He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 469 Diamond Steel Snake

"White sea lion, use the wave of water!"

Kona said suddenly.

Xiaozhi was taken aback by this voice. His big rock snake obviously has the characteristics of dry skin. Isn't the wave of water restoring his physical strength for nothing?

But the next move of the white sea lion was even more inexplicable. It suddenly raised its neck to a vertical angle, and condensed a blue water bomb in its mouth, and finally blasted vertically into the sky like this. Launch a fireworks display.

This seems to be a combination technique, and Kona's voice is not over yet.

"White sea lion, then use it to sleep."

The white sea lion closed its eyes, restrained its breath, and fell asleep on the spot. The milky white body performance was also covered with a layer of green light, and quickly recovered its strength.

"Didi. Sleep, through deep sleep meditation, let your physical strength recover to full."

The illustrated book replied in time, which also made Xiaozhi instantly understand the other party's intentions.

Sleep to restore physical strength, and then wake yourself up with vertically rising and falling water bombs. The water attribute resistance can minimize this damage. Rounding it up, it is equal to the trick of sleeping for nothing.

"But this is our good chance, Big Rock Snake, shoot down again!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes are bright, and he doesn't think this method can succeed in prostitution.

If it's the hypnotic powder of Froggrass, it may be washed away with a water balloon, but sleep is a super power attribute, it is a deep sleep, and it is impossible to wake it up with ordinary external force.

Like taking sleeping pills, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

"Rock Roar!"

The crystal rock snake let out a roar, and its body slid forward suddenly. The crystal tail at the end was filled with a layer of faint yellow energy.


But the water wave dropped even faster, hitting the white sea lion's head directly, and the water bomb burst instantly and turned into a ball of water falling down with fierce force.

An unexpected scene also appeared.


The white sea lion opened its eyes on the spot, and walked out of the sleeping state.

"How can it be?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked.

"Nothing is impossible? White sea lion? Just use the steel tail!"

Kona showed an expected smile, raised his hand and said.

The next second? The body of the white sea lion rotated? The fin-shaped wide tail at the end turned into cold light metal and collided with the attacking tail.


A metallic explosion? The two Pokémon took a few steps back at the same time.

Evenly matched!

The steel tail is four times more restrained, even if it strikes late, it can still be tied? But Xiaozhi's forehead has already fallen a lot of sweat.


I saw that the scars on the white sea lion had completely disappeared at this moment? It was rejuvenated, alive and kicking, and it was actually the effect of meditation and sleep for nothing.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was about to raise his hand to signal him to report himself, Kona just smiled lightly and gave the answer.

"Ordinary water flow is naturally impossible to break the sleep effect..."

Sleep can instantly restore full state? This also means that the side effects of this trick will be particularly large, and it is impossible to wake up without sleeping for a few rounds.

"But the characteristic of my white sea lion is wetness."

Kona explained the mystery with one word.

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book, and the latter also issued a prompt sound in time.

"Beep. Wet body, when you fall into an abnormal state, the rainy weather can make the abnormal state disappear."

Relying on this feature? Ordinary rain can break the light sleep like sleep powder, but it still can't touch the deep sleep like meditation sleep.

But relying on the pseudo "heavy rainstorm" created by the fluctuation of water? Cooperating with his own wet body characteristics, Kona successfully used his sleep trick for nothing.

"Duck? How can there be such a thing!"

What else did Xiaozhi want to complain about? Kona raised her hand. Now she is aggressive.

"Use Freezing Light!!"

The white sea lion raised its head? The blue-white energy ball condensed in its mouth burst instantly? Several ice electric snakes spread out towards the surrounding field, but they did not attack the big rock snake. not big.


In less than a while, the swimming pool below has completely turned into solid ice, from a water field to an ice field, which shows that the ice power of this white sea lion is strong, and the entire arena is filled with a layer of white smoke and ice mist. The temperature plummeted.

The big rock snake has the characteristic of small water storage, so first seal off the escape route, and then Kona aimed at the crystal big rock snake.

"White sea lion, use the steel tail!!"

The white sea lion's flippers slapped the ice surface and slid, and the movements were much more dexterous. Obviously, the body is very suitable for moving on the ice surface.

"Don't lose to it, we also use steel tails!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly, and the end of the crystal rock snake's tail lit up with a metallic cold light at the same time, turning around, the huge tail just smashed away.

In terms of strength, Xiaozhi is confident that his Crystal Rock Snake will never lose to anyone!


However, just when the two iron tails, one big and one small, were about to collide, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the white sea lion, and the speed of the body on the ice also increased a lot. Iron Tail passed by.


The iron tail of the crystal rock snake fell into the air and hit the ice. Immediately, countless shards of ice burst open, cracking layer by layer, which shows its strength.

In the next second, the white sea lion had already climbed onto the body of the big rock snake, and the cold light on the tail had not dissipated, and finally slapped the latter's seven-inch part heavily.

"Boom! [Biquge www.biqugexx.info]!"

The effect is outstanding! The effect is outstanding!

The attribute combination of ice + rock is four times restrained by fighting and steel.

The crystal rock snake was sent flying several meters away on the spot, and its crystal-like body seemed to be about to shatter. It swayed on the spot for a while, and finally its huge body collapsed like this.


It fell so simply and thoroughly that it even lost its ability to fight on the spot.


"Ah, that's it?"

"Isn't it too empty?!"

This sudden defeat also made the audience burst into discussions, and even suspected that Xiaozhi was playing a match-fixing match.

Among the crowd, only Xiaogang nodded solemnly, his expression unchanged.

It is true that the Crystal Rock Snake is not only exquisite in appearance and good in strength, but its weakness is also fatal, that is...

It shatters when touched.

The combination of steel attribute and ice attribute makes it unable to block even a steel tail, let alone the steel tail of the king's main Pokémon...

"It's okay, isn't the big rock snake still evolving? It may be able to make up for the disadvantage of defense by then. It is really amazing to have both offense and defense."

Xiaoxia next to her said with a smile, but this sentence made Xiaogang frown again.

Based on his years of understanding of the big rock snake, if this crystal big steel snake can really evolve, then the attributes of the evolved crystal big steel snake should be...

Ice and steel?

Add to that painfully dry skin characteristics...

It's outrageous that a Pokémon can be restrained eight times by the fire attribute. I'm afraid it will melt on the spot if it touches a little flame...

There is one thing to say, the biggest value of this kind of Pokémon is the town house. It is a facade, full of luxury, and it still has too many weaknesses when it is used for battle.

"But since rocks can evolve into steel, if crystals can also evolve into diamonds, maybe there is a new way out...?"

A diamond steel snake suddenly appeared in Xiaogang's mind...

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