Heart Over Sword

Chapter 113 - Nice View

Evanna sighed and rolled onto her side sinking further into her pillow, inhaling the woodsy scent that seemed to wrap around her and lull her into sleep. That woodsy scent.. She inhaled sharply and forced her eyes open after her heart shocked into gear, and she sprung up in bed. She reached out for her swords and looked around, feeling disorientated. With her hand flat on the mattress, she slowly pulled it away and placed it on her chest, feeling the thrumming of her beating heart.

Her mind was undoubtedly chaotic. It had been a while since she reacted in such a way- reaching for a weapon. Evanna blinked back the sleep as her eyes gazed upon the familiar room that was not hers. Why was she in bed? She scanned the room but could not find the prince. However, she noted how the sun was shining through the patio doors. What time was it?

Pulling the covers away from her, she let her feet slide to the floor, and she kept her footsteps light as she rounded the bed and walked towards the adjoined living room. But the prince was not there.

"* Good morning *" 

Evanna jumped and spun around, almost jumping again as she squealed, covering her eyes with her hands. Arawn was walking towards her with his chest bare and a towel around his waist; steam floated off of him from the hot bath he must have had. His white locks were damp and clinging onto his face. She peeked through her fingers, and her mouth went dry as her eyes roamed down his body, taking in the hard ridges of his toned body.

Arawn chuckled, and she blushed profusely, snapping her fingers together again. "Please, put on some clothes!" She screeched. This man..

"Do you not enjoy the view?" He purred. His voice was very close; she knew without a doubt he was standing right in front of her now. Her fingers slid apart, her heart pounded loudly in her ears, and the first thing she saw was Arawn's sharp features right in front of her, too close for comfort. She could feel the warmth radiating off him, the steam misting over her face.

"Ah!" She pushed him back and almost screamed again, feeling his bare chest, and spun around.

"I thought I was good looking, yet you are acting as though I am a vile monster?" Arawn said, stepping towards her retreating form. 

"Stop! Or I will run out of here screaming!" Evanna replied, flustered. She kept her eyes on the other side of the room. He must do this on purpose; her heart surely could not take so much first thing in the morning.

Arawn chuckled and started retreating; Evanna looked over after hearing the padding of his feet on the floor get further away. He raked his hand through his damp hair that fell effortlessly once more in perfect symmetry along the back of his broad shoulders. The princess shook her head, "I must get going, your highness. I have overstayed my welcome in your room.." She started to back away to the door, feeling embarrassed that it was the following morning. 

Arawn clicked his tongue disapprovingly but waved his hand, "Go freshen up and return, we can go to the library together, and if you are feeling well enough, we should test your new gift out," Said the prince whose back was still turned to her as he went back to his adjoined dressing room. Evanna parted her lips to respond, but her gaze flew back to the bed, and she tilted her head. Only one side seemed to have been slept in. She was a bit puzzled as to why the prince did not sleep next to her. Did he not in the time that she was ill?

But Evanna did not let her mind become too clouded with her thoughts. Instead, she took the opportunity to sneak out of his bed-chamber. With the door ajar slightly, she peeked out at the large hallway and the guards that were stationed about. With heated cheeks, she kept her head held high as she walked quickly towards her bed-chamber. 

Either the guards did not notice, or they were trained well enough not to appear to have noticed. The princess felt better knowing that Cedric or Anwel were not there either; it would have been even more embarrassing. She rushed into her room, letting the doors close behind her quietly before heading straight to her bathroom. Not long after, Rina appeared flabbergasted that Evanna drew her own bath and was already nearly finished by the time her handmaiden arrived.

Rina was professional in helping Evanna change and did not even look at her warily after knowing that the lady was not found in her bed that morning. Evanna sat on her balcony in a light golden dress with floral embroidery down the front of it, its sleeves stopped at the elbow, and sheer sleeves draped down past her waist. It went well with the early morning sunshine that shone down on her while she enjoyed her breakfast away from the prince. 

It was strange how the dynamics of a relationship could alter so much after a day or two with someone. She could not pinpoint what exactly the 'relationship' between her and the elven prince was, though. The prince and prisoner, now turning to the teacher and prisoner? 

After eating her breakfast and joining in an entertaining discussion with Rina, she left her chambers only to bump straight into the prince who stood outside her doors, his hand raised to knock on the door. Evanna took a step back and bowed with reddened cheeks at bumping into Arawn so clumsily, she should have walked out gracefully; it could have easily been a servant or guard. The prince smiled and provided his arm for her, leading her towards the library without uttering a word. 

She wanted to look at his face, but after waking up in his bed, she felt it was best to keep her composure in front of the elven nobility who walked past them, trying to gain the prince's attention. As soon as they turned to the grand library, nobody followed them, and anyone in the lavish room soon left as soon as they saw the crown prince. The only person who seemed to have stayed was the same man she saw previously.

He was once again among the trees in the centre of the library, looking among the books. Evanna instantly slid away from the prince and walked towards a golden book in the centre of the room floating in the air, twirling in a circle, almost with a sign shouting 'read me!'. She reached her hand out and snatched it away after hearing Arawn chuckle from behind her.

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