The request of Shenlong was fulfilled.

Chen Anguo did not dare to neglect it.

He quickly compiled the application for the underwater live broadcast and submitted it to the superior department overnight.

To broadcast underwater live, this is a big project.

It requires cooperation from multiple departments.

It is not something that his working group can handle.

At night, in an experimental base on Qiongdao Island.

Led by the Shenlong Protection Working Group, an emergency meeting was held.

The participating units are all large scientific research institutions or state-owned enterprises with the word "dragon" in their names.

It is already late at night, and it is pitch black outside the window.

The lights in the conference room are brightly lit.

"Huh? Aren't you guys here to maintain the Jiaolong?"

"Are you working on satellites?"

"Why are you, the three major operators, here to join in the fun?!"

Several professors of the communications department at Qiongdao University were surprised to see a room full of familiar units.

They have been doing scientific research for so many years, but have never seen a project that can bring these people together.

And it was late at night.

You know, some of these units are big companies.

Ordinary people can't even get in touch with them, let alone cooperate.

"What do you think they want us to do?"

"Who knows? No one told you before you came?"

Several people shook their heads in confusion.

"Who asked you to come?"

"The principal called us here urgently, saying that there is a major project that has never been done before and will never be done again that requires our participation."

"The principal personally called you here in the middle of the night? That must be a state secret project, right?"

Before they could discuss it out loud.

Several men in suits walked in from outside.

There were six well-dressed young men following behind. They were the staff members assigned by Chen Anguo to Qiongdao.

As soon as they entered the room, everyone was quiet.

"Hello, everyone. We are from the Shenlong Protection Working Group. Now there is a project that requires your cooperation. Please cooperate and hand in your mobile phones. The level of this meeting is confidential."

Several well-dressed young men took out the prepared boxes and collected all the communication tools in the venue.

"This time, we called everyone here mainly to solve a communication problem."

"Problem? There can't be a problem. With the cooperation of our units, the world, including outer space, can achieve communication!" The unit responsible for satellite communication research is very confident.

This era is not ten years ago. Communication technology is changing with each passing day.

Their unit alone dares to speak with 90% of its strength.

Not to mention that there are more than a dozen other units cooperating, communication? But it's easy.

The man in a suit standing on the stage nodded and agreed with what he said.

"Our project this time is to open up the deep-sea signal in this sea area so that Shenlong can broadcast live in the deep sea."

"We estimate that it will take at least five kilometers."

Deep-sea communication? !

The man who was full of confidence just now was stunned and sat down awkwardly.

"The attenuation rate of light and radio in water is too fast. Traditional communication methods are useless. Our satellite communication can only ensure communication between the sea surface and the land."

Others also looked at each other.

Deep-sea communication is really not their area of ​​expertise.

The main reason is that there is not much demand in normal times.

There are few machines that can enter the deep sea, so who would broadcast live?

"At present, the main communication technology used by our underwater machines is acoustic communication. The speed of sound propagation in air is more than 300 meters per second, and in water it can reach 1,500 meters per second."

"Convert relevant information into acoustic signals, which are then received by the mother ship and translated into graphic materials. This is also the communication method used by Jiaolong."

This technology is relatively mature, but it was quickly denied by other units.

"We object. Don't forget, this requires us to support live broadcast signals. Underwater acoustic communication can carry too little information! Sending messages is fine, but live broadcast is impossible!"

"We think so too."

"Then what should we do?"

Finally, the representatives of the three major operators stood up and said it was very simple.

"The way is simple. We just throw in a few kilometers of optical cables and connect them to the terminal equipment. Can't we broadcast live on the seabed?"

"The live broadcast signal will be transmitted to the mother ship and then converted into a satellite signal to be transmitted to the world. It's simple."

There was warm applause at the scene.

This plan is really good!

As expected of the three major gangsters, they have so much money that they think about problems in such a simple and crude way.

Simple and crude is also a good way to solve problems.



Three days later.

More than a dozen units jointly produced.

Finally, all the supporting equipment was made and transported to the sea area where Chen Jiu was, and began to be deployed.

Chen Anguo knocked on Chen Jiu's door and told Chen Jiu the news that live broadcast was already possible.

Then, the latest updates of Orange Girl!

[Shenlong will broadcast live under the sea at 3 pm, please be informed~]

After experiencing the last sea storm with John Country, netizens across the country are paying attention to the latest status of Shenlong.

However, in the past few days, not only has no new news been released.

Even some of the original video materials have quietly disappeared on the Internet.

Can only be shared privately.

Zhongjiang No. 1 Middle School, several boys hid behind the trees in the flower bed.

"Are there any movies? I haven't watched them for a few days, and I'm itching to watch them."

"Of course, they are all the latest ones, ten yuan each."

"Okay, okay, I'll transfer the money to you."

"Take it, this is a USB flash drive, remember to return it to me tomorrow!"

"No problem."

The boy made an OK gesture and plugged the USB flash drive into his phone.

Clicking on the USB flash drive file, there were indeed ten video clips in it.

In the first clip, the golden scales of the dragon were dazzling under the sunlight, and the water surface was turbulent. The dragon jumped out and rushed straight into the sky!

"Fuck! So domineering! It's worthy of being a dragon!"

The boy showed admiration in his eyes.

Then he continued to watch the second clip.

Chen was lying on the bed and sleeping. He didn't know that his video had enjoyed this treatment.

If he knew, he would have to spit out a mouthful of dragon blood.

He is a real dragon!

Lin Youchu, who was lying next to him, was now dealing with the news about the orange girl.

I wanted to reply one by one, but there were too many comments.

She could only pick a few replies with a high number of likes.

[Deep-sea live broadcast? Is it the same as last time? Whose treasure is it this time? ! I prefer the Lighthouse Country! ]

Lin Youchu replied below that this time it was just a simple deep-sea live broadcast to show everyone what the deep sea looks like.

[Fuck! Subnautica players said they love it! Are you really taking us to see deep-sea creatures? I've only seen it in books! ]

Lin Youchu replied, yes!

Soon, another comment with a surge in likes was pushed up.

[Deep-sea live broadcast, can the keeper wear a swimsuit? We'll give you a reference then, and it will be more convenient to go to the bottom of the sea with the dragon! ]

Lin Youchu blushed when she saw the word swimsuit.

Her little hand slipped and she was about to skip this comment.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jue, who had gotten up at some point, grabbed the phone.

Then reply to this comment.

[I have read it, it is bullshit. ]

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