After half an hour of flying, Chen had already mastered the conventional flying skills.

As far as he knew, there should be combat skills.

Like fighter planes, rolls, somersaults and so on.

Even combat skills.

Didn't they say that dragons can spit fire or water?

He had to explore these slowly.

"The feeling of flying in the sky with a flesh body is different! No wonder so many people like gliding."

Chen wanted to try more flying skills, but he was so hungry.

Two buns for 100 kilometers is not enough!

After landing, Chen decided to find something to eat.

But when he got home, he saw a strange cold chain truck parked at the gate of the yard.

"How could a cold chain truck appear in this remote mountain village?"

"Could it be——"

Before Chen could continue to speculate.

The person in the car jumped down by himself.

It was the middle-aged man who came to the yard that day, still dressed in the same outfit.

At this time, he did not notice Chen in the distance.

He walked to the door and knocked gently.

"Grandma, open the door!"

After a while, the door was opened.

The one who opened the door was Tao Yingying, who was sorting out documents in the living room.

"Yes, is it you?"

Tao Yingying was not stupid. Although the man in front of her was dressed the same as her, his identity must be very important.

"Come on, please, come in."

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, asking his driver not to come in.

"I heard that you have become the village chief of Taoyuan Village?"

Tao Yingying nodded and said, "Yes, I am busy with village work now."

"Hello, college student village chief. I have seen that many people in your village have gone out. Those who stay in the village are all old people and children. The construction of the village still depends on you young people."

"By the way, this is my number. If there are any difficulties in the village, just find me directly and I will solve them for you."

"As for the address, just write Uncle Chen."

The middle-aged man was in a good mood. Yesterday, he was praised by his superiors for handling the matter of the young dragon properly.

His job position was also transferred.

Now he is responsible for coordinating the protection and raising of the young dragon.

Tao Yingying took the note with a private number on it.

She didn't know what to say, but just nodded.

She knew that spring was coming to Taoyuan Village!

The middle-aged man continued, "By the way, where are Youlong and the other girl?"

Tao Yingying told the truth, "Lin Youchu is in the field. I don't know about Youlong either."


Chen was outside the yard, and jumped onto the roof with a leap.

Successfully avoided the sight of the driver in front.

Hearing the conversation between the middle-aged man and Tao Yingying.

Chen just shook his head.

This Tao Yingying is a bit green, was she bought off?

It seems that she needs to be trained well in the future.

Don't let her cheat our Lin Youchu!

The middle-aged man continued, "I came here this time because I was worried that Youlong would not have enough to eat, so I brought him a little food. I hope you can take good care of him."

"If necessary, we can send someone here every day."

Tao Yingying thought for a while, and Chen grew to the size of a medium-sized dog in just three days.

If he continued to grow, their family really couldn't afford it.

So she agreed.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the driver opened the door of the cargo box and began to unload the goods.

"This is a ton of fresh beef. First, it will replenish the body of the young dragon. If there is anything missing, just tell me."

"What?! A ton of beef?! To replenish the body of the young dragon?!"

Tao Yingying was completely confused.

A ton of meat, she may have eaten a ton of pork in total.

But she has never seen a ton of beef.

Before the two of them continued to talk.

Chen jumped down from the roof.

He walked in front of the middle-aged man with a swagger.

The middle-aged man saw Chen coming and quickly took two steps back.

Now, from a realistic point of view, Chen is his big brother, and the value of his existence is to take good care of his big brother!

From the perspective of ordinary people, Chen is a spiritual totem, and he cannot be offended.

After Chen stopped, there was no extra movement, just nodded.

Speaking of food, he was really hungry.

"Hurry, unload the beef."

After receiving Chen Jiu's instructions, the middle-aged man asked the driver to unload quickly.

He even went to help.

Although the refrigerated truck was used, it was all fresh beef he had mobilized.

In order to make the young dragon eat to his satisfaction.

After a while, several more well-dressed young men in casual clothes came to help.

And Chen Jiu,

At this time, he was lying next to Lin Youchu, feeling the wind.

In the alley of the yard, straw and bamboo mats were laid, and the wind was strong there.

People can cool down without air conditioning.

After more than an hour of work, Lin Youchu's face was red from the heat, like a ripe apple.

Dense beads of sweat hung on Lin Youchu's forehead.

Today she tied her hair into two ponytails.

She waved a straw hat as a fan.

Chen Jiu yawned.

It is so easy to fall asleep in the summer noon.

Chen Jiu discovered these days that although he turned into a dragon, he followed the living habits before rebirth, just like a human.

Lin Youchu gently touched Chen Jiu's head and said softly: "Sleep, sleep."

After hesitating for a while, Lin Youchu said again: "Go up, it's dangerous up there, be careful."

When he woke up, those people had left and the beef was piled up in the yard.

"Wow! How can I eat this, raw?"

He has not studied whether real dragons eat raw meat.

But he certainly won't eat it.

As for beef, he still prefers beef hot pot with a strong taste!

At this time, Tao Yingying was circling around the beef.

She was in trouble.

How to deal with this pile of beef? There is no refrigerator that big!

Although Uncle Chen said that they can help build a cold storage if a refrigerator is needed.

But this is also-

Seeing Chen Jue coming out, she seemed to see a savior.

"Youchu, come and let your little guy eat, and see how much he can eat in one meal."

Lin Youchu looked at Chen Jue next to her and said nervously: "Ah, Yingying, he can't finish it, I'll go sell it."

She was afraid that Tao Yingying would blame Chen Jue.

Chen Jue sighed.

What a fool.

Then he walked to the middle of the pile of meat and stretched out his claws.

Looking at the sharp claw tip.

Chen Jue was looking forward to it.

"I haven't tested your attack power yet."

Without hesitation, he clawed directly.

The moment the dragon claw touched the beef, a hole was torn open.

Even Chen didn't feel any force.

This doesn't look like beef, but tofu.

"Are my claws so strong?"

"It seems that I have to restrain myself in the future and don't hurt my Lin Youchu!"

Soon, a ton of beef was divided into pieces by Chen.

The best marbled meat was collected by Chen and piled in front of Lin Youchu.

"You, you mean to eat this."

Chen nodded.

Lin Youchu took a bag from the kitchen, squatted down, and carefully put the pieces of beef into it.

"I, I'll do it."

After saying that, Lin Youchu went into the kitchen with a bag of meat.

Tao Yingying was confused. She didn't care whether Chen understood or not. She pointed at the remaining beef and said, "What should we do with these?"

Chen walked slowly to Tao Yingying's workbench in the living room and pushed the data sheet out with his claws.

On the data sheet, there were a few big words written on it: Taoyuan Village Villager Information Sheet.

"You mean, let me distribute this meat to the villagers?"

Chen nodded.

Tao Yingying suddenly realized.

Why didn't she think of it? !

Fifteen minutes later, the Taoyuan Village villagers' broadcast sounded.

"All villagers, please come to collect the beef!"

Tao Yingying thought of something and added another sentence at the end.

"The beef is provided by Shenlong!"

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