He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 470: Absolute Zero!

"Thank you, Big Rock Snake."

Xiaozhi took the crystal rock snake back into the ball with a serious expression.

In the first battle, although the tacit understanding was not enough, the performance was good enough, but the degree of crispness was indeed a bit outrageous...

Forget it, I will find a way to solve it later.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's eyes looked back at the arena, the ice field, the surrounding ice fog and chill, and the white sea lion basically didn't consume much energy due to the effect of sleep meditation.

Even the heavenly king Kona on the opposite side was still staring at her calmly, as if she hadn't shown much of her true strength.

"Heavenly King... really powerful."

Xiaozhi wiped off the sweat on his forehead, regained his energy, and took out the second Poké Ball.

"It's up to you, Charizard!!"


A red light flashed, and the figure of the fire-breathing dragon appeared on the ice field. After appearing on the stage, it fluttered its wings and flew around the field, roaring again and again, and even spit out a ball of flames into the sky, with extraordinary momentum.

Although the white sea lion still has the water attribute, Xiaozhi still thinks that the flames of the fire-breathing dragon may achieve great results on this kind of ice surface.

Since it is an exhibition match, there is no intermediate process, and you can start playing after changing to a Pokémon.

"Charizard, use jet flame!"

Coming up, Xiaozhi is a traditional artist. The fire-breathing dragon immediately raised its neck, and the flames rolled between its teeth, turning into a beam of hot flames and shooting out without any politeness.

Kona calmly said, "White sea lion, use the freezing light!"


Soon, the flame beam and the ice-blue electric snake collided head-on in the center of the arena, instantly stirring up a puff of white smoke. After a few seconds of stalemate, the two diametrically opposite energies turned into energy winds and spread towards the surroundings.

Evenly matched.

"Damn it, the moves with the fire attribute are just evenly matched..."

Xiaozhi frowned? It seems that the level of the current fire-breathing dragon is still much lower than that of the opponent.

"Use the wave of water!!"

Kona snorted.

Seeing the blue water bomb gradually forming in the mouth of the white sea lion? Xiaozhi was shocked, and quickly reminded:

"Fly up and dodge!"

It's really terrible to be hit by a wave of water? At least it will be a candle in the wind? The fire-breathing dragon also faintly sensed the threat of the incoming water bomb, so it didn't dare to be careless? It quickly flapped its wings and rose to a height of 7 or 8 meters? Can't avoid it.

"Use the air blade!" Xiaozhi chose a long-range attack this time.

Does the fire-breathing dragon understand? The wings on both sides slammed in front of the body, and immediately condensed several white light energy blades, whistling and shooting downward.


However, the white sea lion swiped its tail directly, and easily smashed the air blade into pieces.

The distance is too far? The power of the skill is also greatly reduced? It is difficult to cause much damage at all.

"Damn, it's easy to be hit by the wave of water if you get close, and the power of the trick is useless if you are far away..."

Gotta find something to cover...!

For a while, Xiaozhi fell into a stalemate.


On the contrary, Kona did not have any mood swings? The white sea lion even slapped its hands on the ice happily, obviously enjoying the surrounding environment very much? In terms of durability, it can stay here for a week without eating or drinking.


Looking at the surrounding environment? In desperation, Xiao Zhi flashed a flash of lightning in his head, and suddenly had an idea.

Without hesitation? He raised his finger.

"Charizard? Use jet flames!!"

The fire-breathing dragon and Xiaozhi are in the same mind? Instantly understood his thoughts, and immediately aroused the heat in his body, and the hot flames just spewed out downwards.


However, the flame did not attack the white sea lion, but hit the surrounding ice directly, the flame burst, and when it touched the ice, thick water mist and white smoke filled the air.

"Don't end, keep using the jet flame!" Xiaozhi continued to shout.


The fire-breathing dragon's attack didn't stop, and the flames were fired one after another, constantly changing the direction of the attack. In less than a while, almost all positions on the field except the white sea lion were bombarded by flames.


The continuous burning caused the ice layer to drop by half a meter, and the thick water mist and white smoke completely enveloped the entire arena. They lost their vision, and everything was white.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was quite satisfied with this scene, and then roared loudly:

"Now, use Hell Spike!!"


The fire-breathing dragon high in the sky immediately rushed into the water vapor and smoke below with a shake of its wings, and raised a dragon claw, which was already covered with a thick black energy coat, in the shape of sharp spikes.

"call out!"

With the cover of the water vapor and white mist, the white sea lion couldn't even catch the figure of the fire-breathing dragon, and a wave of water sent out on the spot.

"Is this your plan..."

Kona pushed his glasses, and a strange light flashed on the mirror. Although he couldn't see anything in front of him, he listened carefully, and could even feel that the fire-breathing dragon was quickly approaching his white sea lion. The distance was probably less than three meters.. .


In the white smoke, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes were fixed, and it had reached its lore distance at this moment. Immediately, it raised its claws, and the hell spike thrust out towards the throat of the white sea lion!


Even Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and a burst of ecstasy subconsciously surged in his heart.



A cold snort came.

Kona snorted lightly, and then slowly spit out a word in a flat tone.

"Absolute zero."

In the next instant, a killing chill erupted, passing over the entire arena like a wave of air, and the water vapor and white mist that filled the sky on the arena completely disappeared in just an instant, and was actually completely frozen into ice flowers and snow, completely frozen on the arena .

This terrible chill made everyone tremble and tremble.

And the scene of the arena is even more terrifying. Without the cover of water mist, the field of vision returns, but there are already solid ice sculptures erected three meters away from the white sea lion, and a fire-breathing dragon even raised its hand and stabbed. in front of him.

The sharp and cold light of Hell's Spike was even less than half a meter away from the white sea lion, but this last distance could not make it any further. The whole body of the fire-breathing dragon maintained this movement and was completely frozen into an ice sculpture. Even the tail The flames are all frozen in ice.


Although its eyes were still open, its breath was gone, and its pupils lost their spirit.

Just like a glass handicraft, it stands together with the surrounding ice flowers and sparkles under the sunlight.

Absolute zero, instant kill!

Even before the fire-breathing dragon could react, it died suddenly on the spot.


And the white sea lion in the middle is still clapping its hands in place, looking harmless to humans and animals.


Everyone gasped, shocked by this terrifying one-hit kill!

"Hehe, Xiaozhi, I am the king of ice attributes, don't underestimate me."

Kona just slightly brushed the red hair on his forehead and smiled lightly, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Attacking herself under the cover of water vapor, she almost laughed out loud. This was simply creating the best conditions for her absolute zero.

Then she snapped her fingers, and the white sea lion in front of her understood, and slapped its tail against the ground.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Immediately, several meters of solid ice shattered to the ground, and the fiery red figure of the fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground with no support.

Absolute zero cannot be frozen for a long time, it will cause irreversible damage, but it is not a big problem to freeze it for a short time.


And Xiaozhi at the front was completely stunned, he didn't expect that he would lose so completely.

He originally thought that even if he couldn't beat a heavenly king, he could still pass two moves, but now he was killed in such a quick and quick manner?

Is this the true power of the king of heaven?

For a while, Xiaozhi's mind was a little messy...

"Hey, do you need my help?"

The voice that suddenly appeared in his mind made him suddenly startled again.

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