He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2070 Vio, vs Geometric Snowflake!

"Humph fool."

It seems to realize that no matter how I explain it now, it doesn't make sense, and some people even have three hundred taels of silver here.

It has to be said that Rotom's move disgusted Vio, and he was in a dilemma.

Before, I planned to make a mysterious and majestic face, but I couldn't hold back anymore. I simply stopped pretending.

So Wei Ao snorted coldly, temporarily suppressed the communication equipment hidden somewhere on his body, and looked at Xiaozhi again.

"Come back, Rotom."

Xiaozhi also hurriedly recalled Rotom. The old man in front of him looked gloomy and cold, and he didn't look like a good person at all.

It was dismantled in minutes.


Rotom flew to the distance in a hurry, as a show.

"So you plasma team, what can I do for you...?"

Not knowing the other party's purpose, Xiaozhi couldn't help but speak first.

Now he is not too afraid of these villain organizations, the worst is to fight.

However, Wei Ao was still trembling inexplicably, and he would spit out a cold breath when he spoke, which was very obvious in the hot summer.

Obviously, he didn't just pass by by accident.

"I'm here for Lord Akromar."

Hearing that it really had something to do with Akromar, Xiao Zhi regained his composure.

If you call him "Master", you should be considered Mr. Akromar's subordinate, right?

"Master Akromar shoulders the responsibility of revitalizing the team of the plasma team. He wants to become the king of the world. But because of you, he deviated from the road and stagnated."

When Vio said these words, there was still unusual resentment on his face.

Akromar is a special talent invited by their plasma team. He has unique talents. It is not impossible to help the plasma team conquer the world by using the cross-generational science and technology!

Akromar is nominally the new king of Team Plasma.

While obtaining extremely high authority, you can also touch a lot of valuable resources at your fingertips, and have a group of equally scarce and precious scientific and technological talents

Naturally, their plasma team is also monitoring Akromar's movements at all times, so they won't be so relieved to completely delegate power.

A few months ago, all the research results of Akromar had a positive effect on the plasma team.

However, since these two months, basically no practical results have been obtained.

Like the ancient exterminator, Genesect, which cost a lot of money and manpower to develop.

It was also held in Akromar's hand, saying that it could not be used directly.

Just dragging.

Faintly, their plasma team also noticed that the scientist from other places might have a crooked mind.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it helps Team Plasma get what they want, everything else can be ignored.

It's just that Acromar's research direction has become more and more strange recently, all kinds of completely meaningless machines, and even alcoholism and depression.

They had to come out and beat one or two.

Especially the boy in front of him.

Akromar seems to have been affected by the change since he traveled with the outlander trainer.

"I'll give you a choice now. You can leave Lord Akromar now, and I'll pretend nothing happened."

Wei Ao's face turned cold, and he threatened:

"If you continue to hang out with Master Akromar, I don't mind freezing you completely into a ball of icy garbage."

Xiaozhi scratched his head, so today he came to let himself leave Mr. Akromar.

How do you feel about this kind of plot? I seem to have seen it somewhere.?


At this time, Wei Ao's bloated and heavy purple coat suddenly flipped open, and a strange snowflake-shaped Pokémon flew out of it.

With a body shape of one meter, the whole body is composed of several ice prisms, which resemble geometric snowflakes. The dark body and light blue eyes can be seen in the cracks of the ice strips.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised. Many Pokémon in the Hezhong area have very exquisite appearance and painting style.

It seems to be an ice-type Pokémon, and the body of the large snowflake is constantly emitting cold air.

Vio hid it in his clothes, no wonder he was still shivering in the summer.


However, at the next moment, this geometric snowflake suddenly condensed a beam of ice light pulses, attacking Xiao Zhi suddenly.

Wei Ao in the back also had a gloomy face, showing no mercy at all, as if planning to freeze Xiao Zhi into an ice sculpture on the spot.


But before Xiaozhi could command, Soraya on his shoulders had already jumped up on his own initiative.

The mouth opened, and a shadow ball was condensed, and the small paw pressed forward, throwing the shadow ball out.

Boom! !

The ice light and the shadow ball collided and exploded in the air, causing a burst of smoke and dust to explode.


Soraya landed on the beach, his little head full of energy.

During this period of special training, its strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Especially watching his partners evolve one after another, Sorolla has a strong desire for power.

"Oh, do you want to fight? Then use the shadow to sneak attack!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately directed the attack.

Since it was the opponent who made the first move, don't blame yourself for being rude.


Pikachu sits firmly behind, ready to assist the attack at any time.

Zoroya let out a low cry, and his gray-white body instantly turned into a pool of shadows, melting on the ground.

Even though the explosion smoke in the middle hadn't dissipated, Zoroya still appeared on Geometric Snowflake's back in the blink of an eye, as if about to launch a sneak attack.

At this time, Wei Ao suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Geometric snowflakes, freeze-dried!"

As the illustrated book says, he is a trainer specializing in ice attributes.

He even thinks that his own strength will not be inferior to the nearby Kona, Bonnie and the like.

Geometric Snowflakes didn't turn their heads, but in an instant, a large amount of cold white mist was released from their whole body, all spraying towards the back.


The bone-piercing burst of icy power caused Zoroya to freeze into an ice sculpture before he fully touched the geometric snowflakes.

Even Wei Ao smiled coldly, and suddenly said:

"Hmph, smash it for me now!!"

This geometric snowflake also executed the order immediately.

The body slammed into Soroya's ice sculpture. The ice crystal body was as hard as steel, and the impact was fierce.


This also caused the ice sculpture to shatter completely in the air suddenly, turning into countless pieces of ice and falling down.

This scene couldn't help but make Wei Ao sneer.

Let the trainer know that he is not lying by killing a Pokémon first.

The world of adults is not just a simple Pokémon battle.


But as the ice sculpture was completely shattered, Wei Ao's expression suddenly changed when he looked at the scattered pieces of ice on the ground, but didn't even see a single fox fur.

Where did that weird-looking Zoroya go? !

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