The next morning, the sun was setting and the sky was clear.

Lin Youchu was the first to get up.

She took two cups of soybeans grown at home from the bag, washed them briefly and put them into the soy milk maker.

She then put the steamed buns she made on the steamer.

She was very careful during the whole process.

She was afraid of waking up others.

The second person to get up was grandma. After a simple meal, she went to the vegetable garden to tend to the vegetables while it was cool.

The third person to get up was Tao Yingying. She took the breakfast and said, "Why didn't you call me to get up and help me."

Lin Youchu stretched out her right index finger and said in a hollow voice.

Then she pointed to her room.

He whispered, "Xiaohuo, I can do it alone, Yingying, you sleep a little longer."

Tao Yingying also lowered her voice and said, "Is your little guy still sleeping?"

Lin Youchu nodded.


Tao Yingying: "Wake him up, the breakfast will be cold later."

Lin Youchu shook his head: "No, I'll heat it up for him when it's cold."

Tao Yingying shook her head helplessly: "You, I thought you had a boyfriend if I didn't know."

Lin Youchu blushed and said nothing.

At this time, Chen was still sleeping soundly, not because he didn't want to get up.

It was because he really couldn't get up.

Although he didn't play with his phone until midnight, Lin Youchu took him to his room to sleep yesterday.

Who can sleep with a single man and a single woman?

It was in the second half of the night when he couldn't hold on any longer, so he went to bed.

Tao Yingying ate breakfast and looked at the number of views on her video platform.

It was still a few hundred as usual.

She thought of the video Chen Jiu had taken yesterday.

So she took Lin Youchu's phone.

This one look.

It shocked her for the whole year!

She was so excited that she almost spit out the bun in her mouth.

"Youchu, you're famous!"

"No, it's your account that's famous!"

Overnight, Lin Youchu's account gained more than two million followers.

The video has been played hundreds of millions of times.

This is just the video of this account.

Many media outlets have also reposted it. If you add it up, the number of plays is probably more than a billion.

Now, this number is still growing by the second.

The comments and private messages are all 999+.

Tao Yingying, who was sitting in front of her phone waiting for comments before, didn't even have the courage to click on it.

Is this what it feels like to be a big UP?

[Wuhu! Take off, now I believe, there are really dragons! ]

[Dragon protects China! ]

[Excuse me, is this the official account of Long Baobao? ]

[Why is he called Orange Girl? Is this a female dragon? ]

[Maybe this is his breeder account. ]

[You mean, the previous rumors are true? Was he really picked up? ]

[I don't believe it. Is it possible that this video is fake? Synthesized by computer? ]

[Synthesized Jill, our company synthesized one, trying to get some attention. Before it was sent out and reviewed, the boss was arrested. ]

[666! Dragon, look at me! ]

There were too many comments, and Tao Yingying couldn't reply even if she wanted to.

So she had to give up.

Lin Youchu just glanced at it, then stepped aside and started to heat up breakfast for Chen Jue.

It wasn't until 12:30 noon that Chen Jue woke up from bed.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to pee.

Of course, this pee couldn't be peed randomly, and he peed it all in the watermelon field behind the house.

When he returned to the room, Lin Youchu had quietly brought the heated breakfast over.

"Eat, the buns I made, don't despise them."

Only idiots would despise the buns made by Lin Youchu.

Chen started eating them with big mouthfuls.

As a professor at Zhongnong, he had a lot of social activities and had eaten all kinds of delicacies.

But the vegetable buns made by Lin Youchu tasted different.

Chen fell in love with them after just one bite.

Seeing Chen eat them voraciously, Lin Youchu smiled sweetly: "My grandma taught me to make local pickled mustard."

No wonder!

It turns out that this stuffing has a history!

When Chen finished eating the buns, Lin Youchu was already busy in the melon field behind the house.

Yesterday she weeded, and today she was going to turn the watermelons.

The watermelons will be on the market soon, and she has to take good care of them.

Let the watermelons grow better, so that when the vendors come to buy them, they will lower the price less.

How could she understand that when others lower the price, they don't care about the quality of your watermelons at all.


Chen complained and ignored Lin Youchu.

He had no way to help Lin Youchu tend the watermelon.

"I hope my urine can help."

Now, he has to continue studying his


Perhaps because he was too small, his body was getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye in the past two days.

It is now more than half a meter long.

The power within the body is becoming more and more obvious.

He could even clearly feel something underground entering his body.

"It's my first time to be a dragon, so I have no experience!"

Chen decided to start from a place he was familiar with to figure out his abilities.

"Dragon must be able to fly."

"Before, he felt that the power in his body was going to lift him to the sky."

After you are ready.

Chen walked to the yard and mobilized the power in his body.

"Should be as simple as summoning the wind."

Sure enough, it was just a thought that crossed my mind.

Chen Jiu then floated towards the sky.

"Wuhu, take off!"

“This is easier than taking my driver’s license test!”

The movement in the yard was quickly noticed by the villagers busy around.

"Dragon! That dragon is flying!"

"Quick, where's my phone? Let's take a video first!"

"Hahaha! Now I'm going to be angry too!"

What's more, he has already knelt down.

Pray for the blessing of the real dragon.

Chen didn't even notice this.

There are ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past him now.

"Why can't I control my speed?"

Looking at the plane in the distance, he just wanted to say one thing.

"A newbie is on the road, please take care of me!"

Fortunately, this airspace has long been closely monitored by the Air Traffic Control Bureau.

The moment Chen Jiu flew into the sky, they received the news.

The surrounding passenger planes are being asked to evacuate.

"The real dragon has ascended to the sky, all passenger planes must give way!"

"Clear the airspace and let the real dragons move!"

Watching the planes flying into the distance, Chen Jiu felt relieved.

He didn't want to run into these big guys.

After all the planes retreated, Chen began practicing his flying skills.

On the other side, several big guys from the Academy of Sciences hurried over.

With the most advanced telescope available.

"Didn't you get the dragon's blood? Can't you just study it in the laboratory? Why are you trying to grab the observation seats with us?"

"We need to study it from the inside out. Even if you talk to a layman like this, you won't understand."

"Besides, you're just researching materials, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"I--you got dragon blood, can't I get two dragon scales?"

"Dream on, let us study dragon blood first, no one is allowed to mess with it!"

"If you can't get dragon scales, why don't I get some dragon urine?"

That is to say, Chen didn't hear this. He would definitely reply if he heard it.

That certainly won't work.

This dragon’s urine is reserved for his future wife!

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