending to be ordinary mountain men.

It was just some exploration, and Zhongshannan didn't find anything at all except the battle marks of the surrounding pits and pits.

"Impossible, there must be something down there just now!"

"That's right, the explosion just now was so loud, it couldn't have appeared out of thin air!"

"Hmph, can an explosion appear out of thin air? My lord ate this stone on the spot!"

"It's not something from the underworld, is it?"

All the mountain men talked about it.


In the next second, a blue light appeared out of thin air above one side of the Shenkeng cave, causing an explosion, which was powerful!

Obviously there was nothing there, it just exploded out of thin air.

This almost supernatural scene frightened all the mountain men. Although their thick arms look like bears, they are actually not as courageous as a chicken.

"What an explosion from hell!?"

"A ghost!?"

"Brothers, withdraw!!"

The faces of all the men on the mountain changed suddenly, and they rushed to grab the hole rope and escape back to the ground...


Xiaomao, who was pretending to be crying and howling, suddenly poked Xiaozhi, who was also howling and howling beside him, and said triumphantly:

"See, it's my master's masterpiece..."

Although he is slightly inferior to the fossil pterosaur, he is still the number one wise general in Zhenxin Town.

The explosion out of thin air just now was the skill he first let Hu Di release.

Predict future! !

Today, I am still on the fifth floor! !

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