He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2682 The legendary hero who saved the Ninja Village!

In the morning, about ten o'clock.

Xiaozhi and the others, who had fallen into a deep sleep, were finally awakened by the lively movement around them.

The four of them changed their clothes and walked out of the room - today Yulijia even put on a light pink ninja uniform, looking like a small and exquisite little ninja, with a cute and innocent attitude.

Serena and the others all looked sleepy. They had only slept for about five or six hours since last night.

"Wow~ It's already decorated, right~?!"

Xiaozhi walked at the front, looked around, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He was full of energy, and he only needed a few hours of rest to return to his full state.

At this moment, about half of the wooden buildings on the edge of the ninja village are dilapidated and incomplete, and many of them even have clear scorch marks that can be seen now.

But in the open space in the center of the village, a red festive high platform was built.

Standing among the incomplete buildings around it, it has a sense of incomplete beauty.

Speaking of which, today seems to be the local New Year's Eve festival.

"I guess it's also to celebrate the village with the ceremony of taking over as leader, right?"

Citron couldn't help but guess that according to his observations in the past two days, this village is quite traditional.

The hobbies and customs are not the same as those in Kalos. More like the customs from the Kanto Johto area?

Seeing Xiaozhi and his party coming out, many people in the village came over and watched curiously.

"Are these the outsiders who saved the village yesterday?"

"That cute girl, it is said that she had the most fun last night!"

"Is that the Koga ninja frog? It can continue to evolve. Could it be the legendary sage mode? !"

"Maybe it's not evolution, but just a change in form, right?"

The people around were talking to each other, and everyone had different opinions.

Especially the Koga Ninja who followed Xiaozhi, most of them looked at them with admiration.

Maybe even more powerful than the new leader, Ippei-sama's Koga Ninja!

Seeing that Xiaozhi's reputation was about to exceed 1 level, Hanzo saw it, but he didn't intend to say anything.

Not to mention that Xiaozhi and the others are outsiders and cannot stay here forever.

Just because Xiaozhi may be the brave man who saved the village a thousand years ago, and has a reputation of more than one level, does it seem to be a matter of course?

Well, Hanzo hasn't had time to ask Xiaozhi about this yet.

Soon, the top ninjas in the village arrived, and many of them were injured.

Xiaozhi and his group also sat at the VIP table and paid attention.

"Then I, Hanzo, will officially retire as the leader of the ninja village."

Hanzo solemnly handed a palm-sized sculpture to Ippei with a small golden shuriken on top and a small sitting platform on the bottom.

"The ninja leader's token...?"

Xiaozhi nodded, he had seen this thing thousands of years ago.

It looks like it is really made of pure gold. Thousands of years have passed, and the surface is still bright and shiny.

"From now on, Yiping will be the new leader of our ninja village!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause and cheers from below.

Yiping still has a lot of prestige in the village.

Coupled with the fact that last night on the high slope, in front of everyone, he defeated the jounin prisoner who was once the best in the village, it is even more convincing.

Hanzo also slowly walked off the stage, squinting his eyes and looking at Yiping on the stage enjoying his glory with a smile on his face.

But the next second, Hanzo's demeanor changed and he looked at the sexy kunoichi next to him with a smile.

"Now, I can retire completely, and then go on my honeymoon with my cute little Shinobu~"

This is also a perverted old man!

After retiring, he stopped pretending and even planned to touch Xiao Ren's tender palms.

However, Shinobu just politely brushed Hanzo's hands away and said with a smile:

"Sorry, I am the leader's personal ninja. Since Hanzo-sama is no longer the leader, then I have to serve the new leader~"

Without looking back, he walked directly to Yiping on the stage.


Hanzo burst into tears of frustration and looked longingly at the handsome man and beauty on the stage.

With his interruption, the gloomy atmosphere caused by the prisoner's surprise attack last night suddenly eased a lot.

Amid the laughter and applause of everyone, the leadership succession ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

Afterwards, other people in the village began to get busy. After all, there were many buildings that needed to be rebuilt and were waiting to be renovated.

Hanzo, on the other hand, took the new leader Ippei and the latter's personal secretary Shinobu alone to a secret underground temple in the Ninja Village.

The four Xiaozhi are also in the invited industry.

"Generally, only the previous leaders are eligible to enter here. But Xiaozhi, you guys, it doesn't matter anymore."

After Xiaozhi and others came in, they found that it was a solid underground stone chamber. The destruction on the ground last night was not affected at all here.

The closed secret room was dimly lit, with some candles lit on the walls. As the candlelight swayed, the entire space looked dim and eerie.


Yiping couldn't help but look around, it was his first time here.

"We will talk about some explanations from the leader later, but let's talk about Xiaozhi and the others first."

Hanzo took the group deep into the underground stone chamber. On the inner wall, an ancient painting drawn with the skin of a goat seemed particularly special.

"This is.?"

Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but be intrigued, and came closer to take a closer look.

In the ancient painting, there is a human silhouette on the left, but the top of the head is blurred and the specific details cannot be seen clearly.

But on this human's shoulder, there is a mouse with a stepped tail, long pointed ears, and an ellipsoid-shaped body.

"Isn't this Pikachu?"

Yulijia couldn't help blurting out.

On the right, symmetrical to this human being, is the back of a Koga ninja frog.

But the appearance is slightly different, there are some hair-like things on the sides of the cheeks, and there is a large shuriken on his back.

"Ah, isn't this Ash's version of Koga Ninja?!"

Serena covered her mouth and said in surprise.

Due to the fact that no information has been found about the transformed Koga Ninja, several people directly called it "Ash's version of Koga Ninja".

Just now, Citron specifically asked Dr. Buratano. As a senior understanding brother of the Carlos Royal Family, the latter still had no idea at all.

If Buratano hadn't been in an emergency and couldn't get away, he would have wanted to fly over and see the incredible Ash version of Koga Ninja with his own eyes!

"This is the brave man who saved our village thousands of years ago."

As soon as Hanzo finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Xiaozhi.

The brave man on this sheepskin mural just needs to be named Xiaozhi!

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