The researcher was still confused.

However, just when he was confused, his phone vibrated three times in a row.

Weibo pushed a message.

Shakeshou pushed a message.

Xiaopo Station pushed a message.

Click to see.

Weibo: Dragon Country Daily, Shenlong Research Institute has recently discovered that there is a new mysterious magnetic field around Shenlong. The magnetic field is initially estimated to cover a radius of ten kilometers centered on Shenlong. As Shenlong continues to grow, it may continue to expand. Animals, plants, air, and water sources that have been in the magnetic field for a long time will benefit greatly.

Shake: Dragon Country News, Shenlong Research Institute has recently discovered that there is a new mysterious magnetic field around Shenlong. People who live in the coverage of the mysterious magnetic field for a long time will have no sub-health conditions, their sleep quality will be greatly improved, and their physical fitness will be continuously enhanced. Including some mild symptoms such as rheumatism and headaches, which will gradually weaken or even disappear within the scope of this mysterious magnetic field. There are also villagers in Taoyuan Village, who are getting better skin and younger body around Shenlong.

Small broken station, Dragon Country Xiaoqingtuan, Shenlong Research Institute has recently discovered that there is a new mysterious magnetic field around Shenlong. People who live in the coverage of the mysterious magnetic field for a long time will have better health, and crops will become stronger, more delicious and healthier. Experts have extracted a large number of new opportunities that are extremely beneficial to the human cardiovascular and gastrointestinal tract from spinach, rice, tomatoes and other crops in the Shenlong breeder's home.

After sliding in, it was surprisingly that several major official media released the news almost at the same time.

Under the news, there is a dense discussion and new hot searches.

#Where the dragon lives is truly a blessed place#

#Taoyuan Village villagers tell their own stories about the magic after the dragon moved in#

#The wild grass around the dragon breeder's house is particularly sweet and refreshing#

#The dragon should not go to the Lighthouse Country#

#Ten thousand people wrote in blood to ask the dragon to leave all the blessings to the Dragon Country#

#All the properties for sale in the county town closest to Taoyuan Village have been sold out in seconds#

#The original house price in the county town closest to Taoyuan Village was 3,000 yuan per square meter, but recently someone listed it at 50,000 yuan per square meter and it was also sold out in seconds#

#Real estate experts speculate that Taoyuan Village and its surrounding areas may become the fifth largest super city outside Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen#

Click in and take a look, it is full of hot discussions with hundreds of new comments appearing almost every second!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Is the dragon so powerful?"

"No wonder it was promoted as a national totem by emperors in the history of Dragon Country!"

"I'm so excited!"

"Sub-health disappears, insomnia disappears, physical fitness improves, skin improves, physical fitness improves..."

"Who doesn't want these benefits?"

"Nothing to say, I'm going to settle down near Taoyuan Village!"

"I've bought the nearest high-speed rail ticket!"

"My home is in a village next to Taoyuan Village. I always felt inferior to my classmates from big cities. Now, that classmate has begun to envy me!"

"My grandfather is the village chief of the village next to it. He said that since the dragon showed its power, there has been no more rats, insects, or wild boars in the village. Now the whole village is planning to build a statue of the dragon!"


The whole network is in a sensation!

The whole nation is talking about it!

Even, it's not just these ordinary people.

Some bigwigs in Dragon Country were also excited at the first time.

They decisively began to ask acquaintances who knew the inside story.

Penguin Group, Xiao Ma called an old classmate who held an important position, "Brother, I want to ask you something, is the dragon thing promoted by the major official media of Longguo true?"

"I sit for a long time all year round, and my waist is sub-healthy."

"If it is true, I will immediately invest in building a new office building next to Taoyuan Village and move the headquarters of Penguin Group there."

"No matter how much money you make, it is not as good as good health!"

In a confidential intensive care ward in Yanjing, an old man with terrifying merits also called His old comrade, "Lao Qin, is what the Dragon Country Daily just said true?"

"Can living near Shenlong really make your body younger?"

"I feel that my body is getting older day by day, and I don't know when it will go on strike."

"If it's true, I won't stay in the intensive care unit and will move there for recuperation."

In the Chinatown of the United States, a business tycoon who has been suffering from high blood pressure for many years and is always accompanied by a whole medical team, was even more excited and called the Dragon Country's Gao

Senior councillor.

"Councillor Li, has the official announcement from Dragon Country been verified?"

"If it has been verified, please help me."

"Arrange a sanatorium for me in Taoyuan Village, and I will invest and settle there with hundreds of billions of funds!"


No one doesn't want to be healthy and live a long life!

Especially for the rich!

Therefore, after the official announcement of the mysterious magnetic field on the dragon, not only the whole Dragon Country was shocked.

Countless wealthy people and tycoons from all over the world also began to get agitated.

Including the top local rich people in Lighthouse Country!

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