Heart Over Sword

Chapter 111 - Uncontrollable

Evanna found herself once again sitting across from prince Arawn at the table and chairs on the prince's balcony. The sun was beaming down on them while the breeze gently blew across their faces bringing with it the scent of the flowers in full bloom around them. The meals they had differed by a lot in comparison. Where Arawn had a large, cooked breakfast, Evanna stuck to porridge and fruits. 

Even though she had not eaten for four days, it seems the prince already knew she still could not eat much. Her illness had passed, but her stomach shrunk, making even her porridge seemingly heavy. So, she stuck to the grapes, blushing as she glanced at Arawn and the fleeting smirk she saw on his face. That was right, when she first got there, he.. served her some grapes. 

Evanna almost choked again after feeling flushed, but she looked to the view and sipped on her water. Arawn chuckled and refilled her glass of water up again after she placed it back down and looked at her hands. 

"Arawn.." She glanced up to see his gaze trailing across her features. She stopped after their eyes locked, and for a long minute, she couldn't look away from the striking hues of blue in his eyes. They were so alluring, Evanna felt as though she would drown in those cool, pleasant pools quite happily.

It was then she also realised how he, too, was staring back at her. Her cheeks heated up to a rosy hue, and she looked down at her food. "What you went through for the last four days is what all elves go through when their powers are awakened."

Evanna looked back up at the prince. The embarrassment she felt all but swept away with the wind as she processed what he said. "So, it was bound to happen.." She murmured before reaching for her drink and taking a sip. She held the glass in between her hands and stared back at Arawn.

"My mother said she kept a close eye on me while I grew up. I assume that it can happen any time?" She queried as her finger started to tap on the side of her glass.

Arawn's eyes were on the glass before he drew them away and looked back at her again. "That is correct. The last chance of someone receiving their gift is when they are eighteen," He replied before glancing back at her hands again. 

Evanna's brows drew together, and she looked down. "Oh! Your highness, you should have said something. I apologise for my lack of manners," Evanna said in astonishment and looked around, panicked for a servant to come to the table. Unfortunately, it was only them on the balcony. She had accidentally taken the prince's drink. 

Evanna put the drink on the side and started to rise up from her chair. "I will find someone to replace.." She stopped, and her mouth fell open as Arawn took the glass and drank from it, holding her gaze as he did so. "What are you.. why.." Her mumble turned into a whisper, "My lips have touched that glass."

Arawn chuckled and returned the glass to the table. "There is no need to get a servant. Please, get back to your meal. You should eat to help replenish your strength and.." He trailed off as she sat back in her seat, staring at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. A smirk formed on his lips, "To recover quickly so I can see that beautiful tint of pink on your cheeks some more without worrying that you have become ill once more."

Evanna halted her action of reaching for the grapes and blinked back at him before sighing lightly. This man, "So shameless." Evanna's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth after her brain got carried away and spilt her thoughts out loud. 

"*With you, Evanna, you have no idea..*" He replied playfully. His eyes flickered with amusement as he watched the blush growing on her cheeks. Why.. did he sound so much better in Muranthian? Was it hot outside? Was she still not well? She placed her hand against her cheeks and forehead, causing the prince to chuckle. 

Arawn did not comment further or tease her more; instead, he gestured for her to finish her meal. Evanna was hesitant at first, but they sat in comfortable silence for the remainder of their breakfast, each deep in their own thoughts. When they finished, Arawn clicked his fingers once and the double doors to his bed-chambers opened, followed by Haryk and Rina, who cleared the table and set up a pot of tea for them.

Evanna blushed once more when Rina smiled at her, keeping her back to the prince and widened her eyes before moving them to point at the prince in a suggestive manner. Arawn tilted his head, and the princess bashfully let her hair fall in place, hiding her face while she looked at the scenery. She was so consumed by her mixed feelings about the prince that it took her some time to realise he made her a cup of tea.

"Did you…" She glanced around, but there was no one there except for them. "You know how to make tea?"

"Well, now I do feel insulted.. it is not very hard.." He replied curtly, but she could see the side of his mouth twitch into a slight curl and his eyes crinkling slightly. 

"No! I meant.. You know how I like my tea?" She backtracked, slightly flustered by asking such a thing.

Arawn chuckled. "Yes, Evanna.. I know how you like your tea.." He smirked before resting his elbow on the table, leaning his chin against his fist, with a single finger against his cheek. "One must know everything they need to know about their enemy.." 

Evanna couldn't tell if he was being serious or joking. She had a feeling it was both. Her lips pursed together, but she hid behind her cup of tea momentarily. "Anyway, now that you have eaten.. Oh," Arawn stopped himself and stood up. 

Evanna looked at him confused and became startled when he removed his black and gold embroidered coat, walking to the back of her chair and covering her shoulders. His hands stayed on her shoulders, and he lowered his head, so his lips nearly touched her ear. "*The breeze was picking up. I hope you are not too cold..*" He whispered gently; his warm breath sent tingles of a strange sensation across her body, and she tried not to tense from the sudden feeling.

"* That is very generous of you.. But-*" Evanna turned her head, and her breath hitched at how close their faces were. Her cheeks heated, and she looked the other way and mumbled, "* will you not be cold, your highness?*"

Arawn chuckled and pulled away from her, returning to his seat. Evanna visibly sagged but pulled the coat closer around. The wind blew some of her hair away from her face, leaving in its wake goosebumps across her chest. "I am accustomed to cold temperatures," He smirked, and Evanna shook her head, realising his gift must make him resistant. 

"So, does that mean you hate warm climates?" She asked, pushing past her awkwardness of how close their bodies were a few minutes ago. 

Arawn chuckled, "No, I am fine in any weather. I am not a block of ice that will melt!"

Evanna bit her lip, stopping herself from smiling too much. "Anyway, what do you think about testing out your new gift?" Arawn asked, earning a breathtaking smile from Evanna, who beamed at him in excitement.

"Really!?" She clapped her hands together once, stopping herself from appearing too excited.

Arawn smiled in return, which made Evanna's drop momentarily stunned at how strikingly handsome he was. A smile definitely suited him. "You should smile more," She blurted out and stilled with widened eyes at how her brain malfunctioned, and lips moved without thinking. She covered her mouth with her hand.

Arawn tilted his head to the side, his smile broadening, even more, taking her breath away and causing her chest to burn for that all-important air while her heart pounded. 

Oh, boy. Was she in trouble.. 

"Keep acting cute, and I will.." He said brazenly. Evanna stilled, and she looked down. She could not look at him, not when he was saying such things and smiling. Though his smile really was something, no wonder people stopped and stared when he did. She peeked up at him again, and he chuckled once more.

"Erm.. well.. you were s-saying.." Evanna stuttered, ignoring his comment, but she internally scolded herself at her stutter. She lifted her chin and met his captivating eyes and spoke confidently again, "You said we should test my gift out.."

"Not today. You still need to rest. Maybe tomorrow, if you are up for it?" He asked while noticeably trying not to smirk at how excited she was again.

"So, maybe today we could go to the library!?"

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