Heart Over Sword

Chapter 130 - Onslaught Of Emotions

By the time Arawn made it back to the palace, it was nightfall. But his energy had not been depleted as he jumped off his horse at the stables rushing towards the gardens, his strides long and determined. He did not take note of anyone in his way; they soon moved after seeing his stormy face. He made it through the palace, dismissing any guards rushing to report to him. They looked panicked, but his priority was Evanna. The princess of Dunhurst.

Just thinking that made him clench his teeth together and his temple throb. He ascended the stairs and only listened to Haryk, who rambled nonsense to him. Arawn only half listened but looked at the sweating butler when he heard Evanna's name.. 

"*Say that again.*" Arawn demanded as he pushed open the double doors to Evanna's room. The doors slammed into the walls, and his gaze landed on Rina, who turned around, eyes wide, her hands covering her mouth, her face red from crying. 

Arawn came to an abrupt stop as he observed the room. His heart began to pound through his ears as fear seeped into his chest. "*Where is she?*" He asked calmly, but he had a sinking feeling already that she was gone. The balcony doors were open, the sheer curtains blowing in from the wind, the moonlight shining in revealing the leaves flung across the ground.

Arawn marched towards the balcony after silence followed his question, almost swallowing him up with the lingering question in the air. He slowed his pace when he felt the lingering magic of Evanna's gift. He stopped at the balcony's edge and curled his hands around two thick vines dangling down the terrace, and they were of the princess's own creation.

"*Your highness, Lady Evanna.. she..*"

"*When did she escape?*" He asked, cutting off Rina. His voice was laced with ice, sharp enough to pierce anyone who dared to utter a word that would annoy him. 

He turned around and faced Rina and Haryk, who could not meet his eyes. Their hands fumbled together in front of them. Arawn's eyes landed on a letter in Rina's hands. His own clenched together as his surroundings started to form ice among the ground and dark mist forming behind him. He waited patiently, forcing himself to stay in control of his powers. 

"*Possibly a few hours ago. Cedric and Anwel are in search of her with a few other warriors,*" Rina replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She swallowed hard and raised her hand, holding the letter. "*This letter is addressed to you, Sire.*"

Arawn snapped his fingers, and the letter appeared in his outstretched hand. He ripped it open and chuckled darkly, shaking his head as he grabbed his crown and threw it across the balcony floor. Rina and Haryk flinched at his outburst, but they did not move away. 

The letter read:


I'm sorry for everything. Please know that I will return the gem when I can, and although our circumstances were strange, I really did see you as my friend.


Arawn's thumb grazed along the ink on the parchment. Her handwriting was terrible; it looked rushed, most likely because she was panicked. This escape was not planned. Evanna showed signs of wanting to escape when she was first captured, as he expected but not recently unless he let his guard down? 

But her demeanour that morning showed that something was wrong; she looked upset. Arawn cursed under his breath. He knew he should have pressed harder for her to answer him. He held the letter to his chest, squeezing it as he closed his eyes. 

He felt an onslaught of emotions, emotions he thought he kept in check after his mother passed away. His chest ached in despair, but there was also a burning fire set aflame inside of him from Evanna's absence. He felt betrayed; she could not leave him. Not now, not after everything he found out and how much he.. how much he.. cared for her. 

He snapped his eyes open and walked past the servants who stood there like scared statues; he put the crumpled up letter inside his cloak. 

"*Sire, your orders?*" Haryk asked, rushing to keep up to the prince who already made it to the stairs. Garrett was standing at the bottom of them with the three guards from earlier. 

"*Keep this from the king for as long as possible. Clear up any signs of her absence,*" Arawn spoke over his shoulder, glancing around at the men guarding his quarters. They were his men and could be trusted to keep it from the king. Arawn then patted Garrett on the shoulder, "*We are returning to the forest.*"

Garrett spun around and jumped in front of the prince. "*How will you track her in the dark?*" He asked, taking the prince by surprise. How did he know Evanna was gone? His questioning gaze was answered by Garrett's response. "*Cedric and Anwel returned after scouting the surrounding areas.*"

"*Did you forget that I am the best tracker?*" Arawn rounded Garrett and continued down the hallway. He heard Garrett's footsteps keeping up behind him. He knew his friend could not convince him otherwise. "*Garrett, she is not safe out there.*" She is alone.

Arawn raced back through the palace, this time not stopping at the stables. But he went through the cellar where there were fewer eyes and ears who could report on his whereabouts. It was not unusual for the crown prince to be in and out of the castle frequently, and it was only recently that he had not gone into the forest because Evanna was in the palace. 

With Garrett and the others following behind him, they dashed past the gates, the prince barely nodding at the guards on patrol. Cedric and Anwel also caught up to them, but Arawn's glare halted them in their place. "*You are useless to me, tired,*" He snapped and pulled his hood up over his shimmering moonlight pale hair. 

"*Please forgive us, your highness,*" Anwel began but shut his mouth when the prince whipped his head back to look at them. Garrett eyed the prince's hands, he would never hurt his men, but Arawn had not been in such a state in so many years. 

"*We are not tired and can continue,*" Cedric added and bowed his head, his fisted hand against his chest. 

Arawn clicked his tongue and turned back around, "*Fatigue causes mistakes and accidents. I do not have time to babysit you.*"

Garrett sighed and waved for Anwel and Cedric to continue at the end of the small group. Arawn's words were sharp, but Garrett knew the prince was worried for their safety. It was nearing midnight, and the pair had already been searching for Lady Evanna. They looked dishevelled but determined; it seemed she had left a lasting impression on them. He wondered if they were hurt by her choice to escape?

It was apparent that Prince Arawn cared deeply for the girl. Garrett didn't know if this was a good thing or not because the first woman Arawn opened up to was someone he could not trust. Evanna was a thief, and from what knowledge he gained from observation and intel from the other guards, she was also a noble. But mainly, he could not trust her because she was a human.

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