Heart Over Sword

Chapter 112 - An Offer

Evanna could not help but be ecstatic by going back to the library and picking up the books written in Muranthian. Though she realised she would still need to be wary, it was still a secret and one shared with the prince. She peeked up at him after hearing his light chuckle. Would he keep this a secret?

"I think it would be wise to rest some more, Evanna. You may be over the fever, but you might collapse again," Arawn replied, stilling Evanna by the concern that flickered across his features. But it went so quickly that Evanna must have been imagining it. He watched her patiently, and she realised she had not responded after pondering on the prince's actions. "For today, stay in my chambers. I still have work to do, but it would be best if you are in my line of sight," He added.

Evanna nodded and stood up, following him back inside, although she wondered why she was to stay in his chambers. If Rina was with her in the bed-chamber he provided her with, then there was no need for him to keep an eye on her. Unless this was in case, she tried anything, such as escaping with her new powers.

The princess rubbed her hand under her chin in thought about this prospect as Arawn led her to the sofa in his adjoined room. "Do you need the fire lit?" Arawn asked, snapping her out of her reverie. 

"Oh, no. I am fine, thank you. Oh.. here," Evanna began to remove his jacket from her shoulders, forgetting briefly it was still draped over her. The prince, however, turned his back on her, not responding to her comment. She was sure he heard her unless he clearly did not want to take it back. The princess did feel a little awkward with it on, but at the same time, it was providing her with a little extra warmth.

With Arawn's back turned as he collected some letters, Evanna nonchalantly pulled the collar towards her nose and smelled his scent quickly; the woodsy scent made her relax further as she watched the prince. Arawn turned around, and she dropped her hand swiftly before turning her head back, looking directly at the fireplace across from her. Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment at herself and what she did.

Luckily, he did not comment on her action, meaning he did not see it, although he was now observing her and walking directly towards her. "Are you heating up again? *I swore you broke through your fever*," He mumbled as he leaned down and placed his hands against her cheeks. Evanna's eyes widened at how close they were again, and she leaned further back into the couch. 

"Your cheeks have gone quite the loveliest of colours. But you look fine. Why are you blushing so much?" He asked sweetly before he smirked at her. 

"Because you are too close!" She replied, flabbergasted and feeling herself get warmer by the second. Then suddenly, a cool sensation spread from the prince's fingers and across her features. 

Her lips parted, remembering a similar sensation in her feverish state.

"That feels… nice," She murmured. They stared at each other, seemingly lost in the moment as the prince's thumbs swept over her cheeks rhythmically. She gazed back into those mesmerising blue eyes of his. He inched forwards, and Evanna seemed to come to her senses. "The gift!" She blurted out, causing the prince to jolt back in surprise.

He dropped his hands and sighed. "What about the gift?" He asked icily. 

Evanna looked down at her hands, trying not to stare into those piercing blue eyes for too long. "I just wondered.." She trailed off and glanced back at the prince who knelt down in front of her.

"Yes?" He drawled with a smile tugging at his lips. 

"I, um, the thing is. Obviously, you know I am part elf and have this gift now, whatever that may be.." Although she was pretty sure it had something to do with plants. "Will.. Can you keep this between us?" She pleaded, staring back at his handsome features. She watched as his eyes gleamed with amusement. 

"If I keep this between us.. What will you offer me in return?" He asked with his features once again impassive. However, Evanna could see the wheels turning behind his eyes at the possibilities. Her stomach dropped at what he could ask for and if she would be willing to give it to him.

"What do you want?" She whispered in defeat.

Arawn chuckled, "You should really ask the correct questions or tell me what you will give me.." 

Evanna blinked back in surprise. He was right, she caved in too easily, but after spending time with Arawn, albeit not willingly most times, she knew no matter what, he would get what it was he wanted. She hoped it had nothing to do with the gem; otherwise, she would happily let everyone know she is part elf. Even if it meant people looking down on her, she was used to it.

Arawn searched her eyes, and he could read her like a book. It seemed being unwell and spending time together in bed while he looked after her made her a little less guarded around him. Other than her blushing face and innocent eyes widening at his shamelessness, Evanna was rather good at keeping her composure. 

