After jumping into the water, Lin Youchu took off the inconvenient coat.

The power of the ocean emanated from the swimsuit, wrapping the surrounding space and forming something like a bubble room.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they couldn't see it.

Lin Youchu held the camera, and they could only see the domineering figure of the dragon swimming in the water.

[Here he comes! He's finally here! ]

[The world under the water is so beautiful! ]

[I, a diving enthusiast, envy it. Although I have been in water more than ten meters deep, I have always longed for the deeper seabed! ]

As soon as I got into the water, the five killer whales swam over and played under the water.

With Chen Jue here these two days, this area of ​​water has completely become a paradise for marine life.

Even those creatures that have a predatory relationship have stopped hunting because they have been illuminated by the power of life.

The biological density of the entire natural sea area is higher than that of the aquarium.

Various schools of fish shuttle around Chen Jue.

It seems that the closer you are to Chen Jue, the greater the honor!

Lin Youchu, who was standing by, took a picture of this scene with a camera.

It immediately caused the audience to exclaim!

[I thought the dragon was popular enough on land, but I didn’t expect it to be even more popular in the sea! ]

[Of course, haven’t you seen the Dragon King? The ocean seems to be under the control of dragons, right? ]

[It seems to be true! ]

[Doesn’t the dragon have a new identity now, the Dragon King of the South China Sea? ]

[What you said is true! ]

[But you said that a dragon has already appeared. Will there be another dragon in the sea? ]

[Fuck! I really haven’t thought about this question! 】

The controversy over whether there is a real Dragon Palace and Dragon King in the deep sea suddenly became heated.

But more people are still admiring the beauty of the seabed.

The documentary-like picture quality makes everyone linger.

[This is true! You can make a wallpaper by taking a screenshot! ]

[This is the first time I think live broadcast can be so beautiful! ]

[Especially the dragon, the fish around him, the dragon is the master of the entire ocean at this time! ]

Chen continued to dive quickly.

Soon he descended to a depth of 100 meters. Here, the killer whales no longer continued to go down.

They just swam above.

Chen did not stay for long. His main goal this time was the sperm whale, which was already a deep-sea monster at a deeper depth.

He continued to dive with Lin Youchu.

When he dived to more than 300 meters, a creature that made people's scalps numb swam over from the side.

Its head was spindle-shaped, its body was red, and there were dense tentacles under its head.

It looks more than ten meters long.

Judging from its appearance, it is definitely a monster in the sea.

[Fuck! It's a giant squid! To be precise, it's a giant squid! ]

[? ? ? Really? Is this a giant squid? ! ]

[Wow, it looks really big! ]

[This size, including the tentacles, is three times that of the dragon! ]

[How terrifying, is this the original image of those sea monsters? This attack power should be very strong! ]

[Finally, I saw a species that can compete with the dragon. Come on, let's fight! ]

These viewers saw that the funeral was not afraid of the funeral.

They all started to make a fuss.

But soon, a netizen posted the secretly taken picture of the damaged aircraft carrier Victoria.

[Even this aircraft carrier couldn't survive a single move under the hands of the dragon. No matter how powerful this giant squid is, it can't beat an aircraft carrier, right? ]


[Blind student, you found the highlight. ]

[Well, I hope the giant squid won't die too miserably. ]

On the live screen, the giant squid dragged those huge tentacles.

Came to Chen Jiu's side.

This giant squid is considered big in the entire giant squid family.

Its largest tentacle is bigger than Chen Jiu's entire dragon.

If Chen hadn't had a general understanding of his own strength in the past few days, he would be a little scared when he saw such a big guy.

But now.

This guy in front of him is almost the same as the raw pickled ones in the seafood market.

If he hadn't felt the aggressiveness emanating from this giant squid, otherwise, he could take the giant squid away with a dragon claw.

Reject all the fancy things.

[Wow! The dragon is not afraid at all! ]


[Upstairs, you are talking nonsense, that's the dragon! Dragon! Afraid of you, a giant squid? ]

[Just the father of the giant squid

Even if the old king squid came, it would be useless. 】

Lin Youchu was holding a camera and standing by. He was a little scared.

But when he thought of Chen Jue by his side, he calmed down.

Stabilize the camera and continue shooting.

In the picture, after the giant squid swam to Chen Jue's side, it spread out all its tentacles.

[What is it doing? ]

[This doesn't look like an attack posture! ]

All the viewers watching the live broadcast were confused and said they couldn't understand the confusing movements of the giant squid.

Only Chen Jue had the message from the giant squid in his mind.

"So it's here for help."

Chen Jue looked between the two tentacles. There was originally a tentacle here, but now it was bare.

It was probably bitten off when fighting with some animal.

And this giant squid came to him just for this broken tentacle.

[Field, spread out! ]

Chen Jue didn't think much about it.

Anyway, helping these marine creatures can also gain the power of the ocean, so it's still profitable.

[Life force, bloom! ]

A circle of golden light bloomed from Chen Jiu's body.

After touching the position where the giant squid's tentacle was broken, golden light poured in.

The tentacle that had been broken for a long time actually sprouted and grew out slowly!

At the same time.

Central Television Station, Shenlong Studio.

The two experts and professors and the announcer were dumbfounded.

They prepared a lot of information, such as small fish and shrimp, sea turtles and sharks, corals and shells.

But they didn't expect that the first formal introduction would be the giant squid!

They didn't write a humorous and interesting explanation point just now, so they didn't explain it.

After looking up the information, they finally found a few stories that could arouse everyone's interest.

Turn on the microphone and prepare to start explaining to the audience.

At this moment, the director rushed in urgently.

Press the button excitedly.

"Stop the broadcast!"

"What? Stop the broadcast? Why?!"

"Don't ask, don't be interested, you guys check the information here, I'll let you know when it can start broadcasting later!"

In fact, he didn't know why.

These were all orders from the Security Bureau and the Confidentiality Bureau, which were responsible for review.

It was just the giant squid spreading its tentacles, why did it stop broadcasting?

Is there any secret in this action?

Security Bureau Review Room.

In fact, what the audience saw was not a real-time live broadcast.

In addition to the signal transmission time, they also had to conduct a rough review.

By the time the domestic audience got the broadcast, it was already five minutes later.

Foreign audiences were even worse, the proper broadcast took fifteen minutes, and those translators took more than half an hour to translate.

So, when they stopped the live broadcast, no one except them saw the golden light coming from Chen Jue.

Everyone present was shocked when they saw the giant squid's tentacles grow back intact.

"Is this the most mysterious life force of the dragon?"

"Quick, seal it up and report it to the higher authorities!"

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