The battle was over, and the battle was over.

By the Banana Country seaside.

After receiving the order, the John Country aircraft carrier strike group, which was repairing here, began to sail at full speed to the northwest.

Captain Steve, a congressman, had a serious face. He was having a core call with the country.

On the screen in the command room, the entire conference room was full of people.

Facing the increasingly powerful Dragon Country, sending an aircraft carrier strike group is a last resort.

Once used, it must be used with extreme caution!

No mistakes are allowed!

"Senator Steve, now I order you to enter the Dragon Country waters."

"This voyage is to exert pressure. Without the next order, any direct conflict is prohibited!"

Steve looked serious.

He stood at attention and saluted, saying loudly: "Understood!"

As the captain of an aircraft carrier, he knew the danger of this operation.

Longguo is not one of those small countries that are not worth mentioning.

It needs to be treated with caution.

Whoever confronts head-on is a fool.

While the aircraft carrier strike group sailed towards the waters of Longguo.

John announced the news to the world through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[Elizabeth aircraft carrier, dispatched]

For a while, the world was shocked!

If it were normal, this would still be a strategic statement.

But everyone knows that John has just been cheated by Longguo, and now it has taken action.

There is only one reason, to force Longguo to hand over those national treasures!

If Longguo does not hand them over, it means that it is a statement of hostility with Johnguo!

Joint Command of Johnguo.

In order to deal with this incident, Johnguo formed a joint command.

Now, they are all watching the navigation track of the aircraft carrier on the screen.

In two hours, the aircraft carrier strike group will be able to enter the waters of Longguo.

At the same time

Dragon Country also released the news.

[John Country's action this time is undoubtedly playing with fire on the edge of a knife. The logic of the national treasure exchange event is clear and cannot be changed. John Country please do not make the same mistake again. ]

At the same time, Dragon Country also took action.

Multiple destroyers and submarines attacked.

Be ready.

As for the protagonist of this incident, Chen Jiu, he was visiting his big house in Taoyuan Village at this time.

The land where the Dragon Palace was built was usually on the edge of the village, and no villagers came.

Now it is protected by the special forces.

The villagers only know that a large project is being built there.

But they don't know what it is doing specifically.

The overall construction team is also the most elite formal employees of the two construction companies. No outsourcing is used.

For the convenience of confidentiality.

On the main road, six military trucks were driving in an orderly manner.

They were full of fully armed security personnel.

They were holding automatic rifles and squad machine guns.

There was even a truck with a single-soldier missile.

Six trucks were loaded with more than a hundred wooden boxes of different sizes.

Even they themselves didn't know which one contained the national treasure.

Jiang Sihai and Chen Jue were on the front truck.

Jiang Sihai knew that Shenlong could understand human language, but just couldn't speak, so he simply introduced the Dragon Palace plan to Chen Jue.

"We are going to build a back garden on this side of the mountain. The middle is the main building complex, all of which are large buildings of no more than four floors. In the front, we are going to build a viewing area."

"These cultural relics, including the gold coins in the back and the warships, are all placed here as the Shenlong Museum."

Chen Jue nodded.

This design method can ensure privacy and openness.

He was very satisfied.

However, there was still something missing.

There was no paper and pen here, so he stretched out his dragon claws directly.

He wrote on the steel plate of the truck.

[Shenlong Temple]

Then he pointed to a more remote place on the map.

"Why did I forget about this? No problem! I will complete the task!"

Jiang Sihai patted his head.

What does a legendary dragon need most? Incense!

Build a dragon temple, and the incense will come!

Chen nodded with satisfaction.

With the dragon temple, his power of faith may increase faster.

After arriving at the construction site, the security personnel put all the boxes into the first built air-raid shelter.

Chen followed Jiang Sihai around.

The construction plans of several construction companies are to work in groups, and each group will contract a building.

In just a few days, the foundation has been laid.

Since there are no high-rise buildings, the construction speed is very fast.

After looking around, they all suit Chen's wishes.

After confirming that there are no other problems, Chen took off and headed to the south

He rushed to the sea area, and his yacht trip with Lin Youchu was not over yet.

Lin Youchu was still waiting for him on the yacht.

Before leaving, he used the power of life.

Helped Jiang Sihai, who was on the verge of baldness, grow some hair.

Jiang Sihai looked in the mirror and was full of energy.

A few calls were made to Beijing.

"Hello, Lao Wan, come to my house tonight for a drink, it's okay, just a simple chat."

"Hello, Lao Jin, come to my house tonight, I have prepared good wine, it's okay, it's okay."

Then, he called his wife again.

"Buy some good food, Lao Wan and Lao Jin will come over for a drink today."

"Today? Aren't you busy with work? What kind of wine are you drinking today?"

"You'll know when I come back."

Looking at the hung up phone, Jiang Sihai's wife frowned.

Complained: "What secret work are you doing again."

Jiang Sihai couldn't help but touch his hair again.

Do you make dumplings for eating them? It's for the vinegar!

Chen was delayed in Taoyuan Village.

John's aircraft carrier has entered Longguo.

As soon as it crossed the territorial waters, several destroyers quickly surrounded it.

Captain Steve looked around with a telescope.

He was very nervous at this time.

Not only him, but the entire crew of the aircraft carrier was very nervous.

They had been to this sea area before.

But it had never been like today, when they were closely watched as soon as they entered.

The aircraft carrier strike group should have been like a tiger.

Now it is like a lamb.

Surrounded by a group of wolves.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Steve glanced at the order from the country.

There was no update.

So he said: "Follow the established route and continue to move forward!"

With an order, the aircraft carrier started at full speed.

The international news field was boiling!

And on the yacht of Longguo.

Captain Luan Zhilong did not receive the evacuation message.

His mission was to stay where he was.

Waiting for the return of the dragon!

As a retired soldier, he was extremely excited at this moment.

The news that kept coming on his phone.

It gave him a feeling.

Something big was coming!

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