Heart Over Sword

Chapter 104 - Do I Belong There?

"What will you do with this information, Arawn?" Evanna held her breath and stared into the prince's eyes, trying to read his thoughts, which was impossible. He continued to stare into her eyes longingly like he might just close that distance between them. They were still so close together, his hands were still in her hair, and if she leaned just a little closer, then their lips would meet.

But her question hung in the air like a sword over her head. With her thoughts changing from longing and wanting to kiss Arawn, she was reminded of who he was and why she was in this luxurious bed-chamber, to begin with. "Arawn?" She whispered and placed her hands above his forearms to gently pull down.

He leaned back and smirked. "If I didn't know any better, Evanna.. I make you nervous.." His right hand came forwards again, and he moved some of her silky, black hair behind her ear and leaned forwards, so his lips were but an inch away from her ear. 

Evanna stilled, feeling the heat from his cheek so close to hers, almost touching but not. She felt dizzy from their close proximity and his wonderous, manly, woodsy scent, she almost leaned into him, but she placed her hand against his chest to balance herself.

Which was not the best move. Evanna's hand made direct contact with the smooth skin of the prince's chest. Her eyes widened. Both from his lips near her ear and his hand resting on the side of her neck. And her hand feeling foreign against the hardness of his muscles. 

Didn't he say something? She was already flushed from nearly kissing, and now this! She must be like a beetroot by now!

She inhaled sharply, an action the prince didn't miss. He chuckled, tickling her ear with his light breath, and turned his head slightly, so his lips brushed against her cheek, "I think I need to sleep on it. I should not make any rash decisions. It is quite the news about my little burglar, my prisoner, is part she-elf.." He murmured; his lips barely touched her soft cheek, making it hard for Evanna to pay attention. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it might jump out of her chest.

Did the prince technically kiss the side of her cheek?

With widened eyes, she turned her head the other way. "Please, your highness. You should get some rest on such-" She gulped and tried to make her breathless voice calm down and become neutral. Like a lady. Like a princess! "such news."

She kept her head facing away from him, with her hand dropping to her side and the other leaning into the bed. The bed.. She stilled even more. They were sitting on her bed, in her room, in the early hours of the morning. Both of them, not wearing appropriate clothing, nearly kissing..

Evanna whipped her head back to the prince. He had a sly yet charming smile on his sculpted face and had leaned away from her. This gave her the much-needed space she was now searching for. "Yes, it's late. There is much to discuss tomorrow." Arawn slowly stood up and strode towards the double doors, pausing when he got to the handles.

"Oh," He looked back at Evanna, who was clasping the gown around her more still sitting on the end of the bed. "I have royal duties to attend to first thing and will be unable to have breakfast with you. But we will discuss this over lunch or dinner." He turned back around, but Evanna called out to him quietly.

"Your highness.. Will king Thalanil require my presence?"

Arawn stilled once more. "The king will be in his quarters for some time until the threat has been confirmed benign."

Evanna nodded her head, "Okay. Can I roam freely in the gardens?" She paused and waited to argue the reasons why the assassin's would not be a threat to her.

"Yes, you may. I will send an escort in the morning… Goodnight, Evanna." He swung the doors open and left. Evanna blinked in shock at the nights' events and, lastly, how the prince didn't deny her a little bit of freedom around the palace.

Ugh, he left the doors open. Evanna narrowed her eyes. Did he do that on purpose to annoy her? She stood up, and on her first step forwards, she watched as the doors swung shut and the lock clicked into place. Her lips parted, and she shook her head slowly, a hand on her forehead. How many gifts did he have?

'The system of gifts works in the elven hierarchy and.. It is rare for a lower-ranking elf to even have a gift.'

Her mother's words came back to her from the dream. Elven hierarchy.. The prince and king must have powerful gifts. Already she had seen Arawn's gift of freezing rooms, and now doors were closing and locking by themselves. Unless it was a ghost, she was confident it was the prince.

With a sigh, she climbed back into bed and lie under the covers, staring up at the cloudy night sky. It looked crisp and cool outside, but in her chamber and under her bedcovers, she was toasty. She wondered what power was used to create such a shield to protect the residents and their rooms from the weather. What was she even thinking about?

She just had the prince in her room! In the middle of the night! They almost kissed! He basically kissed her cheek while they were on her bed! She'd touched his smooth, chiselled chest. It was surprisingly warm considering how much he seemed to freeze everyone else with or without using his powers.

Evanna covered her arms over her eyes. What was she doing!? She could not kiss the elven prince! And what was he thinking!? She was his prisoner, someone who stole from him. This could never happen!

Whether he was trying to mess with her in some cruel way.. Her heart almost stilled. No, no, he wasn't that cruel. He told the guards to take Amaruil away instead of her after she assaulted her. He hasn't forcefully kissed her. And even after finding so much out about her, he has not thrown her back in the dungeon. Yet.

Either way, she had to distance herself from him. She was his prisoner, and this beautiful place was not her home but a stylish prison with exquisite food and a handsome jailer. Evanna told her mother she would escape, and the prince's charming ways was not going to deter her from her plan.

Her mission was to get the gem to save her mother. They had the gem, and now it was time to get it to her mother and for her to be back at the palace in Dunhurst. Where she belonged.

Do I belong there? Evanna pulled her arms away from her face with a sigh. Do I really need to go back? Yes, of course! She wanted to see her mother and her father. But what she was not looking forward to was the punishment of her escape and worrying her father.

She knew that it put her father, the king, in a precarious position by going missing. He had enemies not only in the elves but the humans too. Their kingdom was strong, but if ever there is an opportune moment for them to strike and take their land, this would definitely be beneficial to them.

The king's daughter was missing, and he was sending men out searching for her. When she returned, he would be securing his position even more by marrying her off to a family that would be beneficial to the kingdom. Most likely to gain another ally the kingdom of Dunhurst was yet to join forces with. But she was the king's illegitimate child, so she was not sure who he would partner her off with.

Her heart pinched at the idea. When she escaped, she would be running from one prison and into another. There was one man she believed her father would marry her off to, and it made her grit her teeth by thinking of it. She would rather rot in a cell here than be with someone like him.

But this was her fate. Evanna was a princess bound to marry. Arawn was right; she was getting older, and now that she had done the unforgivable. Evanna might have possibly caused a war by not just other kingdoms trying to claim Dunhurst as theirs, but if she were to be found out by the elves, then the Flori would also rage war against her kingdom.

Evanna rolled onto her side and cuddled the pillow. She only just turned eighteen, and yet there was so much to worry about. So, so much. She knew her thoughts would keep her up for a while, so instead of worrying, she started to plan.

She could not let any of that happen to the people of Dunhurst. Or to the elves of Direwood forest. Even though she had not been there very long, her heart seemed to expand a little for some of the elves she had met here. Even.. Prince Arawn. Which was deadly; he could also be manipulating her. Another reason, tomorrow she needed to put her plan into action. 

Tomorrow, she needed to escape.

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