At the same time, when a group of senior councillors of the Lighthouse Country were worried about the Eastern Dragon Chen Jiu.

In Taoyuan Village, a researcher at the Shenlong Research Institute hurriedly found Professor Wang Wenjun, who was responsible for leading the team to study the animals in Taoyuan Village or the surrounding area of ​​Chen Jiu's living area in the Dragon Palace.

"Professor Wang, the animal samples in Taoyuan Village before the Shenlong was found by Ms. Lin Youchu have been collected."

"Our people also led the team to do control experiments and control tests."

"The results are amazing!"

Wang Wenjun was originally observing a carp over 1.5 meters long, a chicken nearly 60 centimeters tall, and a dog that was almost as big as a calf.

After hearing the report from his researcher, he immediately stopped observing and asked calmly, "How amazing is it?"

The researcher didn't even have time to catch his breath and said, "The control experiment and multi-dimensional test results show."

"The poultry and animals in Taoyuan Village were all normal before the dragon appeared."

"But soon after the dragon moved in, their heart function, cell activity, tissue operation ability, etc., all improved dramatically."

"Specifically, those poultry and animals, including fish in the water and birds in the sky, have stronger physical fitness, higher growth limits, and seem to be smarter!"


Wang Wenjun nodded lightly.

The researcher continued, "More!"

"Through our visits, we also found that after Shenlong moved into Taoyuan Village, the physical fitness of the villagers in Taoyuan Village has also been greatly improved."

"Specifically, some villagers had some minor ailments such as insomnia, sub-health, rheumatism, and headaches before, but they all disappeared after Shenlong moved in."

"Some girls said that since Shenlong moved into Taoyuan Village, they feel their skin is getting better and better and their bodies are getting younger and younger."

"In this regard, we have checked the cases with some local hospitals, and it is almost certain that the credibility is more than 90%..."

"Shenlong, it's really amazing!"


While speaking, the researcher looked particularly excited.

Wang Wenjun looked not surprised at all.

After listening to his report, he actually slowly drank a sip of wolfberry tea in the thermos.

"Professor Wang, did you know it a long time ago?" Seeing this, the researcher was suddenly surprised.

"That's not the case." Wang Wenjun shook his head, "But I basically guessed it."

He handed a nearly brand new paper report to the researcher, "The reports of other plant ecology research groups, water cycle ecology research groups, and air cycle ecology research groups have all come out."

"According to the investigation reports of the research teams of various research projects, since the dragon moved into Taoyuan Village, the PM index of Taoyuan Village and even the air within a ten-kilometer radius around Taoyuan Village has been maintained in a range that is very beneficial to the human body; the content of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms in the water ecology has also dropped to an unimaginable level."

"And the plants in Taoyuan Village, especially the plants in Lin Youchu's home, have been detected to contain a series of unknown beneficial elements beyond our imagination..."

The researcher was stunned.

He quickly picked up the investigation reports of the research teams of various research projects.

[Investigations show that the spinach of Lin Youchu's family, who live in Shenlong, has mutated into a new variety. It is visually emerald green, straight, and extremely beautiful in color and shape. It tastes crispy, fragrant and sweet, and the taste and flavor experience are first-class. In terms of nutritional value, it has been verified through rigorous medical clinical trials that it has an excellent blood pressure lowering effect. Patients with mild hypertension only need to take it once to completely recover from the disease. The clinical cure results for ordinary and severe hypertension patients have not yet been tested, but judging from the existing experimental data, it is also very amazing.

[The rice of Lin Youchu's house, where Shenlong lives, has also mutated into a new variety. Visually, the rice bundles are taller, the ears are longer, the grains are more and fuller, and the taste is more fragrant, glutinous, sweet, and the taste experience is excellent. In terms of nutritional value, it has been verified by scientific testing and medical clinical trials that it has an excellent maintenance effect on the stomach and intestines, and long-term use can improve physical fitness and greatly reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease.

[The tomatoes around Lin Youchu's house, where Shenlong lives, have also mutated into a new variety...]


[In short, all the plants around Shenlong's residence have undergone changes.

The same degree of change. 】

【Moreover, this change is constantly attenuated according to the straight-line distance between them and the dragon】

【My team initially speculated that there is some special beneficial magnetic field on the dragon, which is continuously playing a role】


He couldn't help but take a breath.

"Professor Wang, this!"

Wang Wenjun nodded, "It has been strictly verified and verified by the expert group."

"The probability of misjudgment is infinitely close to zero."

"…" The researcher was speechless immediately.

Wang Wenjun directly passed the information he sent to other research groups and superiors.

"Get ready to watch the news later."

"The official is ready to announce it."

"By then, the whole world will be crazy about the dragon!"

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