He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2683 Thank you from everyone!

Seeing everyone in the room staring directly at him, Xiaozhi had no choice but to scratch the back of his head and laugh dryly:

"Okay, since I can't hide it any longer, I'll admit it!"

Xiaozhi looked at the Koga Ninja next to him - after entering this ninja's territory, the Koga Ninja always accompanied him outside.

"Actually, when I entered the ending cave, I traveled to the ancient ninja world with the Koga Ninja."

As Xiaozhi narrated, everyone's expressions gradually changed from surprise to disbelief.

"What a miracle!"

"So Xiaozhi has saved our ninja village twice, like a god!"

Hanzo and Yiping looked at Xiaozhi as if they were gods. At this moment, they were not only filled with gratitude, but also with an inexplicable pious respect.

In contrast, the acceptance level of the Citrons was much higher.

After all, it’s time travel!

The ability of fantasy Pokémon like Celebi can take people back to the past.

Although it really happened to a person, it was still incredible.

But if it happened to Xiaozhi, it seemed like an accident, not that unexpected?

As their respect for Xiaozhi and the others rose to another level, Ippei and Hanzo opened the treasure house of the Ninja Village and allowed Xiaozhi and the others to choose what they liked as a thank you gift for saving the village in this crisis. .

The treasure house is located next to this secret underground stone chamber, which requires special techniques to open.


Hanzo knocked on a stone wall and twisted the head of a fiery lion statue next to it. The rock wall suddenly moved sideways, revealing a new room.

Yiping was watching carefully from the side. These are things he should know after becoming the leader.

In the room, there were many items placed messily.

There are strange gems, pearls, and fragments of gold. The most numerous of them are all kinds of strange stones.

These are rare things that the village has collected over the years. Many of them don’t even know what they are and what their uses are. Anyway, we’ll put them away first.


Xiaozhi glanced over and saw a lot of carrying items that Pokémon could use, and even saw a few rare mega stones!

Obviously the people in the village don't understand the mechanism of mega evolution.

"Just pick whatever you want~ You can pick as many as you want~"

Hanzo was very satisfied with everyone's surprised expressions and said generously.

These things actually have little significance to the Ninja Village. They have been placed here since they were collected.

If we really want to talk about the effect, it might as well be a few red and white balls!

Speaking of which, Poke Balls are the real hard currency in Ninja Village. You can easily put your ninja partner into the ball and take it with you.

A village whose technology tree is completely 0 is also very envious of the technological products of the outside world.

Seeing this, several people became rude. After all, everyone had made great contributions last night.

They all leaned down and touched around in the treasure room to see if there was anything suitable for them.

After about half an hour, everyone had chosen what they wanted.

Yulijia picked out a can of metal powder and a ball of red yarn.

This was chosen by Citron for her. Sprinkling metal powder into the body of the Variety Monster can increase the defense of the Variety Monster.

The red line is related to the hatching and cultivation of Variety Monsters.

After all, it will be some time before he becomes a trainer.

During the break, Yulijia had already planned to practice with her newly conquered Variety Monster.

If you are not a trainer, you will fall into the egg pit first!

In addition to these two gifts, the children's pink ninja suit Yurika is wearing is also one of the gifts and can be taken away together!

Citron, on the other hand, took some golden seeds, with electric arcs appearing on the surface from time to time - these are electrical seeds that are only found in the Alola region.

If carried by a Pokémon, as long as it is in an electric field, some of the Pokémon's abilities and attributes can be improved.

Citron also took an evolutionary stone and prepared to carry it to his Digger Rabbit.

Due to the evolution of Pokémon like Digg, its tonnage has been greatly increased, and its appearance has plummeted, turning it into a rough-looking Uncle Rabbit.

Citron's Digger Rabbit said that it would never be able to evolve in this life.

Out of respect for the Pokémon's wishes, Citron always carries an aphrodisiac stone with it so that he doesn't have to press the B button every two days.

However, during battle, you can replace it with evolutionary stone props, which can greatly increase the defense of unevolved Pokémon like Digger!

Then came the gifts Serena picked out

She was the most effective last night, and she harvested the most heads in the audience by herself. Hanzo kindly said that Serena could take more.

Of course, there is another very important point.

Serena's appearance is beautiful and eye-catching, and Hanzo is very satisfied.

So Serena was not polite. Since she was about to challenge the League Tournament, the items she picked could basically increase the Pokémon's combat power instantly——

The demon fire red fox selected a small piece of well-preserved charcoal and wore it on his body. The power of the large-character explosive flames released should be able to increase to another level.

For the turtle-footed giant armor, a dark hard stone was selected, which can enhance the rock's attributes.

Huayedi had no choice, after all, she was wearing a miracle seed.

The same goes for Bully Panda and Qixi Blue Bird. The former wears sunglasses given to it by himself, which can increase the power of evil-type moves.

The latter carries a mega stone and has no empty space.

Serena chose a blue icy stone for the ice and snow dragon that was the most backward in level, which allowed the latter to have its own snowfall weather that lasted longer.

As for the armored tyrannosaurus that had just joined the team, Serena was surprised to find that there were even several pieces of lava-colored hard-shell armor here, which were the evolution props of the armored tyrannosaurus.

Take this with you and exchange it with Xiaozhi, and you will immediately evolve into a super-armored rhinoceros with even more astonishing destructive power!

She gained a lot and was grateful to Hanzo and the others.

Now I can concentrate on my special training instead of going out to find these props!

As for the gift Xiaozhi chose, it was extremely crude——

He found that there were a lot of dragon scales and dragon teeth collected in this secret room, which was easy.

There’s one for each of the Carlos Dragons, so there’s no need to choose!

As for his three water, fire, and grass families, the Koga Ninja Frog himself was also choosing, but he shook his head and didn't seem to find anything he liked.

So Ku Ku crossed his arms and leaned against the wall next to him, assuming a cold and arrogant posture.

As for the Fierce Arrow Eagle, it has been carrying its beak for ten years, and there is nothing to replace it.

The whereabouts of Fat Hali are unknown. If you really want to prepare a gift for his return.

Might as well just cook a big pot of rice!

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