The final result only shows that his worry was unnecessary.

Chen not only rescued him from the bottom of the sea.

He also put the entire Jiaolong on the mother ship.

[Report report! Jiaolong is 50 meters away from the sea surface! ]

[Jiaolong is about to emerge from the water! ]

On the water surface, several large searchlights fired at the same time.

Everyone stared at the mysterious blue sea surface.

"Did Shenlong really lift the Jiaolong up with his own physical strength?"

"What kind of freak is this? It seems that after this incident, we need to re-evaluate Shenlong's power!"

"I don't think there is any need to evaluate. With Shenlong's current strength, I don't know of anything that can defeat him, unless we try it with nuclear weapons."

"That's true. There is no difference between the first meter being 2,000 points higher than the second meter and 20,000 points higher."

That being said, Chen Anguo still packaged the specific data and sent it to the Academy of Sciences and Shenlong Research Institute.

These experts and masters were still complaining about the lack of research projects a few days ago.

The data sent in the past few days has almost driven them crazy with overtime.

The last power calculation is not finished yet.

This time there is another one.

"Fuck, I found that our research speed can't keep up with the speed of Shenlong's strengthening!"

"Who isn't! I used to go to work at 10 o'clock and get off work at 4 o'clock, but now I've been working at 8 o'clock and getting off work at 9 o'clock for a week!"

"We old guys are fine, but the young guys below now go to work at 7 o'clock and get off work at 11 o'clock!"

"Don't tell me, I saw the apprentice led by Lao Xie, who went to work at 7 o'clock and got off work at 1 o'clock in the morning. According to the words of the young people, he is really a king of roll!"

Others took a breath after hearing this.

It turns out that as long as you work long enough, the devil can't catch up!

In the dean's office, Dean Liu was also distressed.

Although they are the highest-level scientific research institution in Longguo.

But in the past, they also read various foreign journals, read the forefront of the field, get inspiration, and think of new research directions.

Since the Shenlong.

Whether it is a physical journal or an online journal.

The current viewing volume is less than one percent of the previous one.

Find a research direction?

No need at all!

As long as you stand on the data given by Shenlong, there are directions in all directions!

Even if you walk blindly, you can reach the forefront of science and technology.

Moreover, this is not just one subject.

From biology to weapons manufacturing.

As long as you can think of science majors, they can be related to Shenlong.

This should be a happy thing for Dean Liu.

But recently there are some new problems.

"Dean, our project application has been pushed to next year. The review is too fast."

"Our review speed is not as fast as their application speed."

Dean Liu coughed awkwardly. Making money is his business, but the country's money cannot be invested in scientific research. This year's scientific research funding is already the highest in recent years.

"Well, let's have a meeting and talk to everyone, let everyone slow down and focus on a few directions!"

The assistant seemed to predict what Dean Liu would say, and immediately said: "I have mentioned this to them a long time ago, do you know what they said?"

"Hmm? What did they say?"

"They said there is no main attack assist, now all the main attack is really bad!"

"Also, they also said that they are slow enough, their research speed is 70% slower than the upgrade speed of Shenlong!"

Dean Liu rubbed his head with a headache when he heard this.

Finally, he still said: "There is no funding, and there is a life. Let them see how much my head is worth, and exchange it all for funding. If I have everything I want, why do I need them? Since they can be mentors, they can get resources!"

The assistant could see that Dean Liu was completely helpless.

He left wisely and printed out the dean's words as a formal notice.

Sent to various research institutes.

The mentors who received the notice were all numb!

The dean is going all out!

However, they can understand that today's research funding is already high.

If the dragon hadn't appeared, it would have never been used up.

"How about we cut off a few unimportant projects?"

Several academicians looked at each other and flipped through a pile of research reports dozens of times.

Even the foot of the book was curled up.

Still no project was found that could be eliminated.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh!

Whichever project is released, it is what they have dreamed of before.

"Or, let's decide by drawing lots!"

"It's already like this now. In a few days, Shenlong may grow to what extent, and there will definitely be a lot of research directions."

"Then, let's exclude all the projects that cannot be applied in the near future?"

After the 15th discussion meeting, each group only kept the two directions they were most optimistic about.

More than a thousand other projects were all sealed.

Entered the highest level of confidentiality.

Wait for the right time to release it.

"Shenlong is so terrifying. It is simply using its own strength to blow up our entire Academy of Sciences!"

"Who said it wasn't! I obviously don't want to work overtime! Why can't I control my hands!!!"

The attraction of Shenlong is so great that they all want to use their own hands to uncover the secrets of Shenlong.

Even if they have to work overtime until the early morning, they will do it!


Chen Jue didn't know that his few random experiments would light up the entire Academy of Sciences.

After sending the Jiaolong back to the mother ship.

He came to Chen Anguo.

Before going down just now, Chen Anguo said that he owed him a favor.

Now, it's time to use it.

Chen Anguo was terrified to see that the dragon actually came to him.

He wanted to pull out the chair for a while, but when he saw Chen Jue's four-meter-long body, he felt a little inappropriate.

In the end, Chen Jue pointed to the laptop on the table himself.

Chen Anguo quickly handed it over.

Chen Jue typed four words on the keyboard.

[Undersea Live Broadcast]

"You mean, you want to broadcast live on the seabed?"

Chen Jue nodded.

"Do you need us to help you solve the problem of live broadcast equipment?"

Chen Jue nodded again.

Then he turned and went out.

Dealing with smart people is simple.

He originally planned to take Lin Youchu down to play, this underwater world is much more fun than the zoo.

But he found that after the origin seed in his body sprouted, there were three ways to grow.

One is to let it grow by itself, just like a traditional dragon, practicing for hundreds or thousands of years.

Another is to absorb the spiritual energy in the world to provide energy for the root of the origin.

The last one is the power of faith.

Like spiritual energy, the power of faith can also act as fertilizer.

This is also the most convenient one for Chen to use now.

So, he thought of underwater live broadcast.

Live broadcast is the easiest way to earn the power of faith!

"I don't know what kind of power I will have after this origin bud grows into a small tree."

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