The best time to eat beef hotpot is to eat it.

#Shenlong's favorite, beef hotpot! #

#Beef hotpot with vermicelli, Shenlong and my favorite! #

#Our store has recently launched the Shenlong hotpot set meal, allowing you to enjoy the same experience as Shenlong! #

[? ? ? ? ]

[Do you have girls in your store who blow the cold water and feed it? ]

[No, no, what the hell! ]

For a while, eating beef hotpot became a trend across the country.

It even spread to foreign countries.

[If you don't eat beef hotpot, you are not a Dragon countryman! ]

[I love Dragon country, I love beef hotpot! ]

The relevant departments didn't expect it.

Shenlong can also export culture by eating beef hotpot!

Chen didn't know that because of him, the price of beef in the nearby vegetable market has increased by ten yuan per catty.

He is now studying the power in his body.

Since he decided to make some noise on the Internet.

The growth rate of that power has increased significantly.

Even in six days, his body has grown to one meter long.

Six days ago, he could only create a strong airflow of 100 meters.

Now, he uses all his strength to create a strong airflow of 500 meters.

And it can move continuously for 300 meters.

This power is nothing compared to natural disasters.

But it is strong because he can control it at will.

This is definitely a small meteorological weapon.

It has a great impact on aircraft in the air.

If there is a chance, I must try it with the aircraft of the United States.

"Then try the power of my claws first."

As a new dragon, he doesn't understand the power system of dragons.

He can only try it slowly according to human standards.

But after searching for a long time, Taoyuan Village only has large tracts of farmland.

There is no place to put the claws!

"How about finding two sparring partners?"

After turning around for a few times, nothing was found.

Chen went home helplessly.

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he saw Lin Youchu sitting in the courtyard, her eyes were red.

Holding a few green watermelon leaves in her hand.

Grandma was comforting her beside her.

"Alas, there is nothing we can do about it. Wild beasts come down every year, and there are more this year."

"We are unlucky and have been the most abused."

"Eat them if you want. The village said they are protected animals and cannot be beaten."

"Go ask Yingying if the village will compensate you."

Chen listened for a while and soon understood what was going on.

In recent years, wild boars on the back mountain always come down to eat crops in the fields.

Today, they have bred a large litter and are even more arrogant.

The melon field that Lin Youchu carefully took care of was trampled and the watermelons were also rotten.

"Damn it, you are bullying my future wife, right!"

Chen thought of Lin Youchu who was reluctant to throw away the watermelon rind.

He felt distressed immediately.

This watermelon, you guys can eat it?!

Chen then exerted his strength and rushed into the sky.

He flew to the back mountain.

The moment he took off, he was detected by the reconnaissance plane in the air.

"Report, Shenlong took off again, request monitoring!"


"Radar monitoring is on, video monitoring is on, request close-up shooting!"


After a few days of transformation, the Animal Science Institute of China Agricultural University has become the Shenlong Research Institute.

It's not an order from above.

It's that in the past few days, almost all professors have put down their original research topics.

Turn to the research of Shenlong.

So, in order to save equipment funds, everyone decided.

Just do research together!

The Animal Science Institute has actually become the Shenlong Research Institute.

As the temporary team leader of the Shenlong Research Institute, Mr. Zhao has been asking his students to study gene sequences since he took blood from Chen last time.

"Teacher, we can match the familiar gene sequences, but the unfamiliar ones are too complicated..."

"We can intercept fragments for research, so that we can find useful sequences faster."

"But we need more blood samples to help us match."

Mr. Zhao took a sip of strong tea and said nothing.

If he could get more blood samples, could he still sit here? !

Aren't you daydreaming? !

"We have difficulties, but I hope you can overcome them. If there are no blood samples, then we can start analyzing from the existing data!"

"Science is not something that can be rushed. We need to be calm--"

Before Mr. Zhao finished speaking, his phone vibrated.

It was a call from the Shenlong Protection Working Group.

He dared not neglect it, and he said no.

I will definitely get something from the dragon.

"Mr. Zhao, the dragon has taken off now. We have transmitted the live video to your institute. I hope it will be helpful for your research."

"What?! Dragon?"

Mr. Zhao stood up excitedly, although it was just video material.

But it is better to have it than not!

As he said that, he rushed out of the laboratory, came to the conference center, and turned on the big screen that had been prepared long ago.

Enter the password and link to the video sent by the Air Force.

Only a group of students were left looking at each other.

Didn't we agree to keep a calm mind?

After Mr. Zhao confirmed that the signal was stable, he sent a notice to all professors in the institute.

Soon, the conference center was crowded with people.

Everyone wanted to see what role this video could play in their research.

Especially Yang Ning, she was studying animal behavior.

This video was the most helpful to her.

As the camera shook, the dragon appeared in the video.

"I haven't seen it for two days. It has grown so long."

"This is important information. Write it down quickly. Let the people below study the growth gene of the dragon!"


Facing the surveillance of the reconnaissance aircraft, Chen had long been accustomed to it.

As long as he didn't disturb him from looking for wild boars, it would be fine.

Following the traces of the wild boars, Chen soon found them in the bushes.

These guys were full and sleeping.

There was still red watermelon flesh on their mouths.

"It tasted delicious. It's time to send you on your way."

Chen swooped down directly, aimed at the leading one, raised his claws and clawed.

Although wild boars are known for their toughness and high defense.

But in front of the dragon claws, they are obviously not good enough.

They were directly scratched into several pieces and died on the spot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other wild boars fled.

But they were not as fast as Chen.

A few flashes, reunited them.

"My power is so strong that it's hard for any animal on earth to beat me."

What Chen didn't know was that if he hadn't acted too quickly just now.

Just the dragon power on his body could scare the wild boars so much that they dared not move.

After washing his paws by the river, Chen hummed a little tune and flew back home.

The professors on the other side of the camera were dumbfounded.

"This-this attack power is too strong."

"Is he really a six-day-old baby dragon?"

"It's unimaginable that this paw hits a person!"

"Quick, capture the video, analyze it frame by frame, and see what his power value is!"

The entire research institute was busy because of this video.

In the underground garage, several old men got into the car quietly.

"I say, Mr. Huang, isn't it a bit unauthentic for us to do this?"

"Authentic? What do you mean by authentic? When we get there too late, there won't be a single hair left!"

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