Heart of Empire

Chapter 290: Anxious Goodell

From nothing, ten years to build a port city that is more prosperous than Shawan Port. This is what Tommy said after drinking.

At the time, what he said was impassioned, as if he had full confidence. But after waking up, he regretted it.

This remark has a strong sense of drunkenness. Although the development of Ghost Knife Port is very fast, if it can continue to develop in accordance with this momentum, it will not be a chance to achieve the goal. However, the city's development will not always be smooth. It is right now in a period of rapid development, but if it encounters a bottleneck or dilemma, it is also possible to slow down or simply stagnate.

Ten years of catching up with Shawan Harbour is indeed a bit big.

The key is to talk in private, that doesn't matter, but the question he said in front of the great lord of Dane, then it is not appropriate.

Speak out and pour out water. If Ghostblade Port has been able to maintain its rapid development momentum, that's fine. If it really hits the stagnation period, how can you deal with Dane? Will it be kicked out then?

Tommy was worried about it.

Dane didn't know his anxiety, and if he knew, he would be dismissive.

From Tommy's point of view, the so-called 'overtaking the Shawan Port in ten years', which is very bragging, is too slow for Dane.

Although Shawan Port has now fallen into his hands, there is no systematic blessing after all, unlike White Wolf Castle and Comilla Island. These two places where the system base is established are the two core territories in his heart!

And there is a system of blessings in it. If Ghostblade Port is backed by Orinel and it will take ten years to catch up with Shawan Port, will it be a fart?

Of course, rice needs to be eaten by mouthful, and the current development momentum of Ghost Knife Port is insufficient, which is indeed an objective fact. But it does not matter, after the completion of the alchemy workshop and the enchanted workshop, two engines will be added directly to the large ship designed by Dion of Comilla.

Dane believes that.


It took three days for the two magic-related workshops to complete the upgrade. During this period, Dane did not stay in Comilla, and returned to White Wolf Castle in the middle.

Nothing else is important, but in the middle Goodall came to visit Dane once.

Dane didn't intend to meet the halfling merchant at first. Previously, the commercial guild of Shawan Port was sending this guy who had a relationship with himself as a lobbyist. Later, after the storm of tax increases, the person who arrogantly invited himself to come to the General Affairs Office to meet was also Goodall.

Because of this, he thought Goodall was also assigned by the General Affairs Office.

He refused to meet with Goodall, and he was puzzled, could Heijing's business be replaced by a partner?

However, later, when Goodell repeatedly went to visit him several times, and even brought valuable gifts, Dane felt that he might have lost his mind.

"This guy's head doesn't look as stupid as those merchants in Shawan Port."

While he was so elusive, he asked his men to bring Goodall to his parlor at the top of White Wolf Castle.

Sitting on a comfortable large chair, Dane was wearing casual home clothes and holding a glass of high-grade Comirya in his hand. Now, the Comillas that have been circulated from Orinel have been able to completely open up their sales after so long. The popular wine has brought a lot of money to Orinale. Ulrica is also ready to expand the winery again with the support of Valeo.

Dane has heard about it and read reports. However, he doesn't get involved in such matters now. As the territory became larger and the store spread more and more, he had to deal with more and more things. Because of this, he will no longer be able to do many things in the territory as before.

Orinel has Faal, Ghostblade Harbor has Tommy, White Wolf Castle is sitting in town, and Chapel helps, Verina is doing a good job in Shawan Harbour. In the military's daily work, there is Peixin, an experienced ranger general, and there is basically no need to worry about Dane.

If you have talents, use them boldly. Doing everything by yourself, not only can't bring out the usefulness of talents, but will exhaust yourself to death, not to mention the good results achieved by doing things.

This reason, the longer Dion has been sitting in the high position, the more he can understand the reason.

As the door of the parlour was pushed open, Dyne's thoughts were closed. He looked at Goodall who appeared at the door, and had some guesses about the purpose of this guy's coming.

He was waiting for the other side to speak, but he did not expect Goodell to react so fiercely.

I saw this guy who was less than Dane's waist high, and immediately burst into tears as soon as he entered the door.

The little dwarf ran forward, ran to Dane, hugged his thigh and shed a nose and a tear:

"Boss Dane! The thing at Shawan Port really has nothing to do with me! The business guild that wants to be against you is the one who got caught when I got caught! You must not be unhappy because of this what!"

Dean couldn't laugh or cry. He shook his leg and tried to shake the half-body on his thigh away, but he didn't shake it.

Of course, with Dane's power, let alone get rid of Goodell, if one step down, it is estimated that this halfling who has no personal strength can be strangled to death.

However, he didn't mean to want Goodell's life.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dean Hu with a face on his face said, "Hurry up and let go, and I won't let go, I will ask someone else to do it!"

As soon as he mentioned Hei Jing, Goodall didn't dare to be pretentious, he stood beside him honestly and didn't dare to say a word, but he couldn't take off his aggrieved face.

Dane knew this guy was pretending.

"Put away your face and look annoying!" He took the glass and took a sip, and continued: "Tell me what gave you your heart and courage, and dare to make me while in Shawan Bay Go visit you? "

Goodell explained immediately that at the beginning the business guild just let him see Dane and the relationship between Lara, and later the storm of tax increases came out, and he pulled him out of the top tank again, and by the way sweared The 'sb' of the Dayton Business Guild

Halfway through, Dane had always been unconcerned, just drinking the wine from his glass.

Most of Goodell's previous performances were pretended to show his attitude. But now, seeing Dane seem unimpressed, he was really anxious. (To be continued.)

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