The water was so thick that the water was too thick.

And there were more than one.

Sperm whales?

Chen Jiu sensed the breath of three sperm whales through the sea water.

One of them was huge, up to 18 meters long.

There were two smaller ones, only seven or eight meters long, one male and one female.

The three sperm whales also felt Chen Jiu's breath and quickly swam up.

At this time, the style of Chen Jiu's live broadcast channel had completely changed.

Before, it was watching the dragon show its might, but now it has suddenly become a healing live broadcast, plus popular science world.

The TV stations at home and abroad that are broadcasting documentaries such as Animal World are all numb.

It turns out that it is not their peers who beat them.

It is cross-border!

But these documentary directors have to admit that the subject matter shot by Shenlong is much better than theirs!

Which director dares to say that he can go down to such a deep sea?

Moreover, Shenlong does not need any disguise at all, and the giant squid automatically becomes its subordinate.

When they go to shoot documentaries, they also use fake props to cover up the truth.

Accidents will happen if they are not careful.

Nothing can be filmed.

Now, they are watching Chen Jiu's live broadcast.

I hope to get the opportunity to edit the live broadcast video.

With such good material, it is not a dream to become popular all over the world with a little editing!

In fact, they don't need to edit.

This live broadcast has become popular all over the world!

After being broadcast by several qualified TV stations, the effect is excellent!

The ratings are rising rapidly.

Some channels use the language of their own country, just for compatriots far away in other countries.

The usual ratings are no different from zero.

It just highlights the existence of their own country.

Unexpectedly, after Chen Jiu's live broadcast, it became popular all of a sudden.

Especially in John Country, there was no broadcast from Dragon Country TV or its own TV station, so people flocked to other TV stations all of a sudden.

[Oh! This is really magical TV. The dragon from the East is leading us to see the deep sea world! ]

[If the director of our country can send such images, he must be our pride! ]

[The mysterious dragon is so great! He brought the mysterious ocean to the whole world! ]

[Our parliament is so stupid! They only know to discredit the existence of the dragon! But they don't know that the dragon has done so many good things! ]

[Although I can't understand the language above, my children and I will watch TV 24 hours a day. ]

[Sorry, my child is disabled for life because of diving. Thanks to the dragon for letting him see the underwater world, he is so excited! As a mother, thank the dragon for everything! ]


In John Country, the image of the dragon has suddenly changed from a treasure snatcher to a positive one.

Compared to the treasure that did not belong to them, the images in these documentaries were real.

In fact, they did not spend a penny to watch these.

You know, this is basically impossible in John Country.

After the spread became more and more widespread, viewers from all over the country asked the TV station to open a reward channel.

[Hey, we should thank Shenlong for his live broadcast and bring him financial support! ]

[Request the TV station to open a reward channel! ]

[Yes, this is a viewer's obligation! ]

After they learned that this TV station was just broadcasting and had no right to open a reward channel.

Immediately turned to the Dragon Country Embassy in John Country.

Requested to pay Shenlong for the live broadcast fee.

The staff of the Dragon Country Embassy were collectively confused.

What kind of business is this? They didn't mention it in their training manual?

At the same time, the John Country Parliament learned that a bunch of people actually went to the Dragon Country Embassy to pay for watching the live broadcast.

Several members of the parliament were so angry.

[Fuck, they can't even collect taxes normally, but they are so active in giving money! ]

[Should we stop them?]

[Stop? What can you do to stop them? We were thankful that they didn't continue to cause trouble with the national treasure incident last time!]

[Should we cut off the live broadcast signals of other TV stations?]

The leading congressman waved his hand.

[No, at this point, if we stop them, it will only cause greater conflicts.]

[It's time to get off work, I'm leaving first.]

After saying that, he walked out without looking back.

Drive home.

Open the door, his five-year-old son is playing with a toy car.


"Dad, a big truck~"

The congressman picked up his son who was playing on the ground

Come, and then turn on the TV.

"George, do you want to see the giant squid? The giant squid in the story."

Hearing the name of the giant squid, the little boy's eyes brightened a little.

"Dad will take you to see the giant squid."

As he said, the congressman turned the channel to the Camel Country channel.

On the TV, Chen Jue and the giant squid appeared.

The little boy broke free from the congressman's arms and ran to the TV.

Pointed to the red squid and said: "Giant squid!"

Then, the little boy wanted to continue to say something.

But he stayed where he was.

After waiting for half a minute, he pointed to where Chen Jue was.

Said: "Dragon! The dragon of the East!"

At this point, the little boy jumped up directly.

And at this moment, the giant squid that had been following Chen Jue suddenly shrank.

Then, regardless of Chen Jue, it actually swam up quickly.

Audiences all over the world were a little confused.

Isn't this giant squid the younger brother of the dragon? Why is it running?

But soon, someone shouted urgently.

[Sperm whale! It's a sperm whale! ]

[There are sperm whales coming up from below! ]

Sure enough, under the blue light shining beside Chen, three blurry figures were swimming up from below.

Although blurry, professionals still recognized that it was a sperm whale.

[No wonder the giant squid runs so fast. ]

[Why? ]

[Sperm whales eat giant squids. If they don't run, they are waiting to be eaten! ]

[So that's it! ]

Soon, three sperm whales appeared completely in the field of vision of the live broadcast room.

The largest one was bigger than the giant squid, a full 17 meters.

Plus the width was wider, the visual impact was huge.

The dragon looked a little small in front of them.

But these guys swam up and started circling around Chen.

There was no intention to attack at all.

[Another little brother? ]

[Three sperm whales! One is so big, and the other two are smaller, but they are also about seven or eight meters long, right?]

The professors who have been diving in the live broadcast room couldn't help it.

Wrote their own analysis in the live broadcast room.

[Three sperm whales, the two smaller ones are obviously a pair, and the largest one is very old. Sperm whales of this level usually don't appear in groups, but only wander in the sea by themselves.]

[Now that this situation has occurred, it is very likely that the three of them were not originally together, but gathered together for some reason.]

The specific reason is obvious.

That is naturally because of the dragon!

Because of the existence of the dragon, so many marine creatures can be gathered together!

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