Heart Over Sword

Chapter 105 - Are You Well?

The following day, Evanna was sitting on her balcony in a daze as she drank from her cup of tea, her stomach full after breakfast. She sighed deeply and placed the cup onto the saucer while she stared at the warm liquid, unaware that Rina was watching her with concern. The princess had been restless all night, tossing and turning, her mind plagued with thoughts until she finally fell asleep, only to wake up far too soon.

She had been quiet most of the morning, sighing and staring into space while Rina dressed her. The only comment Evanna had made was to bid her handmaiden 'good morning' and to decline her servant from doing anything too extravagant with her hair. She was currently seated with her hair plaited on either side, meeting together at the back of her head in a half-up hairstyle. The rest of her raven locks falling in waves around her. She stuck to a simple light blue long-sleeved gown which was similar to what she wore at home.

With her eyes downcast, staring into the brown liquid, her mind was swirling with the possibilities. She knew it would be difficult to escape, but she promised her mother, and with her feelings growing towards the elven prince, it would only lead her down a disastrous path. One where Arawn would find out that she was the princess of a kingdom he despised and would wage war over from her not only breaking the accords but stealing from the Flori.

Evanna sighed. Her heart felt heavy, but she knew she could not stay in the Flori palace, especially under the cunning eye of the elven prince.

"My lady, are you well?"

Startled, Evanna blinked and looked at her handmaiden. She was peering at her with concern etching onto her features. With a subtle smile, Evanna nodded her head, "I am well, Rina, do not worry. I feel rather tired, that is all."

"Do not overexert yourself today, my lady. You look.. awfully pale," Rina replied apprehensively.

Evanna rose from her seat and smiled once more. "Rina, you are too good to me." She placed her hand on the she-elf's shoulder gently, watching as her eyes widened and her lips broke into a smile.

"I try my best, my lady!"

Evanna rolled her eyes. "Please, call me Evanna," She tsked and dropped her hand.

Rina curtsied, "Lady Evanna."

Evanna pursed her lips but let it slide. Soon, it would not matter what Rina called her. She would be gone. If she was fast enough, her escape and the days after would mean there is no punishment for the servants. There would be no point, as Evanna would not be there to witness it.

With the princess deep in thought, her body had automatically started walking out of her bed chambers, through the hallways and to the gardens.

"Lady Evanna!"

Evanna blinked and stepped back, startled to see Cedric and Anwel standing in front of her.

"Are you well?" Cedric asked. Evanna realised it was he who had called her name and snapped her out of her reverie.

Evanna smiled, "Of course." She glanced to Anwel and smiled subtly at him also. But the elf's eyes widened, and he bowed his head to her before glancing warily around. She wondered why he seemed so nervous, but like how she dismissed Rina calling her by a title, she dismissed overthinking about the warrior guarding her.

Maybe he was embarrassed because she took his punishment. Her cheeks heated at what her own punishment entailed, a kiss on the cheek which was nearly a kiss on his lips.

"Are you sure, my lady?" Anwel asked before clearing his throat and bowing his head again.

Cedric chuckled and patted Anwel on the back. "I believe my friend here means to say is that you do not look your radiant, stunning self-"

"What!? No, no, my lady! You look beautiful. I mean, no, I did not mean to speak out of line. Yes, you are as ever beautiful, but you do not look 100%," Anwel rambled in a flustered state.

Did she really look that awful today? Maybe there was a truth to the saying of getting one's 'beauty sleep.' However, Anwel's flustered state was amusing.

Evanna giggled at the guard and how cute he had been acting. But she placed her hand in front of her mouth. And the pair looked away from each other while Cedric chuckled again, glancing between them. But his smile dropped after his eyes landed on Evanna again.

"Lady Evanna, would you like to go to the prince's garden?" He asked with arched brows.

"The prince's? I have yet to see it.." She murmured, but although her curiosity was piqued, she needed to search without showing them that she was looking for an escape.

Cedric tilted his head to the side, "Hmmm, his highness showed you yesterday.. It is the one with the pond, pergola and swing in it."

"Oh, that one!" As much as Evanna liked that garden, she was determined to find an escape route. Only then would she sit down and plan. "I would very much like to take a stroll first."

Cedric scrutinised her features and seemed displeased by her answer, but he did not comment on it and instead bowed his head. "Of course, my lady."

Evanna strolled around the grounds for most of the morning with Cedric by her side and Anwel following behind them. By midday, Evanna believed Anwel was quite smitten with her after she took his punishment. He went out of his way to rush ahead to open doors for her, helped her down steps in the gardens even when Cedric was right beside her.

He also started to talk to her enthusiastically about elven life in Direwood forest after Evanna asked the pair more about themselves. Anwel couldn't help but gush and occasionally charm the princess. Cedric, on the other hand, who seemed to enjoy her company, was wary of her. 

The little glances she received from him reminded her of the situation she was in. It was good. Her conversations with Anwel made her want to stay a little while longer and not search for these routes.

Not that she needed much reminding, the palace she strolled in was her constant reminder, its architecture and the elves within was nothing like her home in Dunhurst. Evanna sighed and leaned her hands against the far wall that overlooked the wide river at the back of the palace. She looked to be watching the view of the river, with her gaze lowered. But she was actually analysing how she might escape this way.

It seemed impossible without the death of the waterfall the river led to. But, if it was timed right..

Was she mad enough to try and escape via this exit?

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