The live broadcast screens all over the world turned black.

And an explanation bar popped up.

[Undersea signal facilities attacked by unknown creatures, repairs are underway! ]

Although the audience was a little unhappy, they also knew how difficult deep-sea live broadcasts were.

They all expressed their understanding.

However, the official agencies of various countries were not focusing on this.

Lighthouse Country, Special Biological Research Institute.

The video from the appearance of the giant squid was cut and sent here.

"It's definitely a giant squid!"

"Such a large live giant squid!"

"If the four-meter-long dragon reported by Long Fang is correct, then according to the scale, this giant squid is about sixteen meters long!"

"This length is not far from the largest giant squid we have found!"

"The key is that the previous one was dead, and this one is alive!"

"If we can continue filming, this will fill the gap in our two hundred years of research on deep-sea creatures!"

When they saw the giant squid approaching the dragon, the video stopped abruptly.

Several people went crazy.

They grabbed the special agent who sent the video and said, "Where is the video behind?! Where is the video behind?!"

Several special agents' brains were almost shaken.

Finally, they grabbed a gap and shouted loudly.

"The live broadcast behind is paused, no! No!"


Hearing this, several professors let go.

Then they cursed.

"How can there be none? Can't we ask them to buy it back from Longguo?!"

"A bunch of stupid politicians! Short-sighted!"

The special agent continued to explain: "There is a problem with the live broadcast equipment in Longguo, and now the whole world can't see it."

The professors felt relieved.

Although they couldn't get first-hand information, other researchers couldn't get it either.

In this way, they didn't have to worry about their research direction colliding with others.

Although the physical materials were not available, the voices of discussion became more and more intense.

On the "Nature" forum.

This is the world's largest natural science forum with the most members.

Every new member must be recommended by two old members and provide relevant qualification certificates.

Only after approval by the administrator can they join.

Therefore, those who can be on this forum are at least masters who have published influential articles.

Usually, they exchange some cutting-edge ideas on research here.

Discuss with each other to see if new inspiration can be generated.

But today, the style of this forum suddenly changed.

Whether old or young, senior or just getting started.

All of them are uploading pictures and videos of giant squid.

"Such a huge, complete living squid, if we can observe it for a long time, we will definitely get unexpected information!"

"Perhaps we can use it to sort out the laws of giant squid reproduction, and maybe we can find other giant squids!"

"This will fill the gap in our deep-sea animal research!"

"If there is real-time data, I have already thought of my next scientific research project!"

"Unfortunately, the live broadcast has been suspended now, and we can't get more information!"

"Dragon Country may have other information, members of Dragon Country, do you have any new discoveries?"

Several members with the Dragon Country flag shook their heads.

"We only got these research materials on giant squid, so we can't provide them to you."

These Dragon Country zoologists are not excited at all.

It's just a giant squid. After studying Shenlong for a month, they no longer look down on giant squids.

If the research prospects of Shenlong are as high as Mount Everest, then the giant squid is at best just a small hill.

It's not that there is no research value, it's just that there is no need.

After browsing the forum, they began to continue to complete the tasks assigned by the above.

Now the project about Shenlong has been scheduled until next year.

Where do they have time to pay attention to the giant squid.

It's just that those foreign experts and professors expressed disbelief after seeing the news sent by the scientists of Longguo.

They all sent private messages, saying that they could buy it for a lot of money.

Some even said that if it was because of confidentiality issues, they could apply to join Long nationality.

As long as they can study the giant squid, everything is not a problem!

But these messages fell into the sea, and no response was received.

The reason is just——

"Don't go to these useless websites during working hours, do your job well.


"But teacher, didn't you tell us last time to come here more often and pay more attention to some foreign experts?"

"What the hell! Things have changed, now it's their turn to pay attention to us, hurry up, do the experiment, today's data still needs to be handed over to the laboratory next door, don't slow down the overall progress!"

Half an hour later.

Viewers around the world finally received the broadcast information.

The screen changes.

Now, the giant squid follows Chen like a little brother.

Stay close to him and repel all invading enemies!

[Huh? Didn't we have to fight just now?]

[What happened in the past half hour?!]

[Will the giant squid be defeated by the dragon?]

[Take a closer look, is there any external injury on the giant squid?]

After a consistent inspection, they did not find anything unusual.

There was not even a trace of fighting.

[Let me tell you, how could a giant squid fight with a dragon? Haven't you seen those killer whales? ]

[The legendary street urchins became obedient when they saw a dragon, so a mere giant squid would surrender to a dragon! ]

[That's true, if they fought, they would be killed instantly. ]

The audience didn't see anything unusual.

But those foreign scientists who always focus on the state of the giant squid, after many comparisons.

found a detail that is extremely scary.

The current giant squid has one more leg than the previous one!

"How is this possible?!"

"Did you see it wrong?"

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible to be wrong. Our team has watched it fifty times, and it just has one more leg!"

"Although we haven't studied the habits of the giant squid in depth, we have dissected the basic body structure and tested the genome. It is impossible for it to grow such thick tentacles by itself!"

"And it was within half an hour! "

"There is a problem! There must be a problem!"

After sorting out their findings, they reported the information to the parliament.

This has gone beyond the scope of biological explanation.

The only way to find a reasonable explanation is through the state machinery.

When it comes to the dragon, the parliament dare not neglect it.

An emergency meeting was held quickly.

Experts from various departments were invited to study the matter.

Finally, a reasonable conclusion was finally drawn.

That is.

Their previous guess was correct!

The dragon of Dragon Country is just a bluff, a computer-generated thing!

The change of the giant squid this time is just a technological mistake.

"If so, how do you explain the damage to the Elizabeth last time?"

The whole room fell silent.

After three minutes, someone from the military spoke.

"Is there a possibility that Dragon Country has developed a meteorological weapon, and they have been relying on meteorological weapons to pretend to be a dragon? !"

"It makes sense, I support your opinion!"

"In this way, everything makes sense! Quick, send someone to Dragon Country for a field survey! ”


In the southern waters, Chen and Lin Youchu have entered the deep sea more than a thousand meters deep.

Arriving here, he felt the breath of sperm whales again!

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