The first time, the last time.

Going back to three years ago, what do you regret doing the most?

If there is a choice, Steve will definitely refuse to take over the position of captain of the aircraft carrier Elizabeth.

In imagination, holding this position is to show off everywhere.

Now I know that this is not showing off, this is clearly walking on the edge of a knife!

On the aircraft carrier, the soldiers no longer have the usual laughter and joy.

They are all in their own positions, facing their work in the best state.

They all understand.

Usually, a mistake of their own is just a tickle to the aircraft carrier.

But if a mistake is made today, it may be a catastrophe.

In the radar monitoring room, several sailors can't believe their eyes.

Not only the destroyers around, but also five submarines are tracking underwater!

This is deliberately visible to them.

The invisible missiles are what scare them the most.

"Report! Submarine found behind! Unknown model!"

"Report! Submarine found on the port side! Unknown model!"

"Report! Reconnaissance plane found in the air!"

Senator Steve wiped the sweat from his palms with a handkerchief and said, "No combat actions are allowed!"


After giving his orders, he called the temporary command center again.

"Mr. Cunningham, our soldiers are in a very dangerous situation! Please make the next judgment quickly, otherwise, I would rather go to court than retreat!"

"I can't let the aircraft carrier formation be buried here because of something that has no result!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and the sound of the door closing came.

Mr. Cunningham whispered, "Steve, don't complain! Wait for orders! Don't forget that you are a soldier of John Bull!"

Then he comforted, "I am dealing with those stupid congressmen! Please believe me!"

After hanging up the phone, Cunningham returned to the main conference room.

He picked up the microphone and said to everyone, "Everyone, don't discuss meaningless things. Our aircraft carrier strike group is in a very dangerous situation! Please come up with an effective plan."

"If there is no conclusion after an hour, our aircraft carrier strike group will withdraw to the outside of the Dragon Country waters."

Just then, a man in a suit wearing glasses stood up.

He is a representative of the intelligence department.

"I have a plan, please discuss it."

"Director Oliver, you say."

Oliver stood up and put the information collected by the Intelligence Agency on the screen of the projector.

He pointed at the information on the screen with the tip of his pen and said, "Our goal this time is to force the Dragon Kingdom to hand over the national treasure and regain the face of the Great John Bull Kingdom."

"And we can't actually conflict with the Dragon Kingdom. There is only one way to achieve these two goals at the same time!"

The pencil in Oliver's hand moved and pointed to a name.

"Lin Youchu?"

"Director Oliver, what does our action have to do with this woman?"

Oliver: "According to the intelligence we received, this woman named Lin Youchu was the first person to discover the dragon, and she is also the person who has the closest relationship with the dragon."

"We can't go head-to-head with the Dragon Kingdom, nor can we go find that damn dragon. This woman is the best breakthrough!"

The leaders of various departments below the stage looked at each other.

"Director Oliver, you might as well make it clearer."

Oliver nodded and said, "Lin Youchu is now on the yacht of a rich man in the Bear Country. He is not a military target. Since he is not a military target, it is normal for our aircraft carrier control system to fail and accidentally hit the yacht, right?"

As soon as these words came out.

Thunderous applause broke out in the audience!

Yes! Why didn't they think of it!

An aircraft carrier hitting the fleet of Dragon Country is a provocation.

But if a warship hits a civilian ship, it is not your Dragon Country ship, then it can only be an international dispute!

Moreover, they hit it accidentally.

No provocative measures were initiated.

Even the plane did not move.

Except for entering the Dragon Country waters, which was a bit wrong.

Everything else was reasonable!

Soon, the plan was unanimously approved.

It was conveyed to Captain Steve.

Steve was also very satisfied after reading it.

"At least there will be no danger to life."

"Order it, go full speed to this point!"

Enter the coordinates of the yacht's location, the route slightly deviates, and the engine roars.

The fleet sets off!

This is a fine

The slight change was quickly captured by the reconnaissance aircraft in the sky.

The message was sent back to the Dragon Country's exercise command center.

"What do they want to do?"

"If they drive along this line, they will sail out of the Dragon Country's waters. Are they going to leave?"

"No, we still have two frigates on duty here."

"Here is the route where the Shenlong yacht is!"

"Their target is the yacht!"

Several people widened their eyes.

They didn't expect that John Bull would make such a stupid move!

But this matter is also extremely difficult to handle, so the yacht can only be evacuated urgently.

"Report first!"

"It's too late! The sailing speed of a large yacht is only more than 20 knots. Now they are at a distance, and the aircraft carrier can only catch up in ten minutes. It's too late to evacuate!"

"What should we do?"

"Find a way to evacuate the people on the ship!"

Yacht captain Luan Zhilong just received the order and saw the huge aircraft carrier in the distance coming here.

Although they are the largest yacht in the world and can take off two helicopters,

But the other side is an aircraft carrier.

It is more than twice as long as it.

There is no comparison in width.

There are other warships around the aircraft carrier.

The pressure brought by that is the same as when a small yacht sees them.

At this time, the public radio also shouted.

[Yacht in front, we are the Elizabeth aircraft carrier formation! The control system is faulty and cannot turn, please evacuate immediately! ]

[Yacht in front, we are the Elizabeth aircraft carrier formation! The control system is faulty and cannot turn, please evacuate immediately! ]

[If you don't evade, all the consequences will be borne by you! ]

Luan Zhilong clenched his fist and hit the control panel hard.

"Damn it! You are playing dirty, right!"

"Captain, do you want to start the evacuation!"

"Time is running out! Quick, you start the yacht first. Another group of people will take the speedboat! Arrange Lin Youchu to take the helicopter, and the rest of the people, if it doesn't work, jump into the sea!"

The situation is critical.

If the yacht is hit by this aircraft carrier formation, it will definitely sink!

The other party is obviously doing it on purpose, and coordination is impossible.

As an experienced captain, Luan Zhilong quickly came up with two plans.

The alarm sounded.

Everyone on the ship began to flee.

At the same time, in the sky, Chen was leisurely enjoying the beautiful scenery on the sea.

Flying through the clouds, free and easy.

This is much more comfortable than being on a plane.

Suddenly, he felt that there was a trace of information that did not belong to him in his mind.

This information came from those ocean forces.

"Well, what is this?"

Driven by curiosity, Chen analyzed this information.

"It was sent by those killer whales!"

"They seem to be saying there is danger?!"

Chen's heart tightened, and he had no time to study the principle behind it.

Look in the direction of the cruise ship.

It was all white clouds and fog, and it was still far away.

"No matter what."

He released all the power of faith in his body.

It merged with the surrounding wind.

Go full speed ahead!

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