Heart of Empire

Chapter 296: Fight

Under the mighty means of the commander of the Velina Corps, the whole Gulf Gulf port temporarily lost their voice.

People seem to have never thought that this woman, who is the spokesperson for Dane, who controls Sand Bay Harbor, can be so tough.

Four businessmen who were heavily penalized for being penniless were driven out of Shawan Harbour directly. And was warned that in his lifetime, anyone who dares to step into the Shawan Port will kill him.

These four people were undoubtedly the hen that was used by Verina as a chicken to show monkeys, but `` chicken '' is not just that.

On June 28, the day after the four tax-resistant merchants were dealt with in public, and the day after Paran led two groups of soldiers to the dock, another incident happened.

It's tax resistance again, and it's two foreign businessmen who ‘do n’t understand the new bill at Shawan Port and are very dissatisfied with it’. Palan, who had already received Verina's order, didn't even need an instruction this time, and she started directly at the dock.

The two businessmen saw the situation was not good, and they were not stupid enough to confront Palan's soldiers on the spot, one was caught directly, and the other took advantage of Palan's inattention and went to the shore and had not completely parked. Vessel, turned away.

But how fast can a merchant ship full of cargo run?

Shortly after leaving the port, the businessman who chose to run was intercepted by a fast boat attached to the former Port Guard.

The temporary tax department of the terminal is very efficient. Arrested that day, the fines required for tax resistance were calculated that day, everything was done under the eyes of everyone.

The signal released by this is already very obvious: who dares to choose something at this time, who will die.

Verina and Palan feel that these six businessmen who have chosen to resist taxes must be inseparable from the commercial guilds of the General Affairs Office and Shawan Port. They must be instructed and relying on them. Only then can people make such provocative choices.

And under her thunderbolt, this crooked wind and evil spirit was not quickly contained.

This kind of punishment for losing all property is not too different from the death penalty for businessmen. After six people were sentenced to such heavy punishment, in the following days, no one should dare to continue to confront Verina with all his possessions.

But things are so strange.

Every day, more than one businessman, after entering the port, will conflict with the soldiers at the port because of the new tax bill and then be fined.

Once or twice, Verina could feel that it was the temptation of the General Affairs Office. But every day, she realized that those big businessmen and big chambers of commerce had already made a move.

Soon after, the intelligence unit affiliated with Chapel, scattered in Sandy Bay Harbor and some other places, came to her.

The "unreasonable" tax increase bill of Shawan Port is very pitted, and it is completely unjustified exploitation of businessmen. At the same time, Verina, who is now acting lord of Sandy Bay Port, is a moody, brutal and brutal woman.

The news spread quickly at an unusual speed, and in the process of dissemination, it was obviously deliberately demonized.

This is obviously the trick of the General Affairs Office. According to Verina, these guys are planning to pressure themselves by expanding public opinion. And the worst thing is that if this kind of news really spreads throughout the sky, it will inevitably affect the commercial trade of Shawan Port.

However, Verina is not without a solution.

Mingli, she began to intensify the dispatch of her soldiers to patrol Shawan Port, to announce to the people in the port that the new tax bill is 'serving the people' and further shaping Dane and her bright image. At the same time, the patrolling soldiers also began to look for and arrest the walking rumors in the city, and more or less also achieved some results.

In the dark, Chappel spent several months, finally relying on the former intelligence system of the White Wolf Fortress, the reorganized and constructed intelligence department has begun to exert its strength. They made many statements in favor of Sandy Bay Port, using rumors to rumors, while secretly tracing each other's rumor spreader and leaving it to Verina to deal with it.

The two fists waved down together, and the spread and influence of these rumors could not be completely eliminated, but at least under effective response, the General Affairs Office's use of public opinion was somewhat suppressed.

But before waiting for Verina to catch her breath, the opponent's second set of moves came.

It was a riot in the underground world.

In Shawan Port, there are a lot of gray practitioners. From legitimate mercenaries, to some gangsters and gangsters who collect protection fees and linger on the streets, to absconding criminals or robbers, and even pirates who do not wash their hands, there are many in Shawan Harbor.

These things cannot be completely eliminated in any city, and Shawan Port is also out of proportion. They lurk in the crowd, they are not easy to be caught, and they are quite troublesome.

In the following period, the number of public security incidents in Shawan Port increased significantly. Among them were theft, a small number of robbers in the room, and a small number of street brawls, which caused the police camp to burn out for a while.

At this juncture, the sudden increase in public security incidents occurred, and Velina directly linked these matters to the General Affairs Office. Just like the guys who resisted the tax and spread the rumors before, although it is an unproven method, she would rather think that the people in the General Affairs Office are adding chaos to her and would not be naive to think that these things are true It's just accidental.

Now that everyone has already thought that it was the other party's move, does Verina have no reason to respond?

When the Third Wing was entangled by these things ~ www.readwn.com ~ she was very decisive from the first wing of the garrison garrison stationed in the White Wolf Fortress, who was replenishing soldiers. Three hundred people were drawn from Rotten Wolf Town, and they were urgently transferred to Shawan Port to increase inspections in the port city.

On July 4th, after these transferred support arrived, she mobilized the intelligence department of Chapur, seized several gangsters who had always had a certain connection with big businessmen, and thundered them.

On the same day, a group of chickens and dogs jumped in Shawan Bay, and three gangsters who had been figured out the situation were directly uprooted and all were caught.

At the same time, through the clues of the captured and removed gangsters, Verina continued to explore the traces of the big businessmen in the Shawan Port that were related to them, and whether they really had evidence or bluffed, they went straight to bite.

Her thought is: You make me uncomfortable, and I won't make you feel better.


Crazy code word, finally completed two chapters before twelve! (To be continued.)

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