He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 205 Isn't this fossil pterosaur moldy?

Soon, because of this inexplicable and weird explosion, Xiaozhi and the mountain men left the deep pit one after another, discussing under the sun.

"It may really be a place of underworld..."

"But the smell of fossils is also very strong. There should be a lot of fossils there."

"I suspect that someone entered ahead of time and secretly tricked us. They probably caught all the big fish!"

"I think so too."

The crowd just wanted to sneak away, and Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi had a violent fight. Now there are more than 20 real prehistoric fossil Pokémon in the Poké Balls on them.

Looking at this posture, you won't be searched, will you?


A beam of bright golden light shot up into the sky, making a sound like a sharp knife unsheathed, and the quarrel stopped suddenly.

This golden light made all the mountain men short of breath, and even blinded Xiaozhi's eyes.

Under the sunlight, a golden pick is particularly eye-catching. Although the person holding the pick has dark skin, his temperament and eyes are like a tiger off the rope, carrying a high and noble position.

It is Xiaozhi's good brother, Xiaogang.

Even though he is half a head shorter than the other mountain men, his technique is extremely flexible and sophisticated. Previously, he relied on a sturdy small steel cannon to fight against the crowd, holding a golden pick, and became the last mountain man king.

"Gang male king, you give me an idea."

"The fire is at your command."

The mountain men found the backbone and handed over the decision-making power to him.

Xiao Gang snorted coldly, opened his eyes slightly to look at the world, and his pupils became extremely deep.

He first glanced at the many mountain men with fiery faces, then intentionally or unintentionally glanced to the rear side, where Xiaozhi and Xiaomao were.

These two people disappeared when they were competing for the golden pick before, but when they went down a deep pit, these two people mysteriously appeared again.

In addition, the two of them are usually rivals who don't fight each other, but now they put on the same expression, and there are bulging waists...

Just full?

As wise as he is, he naturally guessed what shameful things the two of them might have done, and couldn't help but secretly smile.

Xiaozhi is his good brother, so he is naturally on this side.

As for the many brothers of the Shannan Association?

That's just for Calais to play with, they're all superficial brothers.

Actually unfamiliar.

Thinking that Xiao Gang had also made a decision, he smashed the golden pick on the ground and shouted loudly:

"Here are all cultural relics. I, the new King of the Mountain, propose to hand over all of them to the country!"

Zhongshan Men: "?"

The purpose of their coming today is to pick up leaks before the official blockade of the scene, and then you tell us to hand it over to the official.

When wage earners?

"It turns out that Heipi is a fool."

"I forgot, the golden pick is used to jump in the queue, when can I be the leader again."


Xiao Gang: "?"

All the men on the mountain turned like birds and beasts, scattered into the Grand Canyon, and continued to dig up fossils.

Xiaozhi hurriedly pulled Xiaogang and Xiaomao who were still in a daze to quietly exit the Grand Canyon, and ran towards an elf center...

Who do you seem to have forgotten?


At the Fairy Center, before exchanging the Pokémon devices, Xiaozhi and the two sent out all the 21 fossil Pokémon they had captured.

On the other end of the phone, an old man with gray hair had a red face, wishing he could jump out of the screen and give each of them a grandpa's passionate kiss.

Dr. Oki, who has lived for most of his life, has never seen a few fossil Pokémon with prehistoric blood, let alone the most special fossil pterosaur among them.

While giving a physical examination to this group of fossil Pokémon, Dr. Oki's prehistoric Pokémon adoption qualifications were also down, which means that his backyard is also eligible to raise them in captivity.

"Mega evolution?"

In front of the screen, Dr. Oki's words made Xiaozhi slightly stunned.

Xiaozhi knows this evolution, that is, he still has a key stone bracelet, one of the mega evolution props.

But what does this have to do with the fossil Pokémon they tamed?

"Ahem, take a look at these two pictures first. The one on the left is the image of a common fossil pterosaur, and the one on the right is the appearance of the fossil pterosaur you have tamed."

Dr. Oki played two pictures on the screen.

The one on the left is the image given in the illustrated book, but it is only different from the actual one they saw.

The fossilized pterosaur they saw had dark green rock spikes in many places on its gray-brown body, like moss, several scars on its head, and rock armor on its abdomen. A pair of wide wings were also stained with similar rocky substances.

Even the body structure is somewhat different from the one in the picture.

"Ah, don't these mean it's moldy?"

Xiaozhi didn't realize the Ming calendar, and he also observed these differences, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He only thought that it was moldy after staying in the ground for a long time.


"I have tested it, and these spiked rocks attached to its surface are all part of the body of the fossilized pterosaur, not foreign attachments."

Dr. Oki typed another picture on the screen, and his expression became deep.

"This one is the information I got from the Carlos area through my own channels. The picture has not been published anywhere..."

In the picture, it is another fossil pterosaur, but it is not completely different from the previous image.

Not only has the body shape changed, but the top corners of the head, cheeks, abdomen, and tail are all covered with a layer of stone spikes and armor of different colors.

Even the sharp claws at the joints of the wings turned into three sharp and penetrating rock spikes!

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi and the two stared wide-eyed, and even Xiao Gang, who was secretly peeking behind him, couldn't help but come up to him.

"That's right, this is what the fossil pterosaur mega evolved to look like, isn't it somewhat similar to your fossil pterosaur?" Dr. Oki's expression became intriguing.

Their fossil pterosaurs are in the intermediate form of normal and mega evolution.

It can be said to be a half-step mega fossil pterosaur!

"That's why Brother Qinglu let me do it?"

Xiaomao and Xiaozhi looked at each other, and understood why the two big brothers had let their brothers fight each other.

Is their brotherhood not worth a half-step mega fossil pterosaur?

If you think about it carefully, it's really not worth it.

"When the mega evolution was first discovered, many scholars suggested that the mega evolution is actually a return to the ancestors of Pokémon, returning to the true original appearance..."

Speaking of this, Dr. Oki's face became serious, and his tone couldn't help trembling.

"Your intermediate fossil pterosaur may become the most important evidence in the history of Pokémon evolution!"

Even in front of the screen, Xiaomao's shoulders began to tremble and his breathing became short of breath. He could understand the meaning of it.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He couldn't understand these gaudy things, and the only thing he cared about was one point.

"This half-step mega fossil pterosaur, is it strong?" He asked curiously.

Dr. Oki: "?"

He frowned, and subconsciously replied: "You don't understand, it's not a question of whether it's strong or not, it's really that...that rare..."

"So strong?"


Dr. Oki replied helplessly, can you maintain a half-step mgea evolution in normal times, do you think it is strong?

Prehistoric blood, high intelligence, and now there is still a half-step mega evolutionary form, this is no longer a question of being strong...

Even when the fossilized pterosaur from Guanjundu came, he had to kneel.

Of course, this is not about the current strength, but the potential.

"Good life!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, you must know that the luxury ball belongs to him!

Now the fossil pterosaur has the highest degree of intimacy with him, and he can't wait to take a plane and fly back to Zhenxin Town to greet the former family.

"Grandpa, it's time to take out the luxury ball inherited from our Damu family. Hurry up and replace it. I remember that the ball now belongs to me, right?"

Xiao Mao said suddenly, his eyes became hot.

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