Heart Over Sword

Chapter 106 - Evanna's Birthday

Was she mad enough to try and escape via this exit?

Suddenly a sharp pain hit the side of her head, and Evanna clutched at the area and immediately felt the throbbing of a headache coming on. With a wince, she tried to gently rub the pain away. Still, it only seemed to make it worse, shooting out an intense heat through her body. She gripped onto the wall and at her head as she tried to breathe through it.

"Lady Evanna, is everything okay?" Anwel's voice was laced with concern as he peered at her on one side while Cedric came into view on the other. She waved them off and forced a strained smile, one that did not reach her eyes. Turning around, she looked at the palace and saw it starting to wave from side to side as black spots began to dance in her vision.

"I think.." Her voice became breathless. A sudden surge of hot and cold rippled through her from the tips of her toes until it reached her face. The colour in her cheeks paled, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body became limp and she collapsed. Evanna expected to feel the ground at least, but it never came as she succumbed to the darkness welcomingly.

Evanna woke up in the comforts of her bed, still wearing the dress she wore in the gardens. She was bleary-eyed and felt a stinging sensation behind her eyes as she looked up at the bright blue sky above her. Her body felt odd like her arms were too heavy to move, but at the same time, she felt as light as a feather. What was wrong with her? She felt weak, and so she closed her eyes again while a shiver rolled through her.

The princess clasped at her bed cover and pulled it closer to her neck. It took all of her energy, and she frowned at the odd sensation. Evanna had never been ill before. Not once had she taken a day off; her immune system was highly impenetrable. It seemed, though, her eighteen years were finally catching up. She wasn't even old, but at the moment, she felt it.

Yes, that was right. Evanna was officially eighteen now. Ugh, what a way to spend her birthday. By the age of eighteen, she was now a prisoner.  And on her 'special' day, she was confined inside her bedroom due to this sudden illness.

Her eyes snapped open,  and she felt a cool, damp cloth placed on her forehead. Rina was standing by her side, patting her head down in an attempt to help her fever. "I'm sorry if I woke you, my lady. You have a very high fever."

Evanna nodded her head; it seemed that was all she was capable of doing. Even tried moving her lips to reply, but it took considerable amounts of effort.

"Please, you should try and rest. I will bring some soup after you have slept," Rina said gently. The servant looked down at her with worry-filled eyes; Evanna wanted to reassure her that she was okay. But then, a flicker of doubt passed through her.

What if Rina was worried about the prince? If she died, which was very unlikely, then the servant would be punished? Evanna winced; the pain in her head had not subsided and throbbed. It felt like her brain was hammering against her skull, trying to escape, while her eyes stung from the sunny day and her skin coated in sweat.

Her thoughts swept away with the ongoing crushing pain on her head. But with the pain, she also felt fatigued. Evanna fell back to sleep after her temperature lowered slightly. Rina had slipped Evanna out of her dress and placed a very light nightgown on her after she complained about the heat. Evanna stayed out of the covers and ended up rolling over to the other side of the bed.

She kept falling in and out of consciousness, and she knew from her feverish state that she was hallucinating. She kept 'seeing' and feeling Arawn pressed against her. Any time she moved her head, her eyes opening slightly, she would find herself clinging to his body, her head resting on his chest as he whispered in Muranthian that it would get better, and try to sleep as much as possible.

"* I'm not going anywhere..*"

"* Good, p-please don't. I'll.. I will miss you.*" She muttered in response.

His words made her trembling body relax, and her head sank further into his chest. Or was it her pillow? It was a hallucination. After all, it was just her mind playing tricks with her. At least, she was being comforted, and just for a little while, she would take advantage of this imaginary elven prince and snuggle into him more with a sigh.

Arawn chuckled. His voice was such a delight, but her head was still pounding, so even in her hallucination, she could not escape the pain. 

"* Why does it hurt? It hurts so much, Arawn. I.. *" She shivered and the iciness she was feeling suddenly left while imaginary Arawn gently rubbed at her shoulder and pulled a blanket over her more.

"* Hmm, that fweels nice..*" She murmured and felt part of her hair brushed away from her face feeling her body vibrate slightly from the prince's chuckle. Evanna gasped. Her fingers clasped at his shirt as another wave of pain erupted from her head and coursed through her body. It felt like thousands of needles stabbing through her all the way down to her toes.

She groaned. "* Shh, I know try and sleep. It will pass..*" Arawn spoke gently atop her head as he rested his cheek gently on her forehead. Evanna felt her body begin to burn up again, but his cheek began to cool her down, and the hand resting on her back also sent a soothing feeling of cold wash over her.

"Hmm." She felt her head becoming increasingly heavy, but she didn't mind this hallucination. Maybe she could keep herself awake just for a little while. If she was awake? She was not sure; everything was so hazy. "*Arawn..*" She whispered, "*How come I am ill? I never get ill..*"

The prince did not reply and instead continued to gently stroke her temple, brushing away her damp hair.

"* I..ngh,*" Evanna slowly drifted off.

"* Evanna.. Happy Birthday.. When you are better, we will celebrate properly.*" His whisper caressed the top of her forehead like a lovers kiss. It was also the last thing she heard before darkness fell over her like a heavy veil.

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