But right now, he could see a bit of fear behind her eyes at what he would ask of her. He could easily ask about the gem if this secret was 'big enough for that. He, however, knew after scanning her features and days of figuring her out that Evanna would not give up information so readily. 

He smirked as an idea formed in his head. Reaching his hand out, he entangled his fingers in her raven locks; she stilled but did not move as he closed the distance between them so there was but a small gap between their faces. "I want you to let me kiss you," He whispered.

"You said that was my choice.." She began rejecting him instantly.

"Nah-uh. This is still a choice.. It is up to you.." He replied darkly, almost purring as his eyes flashed with amusement. Evanna's heart was beating rapidly, and her cheeks heated up once more. She looked down at his lips. It wouldn't hurt to kiss him, right? Nobody would know, and she would never see him again once she escaped the kingdom. Her cheeks were on fire now at her own shamelessness.

Arawn's face was slowly lighting up with amusement, his lips curled into a beautiful smile, and Evanna knew her heart stopped beating for a moment. "Okay," She said breathlessly. The prince's hand glided out of her hand and cupped her cheek. 

Her heart seemed to be beating so slowly, her breath halted, and she thought everything was in slow motion as her stomach felt like doing backflips. Arawn chuckled as his lips were but an inch away from hers. She was about to close her eyes when they widened in shock instead. The prince planted a soft kiss on her cheek then leaned his forehead against the side of her temple. 

"I won't take your first kiss away from you. Not unless you ask me. But ask me soon, Evanna," His hand trailed down her neck slowly, inciting a ripple of burning desire through her body. The smell of him made her feel dizzy, and their closeness made her feel intoxicated and wanting. She could not understand her body's reaction, but having such a man touching her and leaving a pleasant kiss on her cheek was stirring something inside of her.

He kissed her temple quickly, taking her by surprise again, and abruptly stood up, turning away from her and towards his desk. "*Your secret is safe with me, Evanna.*"

Evanna was a little dazed and wondered how their first kiss might be. She shook her head and patted her cheeks; what was she thinking!? She glanced at Arawn and couldn't believe how calm and collected he was by already looking down at his papers, reading as though a kiss on the cheek was nothing. 

Maybe to him, it was nothing. He had been with women before; the prince was, in fact, very experienced. She didn't want to know the number of women he had been with before. His lifespan was long and-

"There are some books on the bookshelf or if you require anything else, inform me, and I will get one of the servants to help," Arawn said, interrupting her thoughts.

Evanna nodded, not relying on her voice for fear it would come out high pitched, showing how much it affected her. She got up and walked to the bookshelf, scanning all the titles before resting her eyes on some children's books that she had not read before. Grabbing a few, she returned to the couch quietly and began reading.

For the rest of the day, the pair spent time together either silently, the prince completing his royal duties while Evanna read, or they would discuss easy topics about their childhoods encouraged by the books she was reading. Evanna was still careful with how she spoke, making sure not to provide enough information away that might make the prince think further about her background. Occasionally Arawn stepped out to discuss matters with the king in his quarters, and Evanna was left to snooping in his room. 

As soon as she heard his footsteps, the princess would return to the bookshelf or acting nonchalant in his room. Nearing the late afternoon, it seemed fatigue slowly crept up on her, and she was soon fast asleep, lying on her back with her shoes on the ground and the book she was reading covering her face, her hands still holding it. Throughout the day, Evanna had become relaxed enough not to sit stiffly and appropriately due to etiquette. 

Arawn never minded nor cared. They were in his bed chambers, and they had already fought each other in the forest where manners were not a given. He sighed after glancing at her sleeping form. Without thinking too much about it, he approached Evanna and slowly lifted her up from the sofa. She did not stir and even snuggled her head in closer to his chest, making him smile down at her.

He gently placed her on his bed, bringing the covers over her. He stroked the top of her hair away from her face, gazing at her stunning features as thoughts sprung up in his mind.

"You know.. I quite like seeing you in my bed.."

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