Heart of Empire

Chapter 295: Strong new tax bill

If in the usual way, with the character of Verina, dare to hit the guy who came to the muzzle when the bill just came into effect and no one is taking Liwei, then there must be no mistake.

But this time things are a bit too sensitive.

Earlier, what Dane didn't expect, Verina had long wanted to understand.

She spent more than three months in Shawan Port. Although most of her energy was devoted to the struggle with Malone's forces that have not yet died, she was in charge of Shawan Port after all. The intricate map of forces in the port city, she must have figured it out before she could fight with Ma Long.

Headed by the three giants, the following are rooted in local businessmen as the main body, plus some businessmen who have crossed the air trade business. Such a composition model of the General Affairs Office and business guilds has long touched the door. clear.

At present, although the four businessmen who were arrested are not members of the three Big Mac Chambers of Commerce, nor are they listed deacons of the General Affairs Office, there is no exception. The backing behind them is with the big businessmen in the three giant Chambers of Commerce. There are inextricable relationships.

In this way, things become subtle.

Verina was keenly aware that most of them were thrown out by the General Affairs Office as four pieces to test herself.

The three major chambers of commerce are not easy to offend, Verina knows. She can't really force these four people to death, so things will become very passive without knowing what the three major businessmen will have in the future.

But let those four people do some symbolic punishment and let go? That's even more impossible!

In that case, the tax increase bill will become a joke completely!

Of course, now that Verina can put the four people under house arrest for the time being, she can even use the caravans of the caravans who are hitting the people to pull them out for trial, and then use the coolest means to execute them. To be used for Megatron. But this is only an expedient measure and cannot solve the root of the matter.

Obviously, the first move of the General Affairs Office in this stormy battle for Shawan Port made Verina, who had always been decisive, hesitant.

So, she ordered that the guards who had wounded the tax officer were executed directly, and the four businessmen were kept under house arrest. At the same time, Dane was informed of the news in the fastest way, hoping to get the next instructions.

The instructions sent back from Comilla were quickly delivered to Verina's hands, but a few short sentences from Dane almost did not embarrass Verina:

"Please ask the leader of the Velina Corps to handle the relevant matters of the Shawan Port on their own. There are two main principles."

"First of all, we must not have direct and positive conflicts with the three major chambers of commerce, and we must not reach a level of breakup."

"Secondly, we must show our tough attitude and must show our complete determination to control the entire port."

Verina's aide, Palan also saw Dane's reply. This young man who has also performed well in the guarding battle of Beida Gate is also speechless about such an irresponsible order from his lord.

"Lord Dane is really ... to make us embarrassed! Can't have a confrontation, but also have a tough attitude ... Hell, what are we going to do with those four businessmen?"

When Palan complained, Verina was already thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, Verina made the decision: "Heavy fine! Fine all their property in Shawan Port and expel four of them permanently."

"How can this be ?!" Paran exclaimed. "Do n’t Lord Dane say that we don't want to have a direct confrontation with the General Affairs Office? So, it doesn't matter if those four businessmen are forced to die, in case those three chambers of commerce If I get angered, things won't end well. "

"Huh ..." Verina said, "I don't believe they would dare to turn their backs on us?"

"But isn't that contrary to Lord Lord's request for no direct conflict?"

"What did you violate? The four businessmen, no matter what their background, they are not regular members of the three major chambers of commerce, even if they are destroyed, what can they do? This is a temptation of the General Affairs Office to us. We are not going to be tough this time, and those guys in the General Affairs Office will be even more aggressive in the future. The tone makes them step by step, it is better that we take the attitude directly. "

"Okay," Palan nodded, and said, "then come as you say."


On June 27, the Shawan Harbor Police Battalion, representing Dane's will, made a big move. Verina announced that the guard battalion and the port guard will be merged into one from today, under the jurisdiction of the South Hindler's Southern Guard Corps, the third wing of the Guard Corps-the Shawan Port United Team, and fully take over the Public security, daily military defense, port order maintenance and other duties.

This is something people have long thought of. In the past, the two military forces of the Shawan Port, the Port Guard and the Police Battalion almost completely duplicated many functions. However, due to the strength of the two warlords in the Shawan Port, these two posts should be the team that maintains the security of the city. The most important energies are focused on opposing the policy.

Now, it is not necessary for Dane to hold Shawan Port alone.

However, what was unexpected was that Verina directly established a Sand Bay Harbor United Team and returned to the establishment of her own garrison.

This means that the strength of the garrison army directly led by Verina ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it is full, it will reach a size of 4,500.

Even with 4,500 miscellaneous soldiers, the combat effectiveness of this legion cannot be underestimated. At least, some of the small warlords around, let alone Dane, even Verina, they can't afford it.

When people have not been able to completely digest the news, the afternoon of the day when the third wing was formed, it started a * action.

First of all, the seizure of all the properties of the four tax-resistant merchants in Shawan Port. Not only that, but also publicly posted a punishment decision against the four people 'forfeit all property' on the dock.

At the same time, the newly formed third wing directly dispatched two brigade groups of 600 soldiers to the dock, specifically rectifying the phenomenon of non-cooperation with the new tax bill. Paran, who was promoted to become the captain of the Shawan Harbor United Team, sat directly in the town dock to handle this job.

What's most interesting is that Palan is publicly given the highest enforcement power-anyone who dares to challenge the new tax bill, Palan has the right to take any measures to deal with it.

The so-called any means, of course, include spot killing! (To be continued.)

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