He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2274 The dark trio, absolutely bound!

"It's really dangerous Zoroya, use the shadow claw!"

However, Zoroya's real body suddenly appeared from another position, and the claws on one side gathered black shadow claws, and slammed on Geometric Snowflake's body!

boom! !

The shadow claws tore three vertical marks on Geometric Snowflake's ice crystal body, and the latter flew upside down immediately.

Wei Ao quickly fixed his eyes, but saw the blue fluff on Zoroya's neck and head fluttering upwards like a flame, faintly condensing other phantom shapes.

"Like Zoroya, are they hallucinations?"

Wei Ao is also a human being, so he reacted quickly.

Soroya, a native of the Hezhong area, already has the ability to create hallucinations.

But more, you can only disguise your own body

But the foreign Soroya in front of him, with its fluttering fluff, seemed to be able to create another phantom of "self" outside his body, thus launching a feigned attack.

"Zoroya, come back for now."

Although he succeeded in one blow, Xiaozhi still took back Soraya, his face gradually became serious.

The freeze-drying shot just now was completely based on the premise of killing Pokémon

Sure enough, Team Plasma isn't all like Mr. Akromar.

Zoroya is still immature, facing such a cruel and dangerous opponent, it is still difficult to fight head-on.

"Pikachu, please, and"

Xiaozhi glanced at Pikachu at his feet, and the latter jumped up immediately, staring at the re-suspended geometric snowflakes in front of him.

One shot of Shadow Claw, but the winner has not yet been completely determined.

But such a rookie Pokémon, Pikachu is not afraid of any attack from the opponent.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, was about to take out another elf ball and release the Forsaken World Monkey, just in case.

"Hehe, do you think I will let you use other Pokémon so easily?"

However, Wei Ao suddenly sneered, the previous embarrassment didn't seem to affect anything at all.

Xiaozhi is still pulling out the poke ball in his hand.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, three whistling sounds came from the ear, followed by three figures, which suddenly appeared around Xiao Zhi's body.

These are three men who resemble assassin ninjas. They have similar shapes, with cold and expressionless faces wearing black masks, covering half of their faces, and long pale hair hanging on top of their heads.

The upper body was dressed in tight black clothes, and the skin on the exposed arms and abdomen was extremely white, like frost.

But they are not considered strong, they can only be said to be lean, even a little thin.

The lower body is wearing loose ninja black pants and shoes, which looks very traditional.

Three white-haired and black-clothed ninjas formed a triangle, surrounding Xiaozhi.

"What the hell?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, where did the three ancient ninjas suddenly appear? !

What surprised him the most was that when surrounded by these three people, he suddenly couldn't control his body and couldn't move? !

Even though his thumb was already attached to the button of the Abandoned Monkey Ball, he still couldn't press it down an inch.

"Is it a super power?!"

Xiaozhi's complexion suddenly changed. Was it the superpowers used by these three people that controlled him?

And the three white-haired ninjas were expressionless, they just stood quietly around Xiaozhi's body, with their heads half down, and did not take other actions.

The special formation formed by the combination of the three actually forcibly restrained Xiaozhi in place, unable to move even a bit.

"Haha, anyone in the hands of the dark trio will only become powerless ants~!"

Seeing Xiao Zhi in the three groups of people struggling in vain, Wei Ao just laughed and mocked.


Even Pikachu panicked.

What the hell, Xiaozhi was controlled by three little bastards with dyed hair?

For a long time, Xiaozhi has been its biggest trump card. With a strong trainer behind it, it can roam around everywhere in the front.

Could it be that the boomerang came, and Xiaozhi also started acting? !

It doesn't matter, just get rid of this old man in purple clothes first, right?

Pikachu immediately accumulated electric shocks, and the current flowed across his cheeks, ready to kill the boss directly.

"Hey, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town and his electric mouse, do you think I didn't investigate beforehand?"

Seeing this, Wei Ao didn't panic at all, he already had an extra control machine in his hand, with a little finger.

A strange electric wave sound made the geometric snowflakes in front of him tremble suddenly, and then his eyes turned blood red.


The icy aura on his body instantly became stronger several times, and even the edges of the geometric snowflake-shaped body continued to freeze and extend outwards, turning into larger snowflakes.

In this hot and sunny beach area, the temperature has dropped sharply, and it even looks a little cold?


Following Pikachu's low shout, a violent golden electric shock suddenly blasted out!

But at the same time, this geometric snowflake released a pulse of ice light, blasting Pikachu head-on.

Boom! !

The 100,000 volts collided with the frozen light, causing a violent explosion in mid-air, presenting an evenly matched posture, blowing the remaining energy of the violent airflow outward.


Pikachu looked shocked, staring blankly at the geometric snowflake.

Wasn't he pecking with Zoroya just now?

Why is it that the strength is almost catching up with him all of a sudden?

"This power really makes people obsessed!"

And Wei Ao looked at this scene with a look of amazement, as well as the control instrument in his hand.

"What is that thing?"

Next to him, Xiaozhi, who was still restrained by the dark trio, could still move his eyes when he struggled to break free.

The control instrument in Wei Ao's hand also looks like a geometric snowflake

Is it the control device invented by Mr. Akromar? !

As Xiaozhi guessed, it was the Acroma machine.

Not only can it control the will of Pokémon, but it can even greatly enhance the power of Pokémon and stimulate its full potential

It is precisely because Akromar handed over such an instrument that the Plasma team is so confident and bold in delegating power to him for research.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?!"

Seeing Pikachu deflated, Xiaozhi could only keep trying to struggle and break free.

It's just that this power doesn't seem to be the superpower he's seen from Nazi or Cattleya before.

He has even started to use his waveguide power to prop up from the inside out, trying to break the opponent's bondage

It's just that the waveguide power, which has always been omnipotent, seems to be completely sealed at this moment, unable to spread out at all.

There is also a white-haired trio who look like ninjas. Because they are so close, Xiaozhi can even see half of their faces exposed under their masks.

His face was also extremely pale, and his age seemed to be seventeen or eighteen.

Could it be triplets?

"No, what kind of triplets am I thinking about at this time?!"

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