Heart Over Sword

Chapter 129 - Elven Prince Meets Demon Prince (2)

Arawn took the scroll and eyed the portrait. His mind almost going numb at what was just revealed to him. He looked over the painting; Evanna looked so regal, her attire of a long sleeve navy dress of the human's fashion, puffed out from the waist with a tiara resting atop her long raven locks. Her smile was almost force and not genuine, her eyes piercing him even through a picture. 

He looked up, not knowing that he had walked quite a distance and now stood behind the tents, with Prince Conrad, Sir Baldwin and his guards following behind. His eyes landed on two prisoners who were tied up, their mouths gagged with a cloth. Little bits and pieces fell into place as he recognised the man and woman sitting on the ground. 

These were two of Evanna's comrades who entered the forest with her. Arawn recovered his composure as the pair looked at him with widened eyes and started making incoherent noises, trying to possibly alert the other humans. He was the one who captured the princess, after all.

"Please heed them no mind, your highness. They were the last to see her highness and will be punished accordingly," Sir Baldwin voiced from behind Arawn.. "Have you seen the princess?"

Arawn spun around then, closing the scroll in his hand. "I have not. But if I ever lay eyes on such a woman, I would not let her wander these woods. Fear not, I will grant you entry," He glanced from Prince Conrad to Sir Baldwin, a sly smile curling his lips. "But I must warn you, there are several creatures in Direwood. You have indeed come at dangerous times. A few of the faceless creatures have escaped and ventured into the forest."

Prince Conrad was the first to react, his eyes widening at Arawn's warning. "How can that be? They were-" 

"Yes, I am aware of the situation, Prince Conrad. As I have stated, you must be wary. I can provide you with some of my men, but even we find it difficult to take down such things." Arawn glanced at the knight again, who looked lost at their conversation. "I shall leave it to you to explain to Sir Baldwin about the characteristics of such beasts."

The elven prince put Evanna's portrait inside the inner pocket of his cloak and pulled out another scroll, holding it out for the prince to take. With his seal and the magic he placed upon it, all elves in Direwood forest would be aware that this group of humans had the prince's approval to enter. And so, they would not be harmed. Prince Conrad received the scroll and bowed his head. "Thank you. And I will take you up on that offer. It would be in my men's best interest if there were more of us if we do run into any faceless."

"Very well," Arawn replied and started walking towards his horse. As soon as he placed his foot in the stirrup, lifted up to sit on his horse, he looked back at the prince of Hatherland. He wondered what the relationship was between the 'Demon Prince of the North' and Evanna. Was she fleeing him? No, that did not make sense. Why did she steal the gem? Numerous questions spun in his mind once more at the revelation that Evanna was a princess, but the princess of Dunhurst?

"*Poldo! Wade!*" Arawn called for two of his warriors. They jumped down from the trees, gracefully landing on the ground and strolling towards them, their eyes searching the perimeter as they did. "*You will accompany these humans while they stay in Direwood forest. Guard them as much as you can. Report to me about anything you find.. odd.*" Arawn continued in a calm and collected manner, with his gaze still on the Demon Prince. 

Arawn gestured to his men. "Poldo and Wade will accompany you on your travels through Direwood." Arawn began and almost smirked at Conrad's scrutiny of his men. "I assure you, they are more than capable of assisting you. *Two of my men are equal to twenty of yours.*"

"Thin-era, prince Arawn. *You must not have fought Hatherland warriors before.*" Conrad replied with a smug smile on his face. Arawn did not show his surprise on his statuesque features. Conrad was not from Dunhurst, where the elven tongue was not spoken, but it was still shunned upon people in the north. And just like in Dunhurst, there didn't seem to be any who spoke Muranthian. 

It was not bold of Conrad to speak to him in Muranthian; he would not be executed for such a thing. But it seemed Conrad wanted a reaction from the stoic, cold-hearted elven prince. Well, he was not going to give him one. "*I have indeed. Quite the brutes really,*" Arawn smiled in approval, "*But you should not be displeased with how little men I provide you with. Instead, you should rejoice that you now have guides to help you in your search. Many people have fallen from getting lost in the woods. It is not always about the monsters lurking inside of them.*"

Conrad grinned, a wolfish grin as he glared at Arawn, who smirked in response. He knew many would flinch and cower by Conrad's animosity towards them, but to Arawn, even if he was a 'Demon' child, he knew more than anyone how rumours spread out of control. This man was strong and powerful, one to never lose in a fight, but Conrad had never fought him before, and from the scar on his lip, it seemed already at least one person was close enough to cause such an injury. 

Sir Baldwin watched on with rounded eyes, with the thick tension filling the air between the two princes. He did not know what they spoke of, but they were wasting time. If the princess did go into the forest, they should start searching for her, especially if there were more dangerous creatures there than he assumed previously. Baldwin knew princess Evanna could wield a sword, but it was one thing training and another putting those skills to use and surviving in the wilderness. 

"I am grateful to your help, prince Arawn," Sir Baldwin interrupted the violent stares between the princes. The pair looked at him, only then being reminded of his presence. "We will start to pack up camp and set off as soon as possible."

Arawn nodded his head once in dismissal and spun his horse around, trotting off until Garrett caught up to him and their presence merged with the woods and disappeared from view of the humans. 

"*What has happened, Sire? Do we need to keep an eye on them?*" Garrett asked instantly. His voice was alert, his body tense as he eyed the prince. 

Arawn was processing what he learnt and could not speak his mind to his friend. He let his horse lead the way down the path it knew while his mind ran. 

Evanna was a princess. She was king Osian's daughter. The princess of Dunhurst. A human kingdom and she recklessly entered Direwood forest to steal from the Flori. Something so severe would cause a war. Was she acting on the king's command? No, surely not. 

If the king wanted something from them, he would not send his daughter, no matter how capable, into the den of his enemy. Sir Baldwin also had two of Evanna's comrades tied up as prisoners, though that may be because they failed her? No, if it was the king's command, he would not use a shapeshifter or the fairy he saw previously. 

But then, Evanna was also part elf. His brows drew together at this. The king was against all magic and anything to do with the elves. But he had a daughter with an elf.. Something was not adding up. 

"*There is no need. Wade and Poldo will report anything to me,*" Arawn replied through gritted teeth. He tapped his horse, urging him to move quicker. There was no point in losing his mind on such theories; he would get his answers straight from Evanna. 

This was urgent now; if his father hears of this, then war would break out for sure, unless..

He made a better proposition. A proposal...

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