Heart of Empire

Chapter 289: Workshop upgrade

When he heard the news, Dane was discussing with Chapel about the equipment of the new army.

In the past, troops recruited from training camps were equipped with corresponding weapons. Dain didn't know where these weapons came from, just like the system building was built. It was amazing.

It's not that Dane hasn't figured out the reason, but this kind of unthinkable thing should just stop thinking about it and cause trouble.

But this does not mean that the smithy, which is also the base of the system, is useless. On the contrary, the smithy builds some weapons and armor for export, which is only a small part of its function. The more important function of this building is that it can effectively strengthen the combat effectiveness of Dyne's army.

After upgrading the smithy and using some so-called 'technologies' in the smithy to spend resources on research, it is very obvious that the equipment level of the troops trained in the training camp will be improved.

Equipment is a very important thing, especially for the human army.

The elves are okay. Regardless of whether it is a ranger unit or a sword dancer unit, the two do not rely heavily on equipment. Therefore, although Dane also built the elven smith in Orinel, he looked at the smith. The research projects on the system interface, the combat power improvement brought by the development of equipment for rangers and sword dancers is not great.

But the human army is completely different.

The white wolf cavalry is okay to say something, but the white wolf guards used by Dyne as the main force rely heavily on equipment.

The White Wolf Guard is an elite heavy infantry regiment. After training in the system training camp, the quality of the soldiers is very high, and the soldiers are also very strong. The basics. But the issue of equipment cannot be ignored.

As heavy infantry units, armor and shields, these are very important sources of strength for the White Wolf Guard. Maybe, upgrading swords or arrows and crossbows, etc., may only improve the sword dancer or ranger unit by ten percent, but if you upgrade the armor of the White Wolf Guard, the whole of this army Strength, you will get a considerable increase!

However, such a changeover is no longer directly produced from the training base, but needs to be completed in the smithy first.

It must cost more money, but Dane doesn't care. The extra money spent is still very worthwhile compared to the combat effectiveness that the army can improve.

He asked Chapur to meet him right now for that matter.

When the matter was settled, when the wine was being talked about, the news of the system came.

"The Alchemy Workshop and Enchanting Workshop of Orineldo have already met the requirements of level four promotion."

In a nutshell, I almost didn't give Dane happiness! He waited for this tip for a long time!

The building level of these two workshops is really not easy.

In addition to the expensive upgrade price, there are certain requirements for the employees in the two workshops.

In fact, there are other production buildings, but farms, mines and other places are easy to solve. Farmers and absenteeism are hard to find? Even if it is a slightly higher level blacksmith shop and equipment workshop, it is not difficult to find some blacksmiths and craftsmen.

But Alchemy and Enchanting Workshop are not the same. They need people who understand the occult sciences to be able to act as employees.

Where can I find such a person? The price of training a mage is notoriously expensive, and Hindler is really hard to find.

If it is in the West, the center of human society, and some places where magic schools are built, it may be possible to recruit such talents. But in Hindler, a magical desert ... this kind of person can only be said to be encountered but not wanted.

At Hindler, the only large-scale, systematic magic knowledge team was the Shadow Warlock Council under Conley. That's not where Dion can get in.

Dyne, who has no choice, can only rely on Orinel and the mage towers and monasteries of White Wolf Castle to cultivate talents in this area.

Fortunately, two months ago, he also built the mage tower and monastery of White Wolf Castle. Cultivated on both sides, plus the workers in the workshop do not need to be real mages and priests, they only need apprenticeship levels, and even just some people who understand this knowledge are sufficient. Otherwise, it is really difficult for him to find a way to meet the upgrade requirements of these two buildings.

Immediately after receiving the system news, Dean was a bit unwilling to let go, and his mind had flown from White Wolf Fort to Orinel.

Chapel, who was sitting opposite him, was also a wonderful man. He saw that Dane was absent-minded, presumably remembering something, and the interested one didn't bother.

After sending Chapel away, Dane also decisively did not continue to stay in White Wolf Castle, but immediately started the teleportation and arrived at Orinel. And anxiously reached his own small 'palace' on the world tree, opened the system interface, and immediately pulled the two workshops into the building sequence.

Looking at the construction time of those three days, Dean wished that the two buildings could be upgraded immediately and put into use immediately. There is only one reason: these two buildings are of great significance for the entire commercial route of Comilla, as well as the continent of Shire, Comilla, and Orodik.

This idea was born when he first established Ghostblade Port ~ www.readwn.com ~ Until now, this idea is more and more mature, and more and more on the road of sight.

Things like black crystals, like a stone collection site developed south of Ghostblade Harbor, a textile factory built by organizing female workers inside Ghostblade Harbor, these are the things that power the commercial ships designed by Dane. At present, Ghost Knife Port has already had such a little prototype.

The ghost knife port is no longer as deserted as it was when it was built just a year ago. Merchant ships coming and going, although not as luxuriant as the Shawan Port, are not as good as those large ports along the West Coast, but they are more or less the same.

According to Tommy Ghost, although the port of Ghostblade is still not making much money, he will choose to change trade lanes every month. More and more uploads have been taken from the somewhat distant fairway of Comilla. After drinking too much, Tommy patted his breast and packed tickets for Dane. Within ten years, he could make Ghostblade Port more prosperous than Shawan Port!


Huh ... sent out before twelve o'clock to keep the month's rituals ... (to be continued.)

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