The beef hotpot was ready when Chen Jiu returned home.

Lin Youchu carefully poured the alcohol into the alcohol stove and lit it.

Then he put the beef hotpot on top.

Beside it were meatballs and vegetables for the hotpot.

Very rich.

Three people and one dragon sat down, and grandma was smiling.

These days, everyone in the village envied her.

The family actually raised a dragon, and they all said that her granddaughter was blessed.

Grandma was happy, and Lin Youchu was happy too.


Chen Jiu's stomach suddenly made a sound.

"Eat quickly, your little one is really hungry!"

Tao Yingying said, and then she fiddled with the camera next to her.

After seeing the picture above, she frowned.

"Youchu, I took a picture of you and grandma."

Lifting the camera, she found a few more angles.

There was no way to exclude the few people from the picture.

Lin Youchu hesitated for a while, and said weakly: "Shoot, shoot."

These days, she has found that someone outside the village is protecting them.

Outsiders can't get in at all.

So, the previous concerns about grandma being disturbed are completely gone.

As for her, for the little one.

It's nothing to appear on camera!

But Tao Yingying's eyes lit up and she thought of a new method.

"Youchu, I'll hang the phone on you and broadcast live directly. That way, everyone can only see your perspective, and you don't have to stay up late to edit the video!"

Grandma said beside her: "Yingying, this is a good idea."

Lin Youchu's eyes lit up: "Really, really?"

Soon, with Tao Yingying's help, the phone was successfully hung on Lin Youchu's clothes.

The screen was right in front of Chen Jiu.

Click on the Orange Girl's account and start broadcasting directly.

For a while, the whole country was boiling.

No one could have thought that without a notice.

The Orange Girl's account suddenly started live broadcasting!

That's live broadcasting!

The video can also edit out the part they want to see, but live broadcasting is completely different!

Although the picture quality is far behind the video, it will not affect their search for more details!

Maybe if they are lucky, they can find something special.

Then they will be the next Internet celebrity!

Even without any notice, in just three minutes, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room instantly reached more than seven million.

Everyone's circle of friends was forwarding the link to the live broadcast room.

So much traffic was pouring in.

Before anyone could see the content of the live broadcast clearly, the live broadcast room collapsed!

The technical department of the Tigerfish live broadcast platform was dumbfounded.

This is the situation now.

Even if all the servers were added together, it would not be enough!

Until several major departments and TV stations were urgently mobilized to jointly provide technical support.

This problem was solved.

Of course, this is not given for free.

The Tigerfish platform promised to hand over all the live broadcast revenue as food expenses for Shenlong.

In addition, a copyright fee of 50 million will be given for each live broadcast, and it is promised that no advertisements will be inserted during the live broadcast.

The backend authority of the live broadcast room will be managed by the relevant departments.

That's it, and several executives of Tigerfish are also very happy.

They only need to take over the traffic, which is not worth mentioning!

Special matters are handled specially. Within five minutes, some of the audience's live broadcast rooms have returned to normal.

Others are also slowly recovering.

[It's finally out! I waited until the flowers withered! ]

[Shenlong, Shenlong, where is Shenlong? Why is there only one hot pot? ]

[By the way, I came in in a hurry and haven't read the title yet. What is the theme of today's live broadcast? ]

Everyone looked at it.

#What does Shenlong eat every day? #

[Damn, he actually came to answer our questions! ]

[Shenlong is thoughtful to use live broadcast to respond to our questions! ]

[Looking forward to it, does Shenlong really eat jade? ]

[Something is wrong, isn't there a hot pot on the table? Does Shenlong eat hot pot? ! ]

[? ? ? Black question mark. ]

[Does Shenlong really like hot pot like me? ]

[It seems that only the expert who guessed roasted swallows is closer, one barbecue, one hot pot! ]

Before they continue to discuss.

Chen appeared in the picture.

He smelled the aroma of the hot pot and was very satisfied.

As expected of my future wife, the dishes she cooks are delicious!

Although the live broadcast was on, it didn't affect them much.

Lin Youchu picked up a piece of beef from the pot and blew on it.

After making sure it wasn't too hot, he brought it to Chen Jiu's mouth.

Chen Jiu was not polite.

, and ate it skillfully.

[Wow! Shenlong really eats hot pot! ]

[However, he is really cute! From today on, I will be his fan! ]

[I envy the breeder, who can feed Shenlong with his own hands! ]

[Look at her arms, the breeder should be a girl! ]

[And she is a very beautiful girl at first glance! ]

[You understand again...]

[Official dad, please open the breeder application channel! I am a 211 animal science student, and I request to fight! ]

[Me, me, I am from 985! ]

[I am a master of 985! ]

[I am a doctor! ]

[Stand aside, I am afraid that you teachers are not qualified, otherwise you will be allowed to go? ]

This realistic question made everyone silent.

Until a girl named Tiantiantiantian said.

"But I'm prettier than our teacher! The key is that I can wear black stockings!"



"It doesn't matter what school you're from, I just like black stockings."

Just kidding.

At this moment, everyone had a question in their mind.

Who is this woman feeding the dragon? !

Could she be the orange girl? !

Until the end of the live broadcast, they didn't find the answer.

Dozens of people from the security department were staring at the screen.

Tracking and watching the live broadcast throughout the whole process.

As long as there was something wrong.

They would cut off the live broadcast.

But they didn't find anything abnormal.

If they weren't watching the dragon eating live, they would have suspected that this was a couple showing off their love!

The whole process was a female breeder who carefully fed the dragon.

The only information they got was that the dragon really ate beef hot pot!

And it tasted so good.

They were so hungry watching it!

Is this the S-level task with a signed confidentiality agreement? !

"Uh, you all go back."

The team leader who urgently transferred them here was also a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect it.

It was said to be a food broadcast, but it turned out to be a real food broadcast!

Apart from eating, there was no word!

In fact, this can't be blamed on Chen Jiu.

Since the experience of crying last time, he decided to be a mute.

As for Lin Youchu, she didn't like to talk.

Grandma also taught that you should not talk while eating.

If you can keep silent, try not to speak.

So, this result appeared.

But, this is enough to satisfy the majority of people.

They just want to know what Shenlong eats, and now they know.

Shenlong likes to eat beef hot pot!

And, he likes to put vermicelli in beef hot pot!

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